It is said that the little creators have grown into many...different creators.

None of these creators have inherited the previous creator's thinking, but each has developed a new way of thinking.

Although they lived their lives in the void, the amber creators did not forget them.

It found these creators and told them some information.

However, I did not say all the information, and actually did not communicate directly.

Just let them know that the 'amber creator' is their own 'mother'.

They are all descendants.

Also let them know some things now.

For example, it makes a lot of 'parasitic' things.

These parasites were transformed from amber matter, and the amber creators sprinkled them in other civilizations in a number of ways.

They, like the usual amber substances, change according to the biological mind, but do not become large objects.

They will remain hidden in the body of the creature and in the creatures of the creature, parasitizing and affecting the entire civilization.

One of the more special things about this is that the parasite itself is not amber.

The actually a creature made of amber matter.

The first step was to parasitize the amber material in the civilization and then use the material composition of the host to create the parasite.

For example, if amber material enters a cell organism, it uses a small number of cells to make a parasite.

So the parasite is not an amber substance, but the same substance as the host.

After parasitizing multiple civilizations, the amber creator is slowly building...amber balls.

This is actually a very long process, during which other small creators are also developing themselves.

For example, the creator has taken a fancy to the group of creatures and tried to become a high temperature creature.

After a long period of time, the amber creator finally finished the amber ball.

The amber ball at this time has the size of a bus with pain and a lot of creatures.

The amber creator left the amber ball at some point, leaving behind the creatures and those... gears.

The creator used the ‘artifact’ to fly deep into the void.

This ‘artifact’ is called the “stable space door” by the Star Alliance, and its shape is also like a gear.

Its role is to establish a stable space channel...accurately, it is possible to connect multiple spaces.

This can form a tunnel to the depths of the void, which can reach a deep distance and reach the depths of the void.

The amber creator left this time mainly for two purposes.

One is to attack... the pain bus.

The other is to see a creature, the creature called the 'Chorus Brain'.

While shaping the amber ball, the creator has been studying a lot of things about the wars of the past.

It believes that the war will soon be reopened... the transmitted energy will disappear completely in the war.

And what it has to do is to restore the way of space travel in the past... to build a huge ‘virtual tunnel’.

By then, all creatures eager to travel in the void will gather in this tunnel and use it to travel.

The amber creator can use this tunnel to observe more creatures and learn more about biological ideas.

This is its main purpose.

But it has always had a problem.

Amber creator... I didn't know about the war before.

It is not known as a small creator.

But it grew up on the original amber ball as an amber creator, and then it has these memories.

So... it decided to figure it out.

It believes that this should be caused by the ‘ocean tumbling person’, and that sphere may have something to do with the previous war.

It also feels that it is a sphere that is important to it...the sphere.

But it has never been found where the ocean tumbling is going.

It just knows that the Ocean Roller has entered the normal void after giving the Star Alliance a 'pause'.

Then what it is doing is completely unknown.

It has been trying to find, but there is no way to know the position of the sphere.

But by chance, it discovered the brain of another creature.

Because it is the miracle that the brain has led the Star Alliance to 'save' the ocean tumbling, the amber creator believes that the brain must know the ocean tumbling.

After discovering where it is, it set off.

Use ‘Artifact’ to travel quickly in the void and reach the target.

This ‘artifact’ has some problems, that is, it cannot freely want to reach a certain location, it can only connect a part of the space.

If none of the spaces it connects to can reach a certain place, then there is no way.

Fortunately, the location of the brain is where you can connect.

So the amber creator first went to find the brain.

When it arrived at the position of the brain, it found that the place where the brain was located was a civilized... territory.

Zhou brain is doing exactly the same thing before.

That is to act as the 'forecaster' of this civilization.

It predicts a lot of things, like threats around, or whether there are any disasters happening.

It also tells the location of the resources around these creatures.

The brain does not say false information, in fact, its predictions have greatly helped the civilization.

This was also true at the time of the Star Alliance.

It has never been 'framed' over the Star Alliance, except... the last time.

In fact, it is because of this... Because the brain used to help the Star Alliance in the past is too big, even after the space storm appeared, they did not decide to kill the brain immediately.

What the brain is thinking about, the amber creator is not clear, but it thinks it should be possible to get information from it.

Thus, the creator is close to the civilization in which the brain is located.

However, what it did not expect was that the brain of the universe said it was a threat to this civilization.

Then the entire civilization immediately armed and began to confront the creators.

But the creator is not coming by himself, it has an army.

... the army of amber matter.

Because of the completion of the amber ball, the amber material structures that were originally used to collect the ruins of the Union were all idle.

The creators transformed them into the army, and this time they also took them as the main force of the battle.

The creator does not know why the brain will be hostile to it, but in this case, destroy the army of this civilization and find the brain to ask for news.

However, it found that this civilization does not seem to be so good.

Because really...too much trust in the brain.

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