4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2991: Sustained suffering

It has been in violent pain... constantly tumbling. Fiction.

This was after the battle with the Rift Air Corps, and the Amber creators made every effort to besiege the cleft.

The cracking group... actually has a lot of transmission modes.

One is that they are commonly used. When they determine a certain target, they open the space channel and transmit it.

The other is to directly open the random space channel around, not sure the target.

Usually, if you open it, you usually don't send any creatures, but this group of crackers makes a lot of Nether creatures appear in the creator's world. These Void creatures will definitely be creators regardless of their personality. The ecology created has a great impact.

Perhaps it is because there are many small spaces in the vicinity of the creator. This group of rip-open groups can always get a lot of creatures.

And when the creators are besieging them and pushing them all together... This group of rift-groups is facing a huge crisis, and together they try to open more and larger channels to get more creatures.

Their practice led to a fierce ‘storm’ that swept the world.

How the creator's final destiny in this world cannot be known...because after that, the creator finds himself in that terrible place.

It is... the land of pain.

It doesn't know how it came in, and there is no way to think about it.

Because it is quickly swallowed up by intense pain... However, the creator's consciousness is very 'strong'.

It does not have the idea of ​​suicide, but its brain cells are difficult to sustain.

Its brain cells could not continue to support, the internal secretions completely collapsed, and the creator quickly lost all consciousness.

But... it didn't die.

It has been in a very strange state for a long time, and its consciousness has been continually dying... rebirth.

The creator keeps slumbering and waking up, and every time he wakes up, his thoughts are filled with great pain, and he will die very quickly.

Then after a long period of time, it will wake up again, feel the great pain again, and then die.

Because there is no feeling of time after death, in fact this pain is uninterrupted for the creator.

It has always suffered from endless suffering in this ‘hell’.

However, it has been paying attention to its own changes... because it wakes up every time and finds itself different.

Initially it was part of the body and brain cells that were sent to the land of pain, and the brain cells soon died.

The rest of the body... seems to have survived.

Every time I wake up, the creator finds that its shape and position are different.

Sometimes it finds that its body shape has become a big shape, and it has grown a lot of structures like tentacles and searches for debris around it for a living.

Sometimes, it finds that its body is divided into many parts, scattered in a large range.

But no matter what the body becomes, they always try to reshape their brains.

Lynn thinks this is quite special.

Because the former creator died after the brain... its body cells did not have the ability to reshape the brain.

In fact, Lynn discovered when she met the winter creator... These creators can reshape the brain, and that's not all.

After each remodeling, this brain can inherit the memory of the previous brain.

However, from the description of the winter creator, it seems that this amber creator was not clear about the reshaping of the brain in the early days.

It doesn't even know that its cells have this ability.

So it feels like it is constantly sleeping and waking up and suffering.

Of course, after a few times, it has noticed that its consciousness is constantly remodeled by the body cells.

The creator's body has been adapting to life in a variety of ways, constantly changing into various forms.

Living here is very difficult because painful energy has an effect on even creatures without nerve structures.

In fact, as long as there is a ‘instinct’ creature that ‘favors and avoids harm’, it will feel full of interference under the interference of painful energy;

Although they can support longer than neurologically conscious creatures, the average creature will die in this place sooner or later.

However, the creator... has never died.

The cells of its body are constantly supported here, but it also causes the creators themselves to suffer continuously.

This situation has been going on for a long time, and it has been trying to figure out how to struggle from this state.

The main method of its struggle is to try to give the body cells various instructions to reshape the different brains next time.

That is, let them create a brain that can resist suffering.

Although it has been studying methods for itself, it also hopes that these body cells will gain the ability to resist pain in the long-term evolution.

It’s just that they have never had this ability.

But after they made a new brain some time, the creator found that... this brain is a little different from the past.

The pain in the center of the brain is less than the pain in the peripheral brain.

When you die, you die from the periphery. The brain cells in the center support it for a long time.

So the creator thinks this plan... seems to work.

That is, you can use brain cells to help stop the pain.

After thinking of this method, it began to try to direct the body cells.

Every time it is awake, it only takes a short time to do so.

But it still understands the details of the remodeling of the brain by its own cells during the process of waking up and suffering.

Thus, it allows the body cells to create a batch of ... brain cells without memory, and then create cells with memory.

There is memory as the main thinking, and those who have no memory can not be connected with memory.

Their role is to surround the main thinking with memory as a shield against pain.

Then... its body cells did create such a structure.

When there are a large number of brain cells as defensive, it finds that it is much longer to be aware of itself than it used to be.

This also makes it easier for it to perform more things.

Although the cell used for peripheral defense died after it died, it was lost before it was completely dead.

And now it can at least support the moment of death.

This will give you more time to further research and investigate this place.

After that, it has passed for a while.

The amber creator was freed from many deaths and remodelings.

But it is not free from pain, but it can only survive -

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