4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3009: a small amount of consciousness

The war is over.

It looks so.

The bus...and the creator.

They ended up in the end.

The ‘Amber Creator’ itself is almost completely dead.

Because the space channel opened by the bus closure of the 'artifact' at that time triggered a series of space collapses and then exploded.

In fact, all the space where the artifact was connected was exploding, not just the one that the little creator temporarily connected to the bus.

The body of the amber creator is also within one of the spaces where the artifacts are connected.

Therefore, the amber creator has also been bombarded. Even if it has the ability of 'body cells to rebuild the brain'... there is no way to resurrect.

The winter creator said that the cells of the amber creator did not actually die, and that there were some body structures left in the amber ball.

These body structures are designed to prevent accidents when they leave, and as long as it dies outside, these structures reshape a brain.

But the winter creators found that these body structures were not active.

I don't know what the reason is. Instead of reshaping a brain, they slowly die.

Perhaps the awareness of bus erosion affects all the body cells of the amber creator?

In any case, the amber creator at this time... is indeed dead.

But the little creator did not die.

The small creators who got into the bus nerve structure were affected by the bursting space with the bus nerves.

But...because they are outside, not like the amber creator inside the space.

The explosion of space did not completely destroy the bus nerves, but it did not completely kill the small creators, at least not destroying their cells.

After the explosion, the cells of these little creators began to converge.

Now the bus's neural structure is like a huge underground cavern with lots of material for them to grow.

These small creators are likely to recover as they were at the beginning... The earliest winter creators thought so.

Because even though the brain cells of these little creators have almost been blown up, it still feels that these little creators have some weak...the mind is still there.

It can perceive the environment around them through these weak thoughts, so it will not be long before they should be able to reshape a brain and then occupy the bus.

After all, the neural structure of the bus will not be reconstructed. Accurately, this kind of large-scale damage cannot be reconstructed.

But after a while, the winter creators found something strange, and these little creators did not grow their brain structure.

Although they did not die like the body parts left by the amber creator, they did not reshape the brain structure.

Those faint consciousnesses have been maintained, but they do not carry out complex thinking or anything, but are used to perceive the environment.

The life forms of these little creators have become very similar to fungi, and they continue to spread in this huge cave of the bus nerve.

If this continues, it seems that even if they don't grow brain cells, they can occupy the bus.

However, these small creators of growth soon met ... opponents.

There is such a creature that appears in this underground cave.

... This creature poses no small threat to the little creators.

They are not cell creatures, they are actually creatures made up of painful crystals.

As for why it is here, it is not clear.

Before the amber creator and the bus war, there was no such creature at all, but now they suddenly popped up.

When this group of creatures first appeared, they behaved much like wild animals.

Their general shape is similar to the shape of a worm that is more than one meter long. They move here and cut the bus nerve structure, and use these broken nerve substances as food.

At the same time they attack small creators, because the small creators are spreading like fungi at the time... they attack the 'touchers' that the small creators spread, they break down these tentacles and kill every one inside. Cells.

Although the little creator has no brain cells, its body cells respond quickly to this hostile behavior.

For example, in the tentacle, a sphere that will explode, a spiked structure that ejects, and the like are grown.

These reactions are similar to the various defenses of plants, but they are much faster.

The little creator also developed structures similar to carnivorous plants to capture these painful crystals, which were then sent to the body to break them down.

The creator's somatic cells record the structural information of the decomposition, which will lead to more targeted defenses the next time.

Although there is no brain, the creator's somatic cells can continue to gain an advantage in the battle, but this is actually more like... a passive reaction, they can't analyze the situation to actively kill these threats, only once After being attacked, some defensive structures were developed.

The winter creator found something very interesting.

These pains are crystallized...actually not biological.

When they were captured by the small creators, the winter creators also learned about the decomposition process.

These painful crystals resemble machinery, with a complex structure inside, but the main thing is that there is a cockpit inside.

The driver in the cockpit...is a small bus nerve structure.

It is about a millimeter in size and has many limbs in it to control the painful crystallization.

They can also leave the crystal at any time.

The winter creators thought that this should be the remaining bus nerve residue in the explosion.

In fact, there are still many nerves left in the bus, but most of them are dead.

But these one-mm-thick things don't know why they are alive, and they don't know where to get them... These painful crystals drive mechanically.

They drive crystals while collecting dead nerve structures while attacking the small creators.

It’s just that these ‘crystal drivers’ don’t seem to have any complicated thinking.

The winter creator said that each driver will not communicate, although they will not attack each other, but they will not cooperate. Seeing that the same kind is captured by the small creator will not save, and will not jointly kill the tentacles of the small creator. .

They will only do their own things and put together the collected neural structures.

The winter creators believe that there is very little ‘conscious’ residue at the time, whether it is the bus or the creator.

These residual consciousness controls the residual body structure and strives to do all kinds of things.

This is like a ... the end of the war.

They are still trying to gain an advantage in the endgame.

At the time, the winter creators thought that it was time to 'take over' them.

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