4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3003: End of the stars

When the Star Alliance dropped a large number of powerful bombs into this ocean-covered tumbling man, ready to destroy it... this place suddenly became active.

Originally it was in a state of solidification, and everything was ‘suspended’.

However, it seems that this is different from the solidification of the solidified void, and its pause state is said to not affect the surrounding things.

All the material in this tumbling person is very similar to the state in which their 'time' was suspended.

But after it was threatened, it woke up...accurately everything was working.

The bombs that the fleet dropped were all at this moment... they were thrown back.

Although the fleet reacted to escape the counterattack, the next thing they faced was the entire sphere.

According to the winter creator, it was... a fierce war.

The ball of this liquid is extremely powerful, and all the attacks of the fleet cannot access it, and it can easily destroy the battleship.

After destroying the entire fleet, it came in the direction of the Star Alliance.

The Star Alliance has once again formed a huge fleet, and buses are also involved.

They decided to concentrate all their forces against this threat.

This battle... Winter Creators are not clear.

Most of the previous battles were ‘live’, but this one did not.

The winter creators at that time only saw the shadows of countless explosions, and most of the areas of the Star Alliance suffered heavy losses.

Although all of the fleet's fleets weigh far more than the ocean tumbling, they seem to be hard to resist this...powerful opponent.

This opponent can smash the battleship from tens of millions of kilometers away, can control the space storm and other phenomena at will, and can also summon many powerful creatures with strange shapes.

The warships used their violent firepower and the power of the bus to do everything possible against the opponent. They also used the power of the artifacts that were collected before.

Although the war situation was not broadcast live, the winter creators still made every effort to understand the situation of the war.

But it did not see the end of the war.

The fierce war has caused a lot of changes in the space of this place, and the winter creators and other small creators have been rushed to the ‘swallowing’.

The winter creator said that at that time, it found that the surrounding space was constantly changing dramatically and lasted for a long time.

When it stabilized, it found itself in a dark place.

It is... the land of pain.

It did not die immediately in the land of pain, and it supported it for a while in a painful environment.

And in the land of pain, it is more aware of the situation of war, it can perceive the creatures in the Star Alliance.

It feels that the Star Alliance is losing ground, and all the 'artifacts' used to deal with the target are also destroyed one by one.

However, the final outcome of the league is not to perish.

But... was 'paused'.

It is actually similar to the beginning of the ocean tumbling.

At the time, the Winter Writer said that the other party seemed to use some wonderful ability, so that every creature in the entire league slowly... stopped the activity.

Because of the different time of stopping, these creatures can see the surrounding kind and feel their consciousness slowly stop.

The winter creators felt that one consciousness disappeared in panic, and the last one did not.

That is, they are all suspended by...

But maybe it can't be called 'pause', because it doesn't know whether it is for a while or forever.

Because from that time to the present... no creatures wake up, but the winter thinkers think they are likely to wake up.

But not all creatures were suspended at the time.

Some creatures, such as the winter creators, were swallowed up by space anomalies before the mass suspension, and went elsewhere.

There is... bus.

After the war, the bus escaped.

The winter creator didn't know how it left the place, but it was generally aware of its consciousness.

The bus returned to its original position alone.

It seems that because of the war, the creatures on it are almost extinct, and it has also been hit hard.

From that time on, the bus began to study the painful things.

As the bus seems to fly farther and farther, the winter creator can't feel where it is.

However, it can feel a lot of other creatures.

It is also the residual creature of the Star Alliance.

The anomalies caused by space storms have not completely engulfed the entire Star Alliance, and may have swallowed more than 90% of the Alliance territory.

But there are still some territories left that have not been swallowed up.

There is one, just in the vicinity of the land of pain.

The creatures living here could only watch the disappearance of the Alliance in amazement. After a long time, they calmed down... and slowly rebuilt the homes destroyed by the space storm.

Then slowly highlighted a problem between them.

These creatures are the marginal creatures of the Star Alliance, or they can be said to be the underlying creatures.

The Star Alliance is not equal, although in terms of 'law', creatures have almost equal rights.

However, the strong race has been pressing the weak lower race.

These lower classes found that after the powerful rulers disappeared, they rebuilt their homes and did not rebuild for a long time.

In order to compete for the rule of power, or simply different ideas, under various reasons, they began to fight each other.

Because of the loss of technology, they can't make any powerful weapons, only relatively simple and weak weapons.

And the most common of them is... amber matter.

It is very convenient to synthesize various things using amber substances. They also mainly use the amber material war.

However, the final winner is not any of the remnants of these Star Alliances.

But... ‘amber matter’ itself.

From a certain moment, suddenly there was some amber matter... I didn’t listen to the order.

They begin to attack their controllers.

Because these creatures are too dependent on amber matter, this sudden counterattack makes them unable to resist.

Then the amber substance easily solved these creatures.

As for why, the winter creator thinks it is the influence of the ocean tumbling.

Because amber substances are not obedient, they are arbitrarily formed into a variety of new shapes.

These shapes are similar to some of the creatures that the ocean tumbling used for war.

After the elimination of most of the Alliance's residual species, the amber substance aggregated the creations.

That is, the buildings of the Star Alliance, the aircraft and other creations, whether complete or ruined, are collected and brought up by them, and these things are transported to the location of an exit of the painful land.

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