"The war will start again soon! Some creatures are destined to be extinct in this process. Are you eager to be those creatures?"

"Still... you want to live and live forever!"

This ‘sound’ is echoing.

It echoes in the land of pain... a place that is not painful.

Lin’s mini-arms are observing this place and observing the creatures here.

The creatures here only see the cracking group.

They are gathering under a 'light ball', and Lynn has also detected this ball of light.

The outer shell of these spheres is a strong transparent substance, and the illuminants inside do not know what it is.

And that kind of 'sound' is emitted from the ball of light, and it seems to be very attractive for the cracking group.

However, Lin is mainly concerned about this place, but... pain bus.

The pain bus is now getting faster and faster in the land of pain, and it is moving in this direction.

The ‘sound’ here also clearly noticed the painful bus approaching.

"I will destroy it, it will mean the start of this war!"

Lynn didn't know who she was talking to, it shouldn't be a cracking group... It might be talking to Lin, but it doesn't seem like much.

In short, when it spoke, Lin's miniature arms could see some lightballs emitting a very strong light, and then flew in the direction of the pain bus.

A total of ten light **** flew out, and Lynn noticed that the light **** flew away... There was a change here.

There was almost no painful feeling here, but they felt some pain after they left.

And this pain made the cracking group more hug the light ball they hugged.

It seems that this light ball has some sort of 'shield' pain.

In fact, they do not dispel the painful energy, but let the painful energy not directly touch the nerves of the creature.

So here will be no pain.

But since their effects are so good, why do they have to do something like 'brain' to hold the clash?

When Lin thought about it... Lin found that hundreds of light **** here began to fly in the distance one after another.

As they flew away, the pain in this place became more and more intense, and all the cracking groups were desperately holding their light balls.

Because only this is not going to fly away.

This light ball has a feeling of being an island in the ocean.

And other light balls... There are some micro-arms on them. Lin sees them flying fast. These spheres seem to make the pain of an area almost completely dissipated.

Soon, these hundreds of spheres are close to the painful bus that flies fast in the dark.

When the pain bus appeared on the edge of their light range, all the spheres suddenly accelerated toward the bus.

The pain bus also reacted, and Lin’s arms on the bus suddenly felt the pain around the bus... it became a lot stronger.

It seems that the painful bus is constantly absorbing the painful energy around it.

The arms on the bus clearly feel much more painful than before.

Surrounded by this pain, the bus directly hit the ... these glowing spheres.

'boom! ’

The spheres are like meteorites. They collide successively on the surface of the bus, creating a huge pothole, and the spheres burst.

The light inside the ball spread on the surface of the bus at the moment the sphere burst.

The radiance of the bursts of the bursts made the bus's surface as bright as white...but they had almost no damage to the bus.

Just like the things that used to attack buses, it just made the ground more cracks.

The bus's progress is still going on. When all the light **** hit the bus and blow up... the bus has nothing to stop.

It moved all the way forward until it arrived... the group of cracked air and the position of the last light ball.

The pain bus did not stop, it directly hit the sphere that was hugged by the rift.

This sphere, like other spheres, became shattered at the moment of being hit by a bus.

And those cracking groups are also hitting... dead.

Accurately, the ball that was exploding was blown up.

The ‘sound’ that had been going on before disappeared.

The pain bus did not move on, it stopped when it broke the last ball of light.

The intense pain that preceded it gathered around it slowly dissipated... and then returned to the original level of suffering.

Obviously the pain bus gathers the pain to break the spheres, and the ability of these spheres to 'block the pain' can hurt the bus.

When Lin thought about it, Lin suddenly noticed that there was a light in front of the bus...

The strong light formed a vortex that was about the size of a bus.

It was slowly spinning, and the bus flew forward in the moment the vortex appeared, directly touching the vortex.

At this moment, Lynn found everything around him...changed rapidly, and the surrounding scenery seemed to be constantly fragmented and reorganized.

After the process lasted for a short while, all the scenery stabilized.

Lin also saw an environment that seemed quite interesting.

It's not so dark here, because there are a lot of glowing... lightning-like objects around.

They are like a fixed lightning bolt, the main background of the 'sky' here.

This place...Lin actually knows.

It is the place that is called the crevice of the void and the virtual space.

The main 'background' here is like this, but the ‘environment’ here is no different from the general void.

Why can the bus open the passage to the place directly in the painful place... Lin feels very strange.

Why it is open is also very strange.

The Star Alliance was "incarcerated" in this place, but Lin did not see anything related to the Star Alliance.

But you can see a...roller.

This tumbling man is about the size of a painful bus, and its surface looks like it is covered by the ocean.

Is this the... the ocean roller that the Star Alliance found at the time?

This is wonderful.

Why is it here, and why is it as big as a bus?

Now the bus is flying to it, but Lin feels that it is impossible to understand what it means.

It takes a little more detail to understand their situation.

And Lynn found a creature that might know a little about these things, it's not far away.

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