4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3013: Manufacturing

If this world of suffering from peaceful creatures enters a place of suffering, there will be miracles.

Zhou brain did not say carefully what this is a miracle.

Just said... this is a miracle.

What it wants the amber creator to do is to help put this tumbling person into it.

The main way to put it in is to make a large enough ‘artifact’ with enough clefts.

Because of the knowledge that the creator created a ‘artifact’ with a cracking group, the brain came here to cooperate with the creator.

The creators have always been very strange... How does the brain know so many things.

At present, the creator has promised the cooperation of the brain, so it and the brain began to create a huge ‘artifact’.

It is said that this requires a lot of cracking groups, about a few thousand.

So the creators also began to capture the rift.

However, there are no cracks in the vicinity that can be caught, so the brain has let the creators attack the origin of the Rift...

It is a place far away from the amber ball, and it is said that there are a lot of cracked groups...babies.

In fact, these are not considered pups, but a special kind of individual, because the breeding of the rift group is carried out directly in their own small space, and those in the place of origin are a group of weird individuals who have always maintained the 'immature' state.

In any case, it can be used as a material.

The cerebral brain indicates that the creator can go to the target position through the artifacts created by the Rift.

Since the creators were also very interested in the origin of this rift group, they began to prepare to go there according to what Zhou said.

According to the advice given by the brain, the creator transformed the current artifact.

After the transformation, it found that the artifact could be turned on... and only one space could be turned on.

The brain says that as long as you pass through this space, you can reach the birthplace of the Rift.

So the creator prepared its amber unit, and according to the brain, it crossed the space.

There is nothing special about this space itself. There is nothing in it. It is a place of ‘blank’.

But after passing through... the creator found that he had reached a position quite far from the amber ball.

This place is said to look very... gorgeous.

When the creator just left the space, it appeared in front of it. It was endless... the land was dominated by white and silver.

Numerous hundreds of meters tall snow-white towers stand on this land, almost touching the sky filled with golden clouds.

The brain told the creator that this place was once called the 'endless continuation of land masses'.

This is a long time ago.

It is said that this 'continued land mass' has a diameter of almost 10,000 kilometers or more.

And each has a completely different environment and is located in a different place in the void.

They are each connected by a specific spatial channel, and as long as the space channel entry is found on it, it can go to another land.

The reason for saying ‘endless’ is that no creature knows how many of these land parcels there are.

As far as it knows, there is no biological exploration of the entire land mass, so there is no end to it.

Of course this is the old thing.

After the collapse of the Void Tunnel, these land masses are no longer connected to each other, and they all float in the void in isolation.

One of the endless land masses, the ‘silver land block’ that the creators are now arriving in, has become the birthplace of the Rift.

There are a lot of cracking groups here, and the brain allows the creators to capture them as much as they can, catching enough quantities... and then proceeding to the next step.

Then the creator let his amber army begin to spread out on this piece of silver land.

The army brought by the creators is mostly small, they are only one meter in size.

These are all very suitable for being captured by the splitting group. If you explore with this size, it is easy to be caught by the splitting group... Then the creator can lock their position.

The brain of the brain does nothing, just observe it.

The brain and the creator passed through this space, and it came here on a ‘warship’ that was more than 500 meters long.

The appearance of this warship looks like a large number of vines twisted and twisted together, while the brain is located in the center of the battleship.

Of course, the body of the brain is still located on the vineman tumbling.

The creator cares a little about what the brain is doing, but it doesn't care so much...

Its main concern is the cracking group.

It found that a large number of its troops explored here for a long time and did not find any crackers.

On this white and silver land, you can only find some creatures that are also made of white silver.

The creator had questions about the brain, but the brain did not answer.

So the creators themselves tried to find a cracking group.

In the end, it finally found out that the hundreds of meters high towers everywhere stood here...the body of the rift.

Because the creators detected these tall towers and found that their composition is similar to that of the rift group, it can be said that...the same type of creature.

But they are not alive, and there is no structure inside.

So the creator first broke a tower.

Then disassemble the tower into smaller pieces and try to assemble them.

At this time, the brain has a reaction.

The brain is mainly telling the creator how it should assemble this artifact.

The creator carefully studied the assembly method of the brain.

It found that there are many different ways in which the method of the brain is combined with its original combination, and it is mainly that the brain has made it a one-time artifact.

This artifact can directly open a huge passage to the land of pain, but the artifact will be damaged after use.

Therefore, the creator cannot continue to use this after this.

So the creator began to try to make some modifications himself, and it wanted the artifact to be used later.

At the same time, it also began to try to interfere with the perception of the brain.

Because the creator tried to modify it himself, he told him not to make it himself, but to follow the method it taught.

Obviously, the mysterious sensory ability of the brain is because the creators are bringing the tower back to the amber ball and transforming it.

The brain does not appear in any sense of the creator, but it can know everything.

The creator began to try to see if there was any way... to make the brain not know.

At least I don’t know what I think about the brain. Through this, the creator can still do some research.

And in many experiments the creator did find a way.

This method is actually very simple.

It is the use of painful energy... to avoid being perceived by the brain -


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