4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2989: outside

This place...Lin seems to know.

Not long ago, Lin asked the cracking group to send out a spy from Lin.

It is said that after the transfer, you can reach the location of the creature that has been talking to them to establish a void tunnel.

Lin currently does not see the creature.

I only saw a vast emptiness...

Various large and small floating objects are covered with the front view. These floating objects seem to be part of certain creations, which may be buildings or aircraft.

This place...should be there.

Before Lin knew that the original material of the amber screed made by the amber creator was that it disassembled the parasite to a civilization and regarded this civilization as the basic material for making amber balls.

Lin believes that these floating ruins are left by the civilization used to build the amber ball.

The reason why Lynn can confirm immediately is because these floats...the composition of them is very similar to the amber ball itself.

After examining a few floats, Lin found that most of them were made of amber.

It can be said that it is almost exactly the same. The possibility of that civilization here is very large.

But there is a problem, that is why there are so many ruins left here.

Maybe these are unwanted scraps or something? Lynn thinks...should not.

In short... you need to investigate this environment more carefully.

Thinking, Lin let the spy get into an object and began to transform the interior of the object.

Lin can use these materials to build larger units on the spot and explore the environment... but I'm not sure if I can find the amber creator here.

Maybe it is not in this place long ago.

So Lynn thinks it might be better to do something else to bring it out... for example, let the winter creator and the rip-out group give it out.

When the splitting group was transmitted, Lin carefully examined the space channels they opened.

This is a one-way tunnel. It feels like a bus transmission. It can only be turned on for a short while, and the outside... any creature that touches the space of the painful land is pulled here.

What makes Lin feel amazing is that it seems that the painful land is connected to quite a few places, not just an 'inges' of the amber ball.

It must be the location where the painful land is 'touched', and the rift group can open the passage there.

The original cracking group can open the two-way channel, that is, you can catch the creatures, and you can send yourself or something else to you.

But they can't send themselves out now, so they are trapped here.

Although they can send something else out, they can only send one location. It is the location where Lynn’s spies are being sent out, and they can only send very small things.

The main thing is that they don't know where the problem is.

But Lynn can make a ... arms and send them all out.

If Lynn sends them out, it may cause the attention of the amber creator.

As long as it says something to it, Lynn may find out where it is.

Lin made this unit that sent them all out and used these crackers as materials.

But you don't need to use it because there are many corpses in the brain.

There are a lot of cracking groups that have not been able to sustain it... So, Lynn can use their bodies to assemble a small device.

The effect of this device is exactly the same as that of the rift mass itself, and Lin is assembled almost entirely according to their body structure.

Because there are many nutrients that cell organisms can use in the brain, Lin uses these nutrients to create a larger unit and begins to synthesize this small space device.

This process didn't take long... After a while, Lin successfully made the device.

The shape of this device was made into a pom-pom shape with a diameter of more than one meter. For the appearance of this pom-pom, the surrounding cracking groups were surprised.

In fact, Lin has always been studying space-related technologies, and it is not difficult to create one in the case of ‘space materials’, that is, these cracking groups.

Then... Lynn began to transmit.

'Snapped! ’

After a brief flash, a cracking group disappeared.

The next second, it appeared in the outside of the void, the same position as the ruins that Lynn had before.

This transmission is essentially different from the bus, except that it opens a space channel and does not need to perceive a location.

So Lynn doesn't know where it will go, but now it seems... as long as the channel is opened here, it will definitely be there.

"I actually came out... I left there!"

The cracking group sent out to the outside was very excited, and its excitement was that it was constantly flashing red light on the body.

In fact, this is their original language, and the creator's crack language is what they learn later.

Next, all the cracking groups in the brain castle were sent to the outside ruins by Lin, and when they were excited, Lin also began to send the brain cells of the winter creators.

At the same time as the delivery, Lin also created suitable armor for them to allow them to move outside.

The winter creators have never been aware of the situation, and it has been unconscious during the exchange between Lin and the Rift.

After the brain cells were all sent out, it slowly woke up.

"Already...have left there?"

The brain cells of the winter creator have been integrated and made into an ice-like sphere by Lin.

At the same time, Lynn also connected its brain cells to this new body, which can control the movement of this new body to make cracks.

Finally, Lin also sent Lin's pompom-shaped small conveyor to here.

"Is you sending me out?"

After the winter creators noticed the pompoms, they showed some surprises on the pompons.

"Yes." Pompon also gave a simple answer to it.


"Because I want to know everything."


During the simple exchange between Lin and it, Lin found that the cracking groups that had just been transmitted around suddenly ran away.

They flew in different directions at a rapid rate.

Because they didn't say anything, and they didn't shine on their bodies, Lin couldn't see if they wanted to leave, or because they were scared away by what, feeling... was scared away.

"It's very dangerous now." The winter creator still stays here, but it can't escape even if he wants to escape, because Lin made it to him... The body's ability to move is very poor.

"Do you know?" Lin asked: "Things about the creatures that shut you down..."

“Yes, I know very well.” The winter creator said: “It should appear soon.”

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