"Do you really pursue calm? Are you really eager for peace?"

This guy who claims to be the ‘god’ of the world is also an amber creature.

Accurately speaking, the creatures of the amber matter that the creators used to control.

It tells the visitors, that is, the peaceful creatures from the Fujiman tumbling that it has a solution.

These peace lovers didn't really believe this ‘God’ at first, but the way ‘God’ gave them made them feel...it seems to be very effective.

What the peace creatures got at the time was the control technology of amber matter.

With this technology, they can control the amber matter on the surface at will, whether it is using these materials to make weapons or to build an army.

Finally, the group of peaceful creatures who learned to control the method returned to their cities... and promoted the technology.

The war that has been glued has been instantly turned to this group of peaceful creatures because of the addition of this technology.

Although the control techniques of peaceful creatures cannot directly control amber creatures, they can control the army of amber creators who are no longer active.

Controlling this army, they easily defeated the amber creatures, destroyed their cities, and destroyed their race.

Peace creatures are very disgusted with the amber creatures, which they don't perceive any emotions, and even they think it's not a creature.

So they tried to try to completely destroy all amber creatures.

Although this group of peaceful creatures does not like war, it does not dislike killing.

They just don't like the war that is evenly matched and will bring pain to themselves, but if they are in perfect position and can kill the enemy at will, they still like it... or enjoy it.

So in the end, they decided not to ruin the amber creature.

When peaceful creatures occupy the surface environment, they begin to multiply on a large scale and build their capitals.

Because of the large amount of amber used in this process, the built city is no longer similar to Fujimori as it used to be, but a new style.

Of course, the hedonism of peaceful creatures has not changed, and most buildings exist for entertainment.

As for the amber creatures that they have defeated, they have established a number of places that can be called 'quarantine areas'.

The purpose of retaining these amber creatures is to satisfy their desire to kill.

Although the peaceful creatures will also produce some entertainment works about killing and killing.

But they never do it in reality, because of their ability to relate, they can't kill any real creature.

In fact, even if they see the body of a creature, their organs will react immediately... or imagine how uncomfortable the creature was before dying.

This is also the main reason for their peace of mind.

But they don't have this kind of emotion for amber creatures. They don't feel the pain of amber creatures... and they will feel happy when they kill these amber creatures or abuse them.

So they left amber creatures, mainly for a variety of recreational activities, such as abusive play, or used to hunt something.

There are also some individuals who really sympathize with amber creatures, but they are rare.

And when killing amber creatures, their happy organs throughout the body will respond, and it is difficult for peaceful creatures to have a way to truly reject this happiness.

For amber creatures, this day is like... hell.

The cities where they look at peaceful creatures are growing, and they are constantly being abused and tortured.

The most popular form of torture at the time was the painful crystallization.

Peaceful creatures have found painful crystallization in some underground environments, and they find these things make the creatures feel painful.

So they used this kind of thing to torture the amber creature.

They are very happy about this.

Some amber creatures escaped, and they walked with pain and hatred in this world that was once home to them.

But they can only continue to hide and escape, and enter the depths of the underground.

Finally, they also met the ‘God’.

This ‘God’ tells the amber creature... that is what it caused.

It gave peace biotechnology and defeated the amber creature.

And now it will fully support the peaceful creatures to make them grow stronger.

For this ‘God’ argument, these amber creatures are extremely angry... and there is extreme despair.

There are quite a few amber creatures who don't want to live any longer. They committed suicide directly here.

And some amber creatures still decided to continue living in this deep underground.

But then this ‘God’ has not stopped. It has found many other amber creatures hiding in the depths of the ground, telling them about these things and making them even more desperate.

Many amber creatures committed suicide.

The bodies of these amber creatures committed suicide were collected by ‘God’.

At this time, the peaceful creatures on the surface continued to live a happy life.

They are much more enjoyable than before because they control amber matter, and all kinds of work are handed over to these substances, and they are in pure pleasure.

However, they find that their happiness is getting more and more...less.

One thing will be very happy when you do it once, and the second time you are much less happy than before. If you do it a few times, you will have almost no happiness, but you will feel painful and uncomfortable.

This is mainly because these peaceful creatures... have also been affected by the painful crystallization.

The winter creator said that at that time... the happy organs in this group of peaceful creatures grew very fine and painful crystals.

Although very small will not give them too much pain, but they can also mask most of their happiness.

Moreover, these crystal particles will grow more and more over time, causing them to become more and more painful.

At this time, the peaceful creatures will slowly be dominated by pain.

The more painful they are, the more they are eager to get out of pain, and the idea in their minds will directly control the surrounding amber matter.

These amber substances gather according to their minds, drill into their bodies, and replace some of the original structures in their bodies.

As long as they replace some of the structures that originally grew painful, they will soothe.

Over time, the peaceful creatures are surrounded by peaceful creatures that replace the structure of the body with amber.

It can be said that they have now become a mixed creature.

However, the painful crystallization has not stopped growing, and their continued growth has affected the complete change of this group of creatures.

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