4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3015: occupy?

New artifacts have been formed.

Although the creator still wants to study the creature of the brain... but it cares more about the bus.

It transforms the artifacts that the brain of the brain made it.

Then it tries to use this artifact to connect to the bus.

The amber ball was not connected to the space on the bus, but with this new artifact... the creator can find some space that was previously unavailable so that it can be connected to the bus.

Then, it attacked again.

The amber creator left the amber ball for the last time.

Passing through the newly connected space, the amber creator took the huge amber-filled force to the pain bus again.

This time, the pain bus did not have any resistance to the arrival of the creator. The amber creator went directly under the surface and reached the position of the bus nerve structure.

Then the creator...has led all the creatures here.

The little creators who did not have a neural structure were quickly captured by the amber creators, and the amber creators used the method of ‘phagocytosis...that is, using a large number of tentacles to plunge into their bodies and assimilate them.

The painful crystallization machinery of the small bus rides of the bus was also captured by the creators and locked in a 'Jail' that it created.

Next, the creators began to try to control the entire bus.

It continues to grow its body structure and extends to the location of other bus organs, intending to control all the organs of the bus.

In the end, the creator successfully connected all the bus organs, but the connection was useless and it had to control them.

The organ of the bus needs to receive a specific signal, that is, the signal sent by the bus nerve structure to them will be active.

The creator tried to study the neural structure of the bus and sent a similar signal.

The original creator tried to make some signal transmitters using the neural structure of the bus, but it found that...this is much more difficult than making an artifact.

There are many places in the bus that it doesn't understand, and there is no way to imitate it.

So the creators began to use their own 'nuclear information' to test.

It sees if you can grow some special structures that can control the bus organs.

In the end, it is like the structure that can only slightly sense the information of the brain, the creator wants to hope that he has stored nuclear information of countless data.

Finally, the creator seems to have succeeded.

It uses the nuclear information in the body to grow some new ... structure.

These structures can also be said to be senders. Although they can't directly control the bus organs, the signals sent out will cause some reaction of the bus's organs.

For example, a signal will cause the bus organ to 'twitch' and the like.

This is enough, the creator can carefully study the bus organ based on this point, and slowly it can understand how these organs are controlled.

The creator also began to slowly 'evolve' its new ‘transmitter’.

It continually remodels and strengthens it to make it more impact on the organs of the bus.

This lasted for a long time.

During this period, the creator also allowed his army to stay on the surface and transform the creatures on the surface into ecological forms that the creators liked.

This has been going on for a long time, and the creator has at some point created a transmitter that is said to have the most perfect function.

It believes that this transmitter is the essence of all previous research and should be able to completely control the bus organs.

Then the creator started the messenger.

The result is... where it is, the underground cavern of the bus nerve structure collapsed.

Accurately, it is partially collapsed.

In the collapsed rocks, there are many huge creatures.

They started attacking the creators at the moment they appeared, and the creators did not have any precautions.

These creatures seem to know the creators very much, and they instantly attack the creator's body...that is, the location of the brain cells.

After destroying the brain cells of the creator, it began to quickly kill the remaining body structure of the creator.

According to the Winter Writer, the creators did not have any cells left, they were all killed.

And the amber troops on the ground couldn't get anything to do, and the battle was over.

Then, these 'biological's gathered in underground caves and formed a new bus nerve.

The painful bus...and it is resurrected again.

This seems to have been planned very early.

In fact, the creatures that attacked the creators, they were originally hardened bus nerve structures.

A long time ago, the bus hardened and buried some nerve structures.

The amber creator, whether it was during the war or after this, has never found these hardened nerves.

And these hardened nerves have not been active until... The creator uses its 'transmitter' to send signals.

The hardened nerve that received this signal wakes up and launches a full attack on the creator.

They seem to know the creators so much that they can quickly and accurately kill every part of the creator...

The winter creator is not clear...how the bus designed it all, it can feel a little bus thinking at the time, in order to know the hardening of the nerves.

But how these hardened nerves are designed to wake up by the creator's signal does not know.

But it is clear that the bus plan... is better than the creator.

Because these hardened nerves are large enough, they can grow new nerve structures until they fill the nerve holes.

Then... this bus was once again active.

It did not come to the amber ball, but flew into the void and conducted further research on the pain.

As for the amber ball...that is, the land of pain, there are some things happening.

The winter creators found that the amber substances in the painful land began to assemble into some aircraft and patrolled everywhere.

It knows about these aircraft... looking for it because it can once again become an amber creator.

But it doesn't want to be an amber creator, so it has been hiding from these aircraft.

This seems to be easy, because the land of pain is great... it managed to escape the search of the aircraft.

And after a while, these amber substances are broken...

They failed to maintain their search status and became small pieces.

This seems to be... because of the death of the amber creator.

When the amber creator is alive, these amber substances remain in the state of being commanded by it.

And now, they all collapsed.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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