4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3011: Second contact

It is said that this is a sky blue world with a diameter of more than 6,000 kilometers.

The main life form of the earth's surface is a lot of vines.

Between the vines and the vines, there are countless small, furry creatures.

This is the world of...the brain of the brain.

When the amber creator used the 'artifact' assembled by a rift, the world appeared near the amber ball.

Its appearance surprised the amber creator.

At first it didn't know that this was the world of the brain. It just felt that the ‘artifact’ made by the Rifting Group was not reliable. It was not connected to the bus. Instead, the channel that opened it brought such strange things.

But... this is too strange.

After all, even the original artifact-opening channel can't get such a big thing.

Because of all sorts of doubts, the amber creator sent a unit to this place... investigation.

This unit is made of amber material that spreads quickly to the various places of the sky blue tumbling and observes them after landing.

80% of the tumbling is covered by ‘Teng Man’, and the rest are rocky mountains.

Many fluffy species live among these vines, and they rely entirely on them... Fujimori.

All of the vines have a thickness of at least three meters, and these little creatures are jumping around this vine.

The amber creator noticed that the main form of life in this world...is very 'peaceful'.

They don't have any... attack ability.

These creatures don't hunt and don't hurt the creatures around them.

Their food is completely dependent on the surrounding vines.

These vines often drop some fine particles on the epidermis, and they collect the granules through the fluff of the body.

The amber creator noticed that these creatures were almost entirely in joy, and they had a very complex structure of happy perception.

There are hundreds of thousands of ways of entertainment for most of these creatures.

Including the relatively simple entertainment from ‘language’, although most of them do not use voice communication, but there is a language like ‘singing’ to create entertainment.

There are other things like making art, connecting ideas, playing activities, and so on.

The amber creators found that these creatures are very primitive, but their recreational activities are much richer than developed civilizations.

This is mainly because they have quite a lot of organs related to 'entertainment' in their bodies. Each time they do various kinds of entertainment activities, these organs also secrete different happy information to give them different feelings of happiness.

It can be said that it is an eternal paradise in many biological imaginations, and it can also be said to be 'heaven'.

These creatures feel long-lasting happiness here, and there has been no dispute.

The amber creator was curious about why these creatures existed, and it decided to grab some back to the amber ball to study.

And this behavior of the creator has suffered... attack.

The creator's amber material force was completely destroyed when it flew back.

The creators also noticed that these amber troops were hitting some of them during the flight back... arguably the objects of the 'mines'.

Although it should be called a virtual mine in the void.

The shape of these things and the vines and images on the surface are exactly like a sphere composed of vines entangled together.

These spheres are numerous and spread throughout the sky blue tumbling and amber tumbling.

The creators did not have these ‘thunder thunder’ when they sent troops.

And they are now filled between the two sides, which is obviously what is done.

Without waiting for the creator to investigate, it found that the other party began to invade the amber ball.

A lot of ‘Teng Man’s Ball’ appeared over the amber ball.

These vine **** are about a hundred meters in diameter, and they grow exactly the same as those of the emptiness.

It’s just that they don’t explode when they fall to the ground like a meteor shower.

At the time, a lot of ... creatures appeared from the vines.

These creatures, the amber creators, later learned that they were a group of creatures called ‘stubborn brave.’

There are many high-intelligence phoenix tumbling people, and the creatures that record history have legends about ‘stubborn brave.’

‘Secret brave man’ is a very rare group of individuals. Although they have different ethnic origins, they all have one characteristic, which is very powerful.

This group of creatures has a very high combat ability and can only get a happy feeling through battle.

Every ‘stubborn brave man’ will not be “sealed” soon after birth. Only when something invades will these brave men be dispatched. They will be thrown directly to the enemy’s place to destroy the enemy.

And this group of creatures... is indeed very powerful.

Although they also look furry, in fact these groups of organisms are not cell creatures, and their composition is very interesting.

This group of creatures is free to convert their state between 'hard' and 'soft'.

They can quickly turn their entire body into acupuncture, or become an organ that runs at high speed.

They can also emit explosions... rays and so on.

Simply put, they are like a group of war machines.

However, these creatures were not the creators at the time, but the civilized creatures on the surface of the amber ball.

The amber ball had a lot of civilized creatures on the surface, and this group of 'braves' caused no small harm to them.

Almost every ‘Brave’ can destroy the military base of these civilized creatures by itself, or even destroy the city.

The creators are mainly observing... Where did these brave men emerge?

Because there are some amber material troops on the Fujiman tumbling, it directly allows these troops to find the launch point of the brave.

It found that the launch point was in a large pit in the mountains...

And here, it also noticed the creatures it is familiar with.

That is... the brain.

The brain is still the same as before, and it fills this pothole in a plant-like life form.

It is also the launch system that controls these 'braves'.

It noticed that after the arrival of the creator's troops, Zhou brain directly communicated with the creator.

It said to the creator... It came here to want a ‘miracle’.

If the creators are willing, the two sides will work together to create a miracle.

If you don't want to... it will solve the creator and then miracle.

The results are all similar.

The creator would not be angry with anything. After hesitating for a while, he agreed to the "cooperation" condition of the brain.

Of course, it is only a temporary promise.

It is not clear how powerful the brain is, and it is not a good choice to fight directly.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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