
They seem to have stopped.

Lynn feels that this phenomenon is still interesting.

Not long ago, Lynn saw the collision and fusion of the pain bus with this liquid ball.

The liquid ball tried to penetrate the inside of the bus, and the bus tried to resist the process.

When it is almost infiltrated, the bus rushes a huge amount of painful energy from the position of the nerve structure.

Lynn felt a little surprised because the bus was so much painful from the nerve structure that it turned into a painful place like a painful place.

This painful area probably has a radius of more than 10,000 kilometers around the bus, and it is completely wrapped in buses and liquid balls.

When this painful area wrapped them, Lynn also found their movements... stopped.

They don't do anything at all.

The liquid no longer tried to penetrate the bus's stratum, but instead covered everything on the bus surface like the ocean.

The bus itself stopped its activities.

It does not enter the state of coagulation, but enters a state similar to sputum. The nerve structure does not do anything at all... actions, as do other organs.

Lynn still doesn't know why painful energy will have such an effect on them, but this is a good opportunity for Lyn to observe them.

To be precise, it is to observe this 'ocean' that covers the surface of the bus.

When it hits the bus, the whole process is too intense... it's not easy to observe, but now they are much easier if they are stable.

Lin let a lot of arms start wandering in this ocean and look for everything inside... interesting things.

It is indeed the 'sea' because the main component of these liquids is water, and it is... very warm.

However, it contains a lot of impurities, most of which are small things like gravel.

There are also many microorganisms, and these microorganisms are mainly...the Star Alliance.

The corresponding "inorganic zone" in the Star Alliance also has an 'organic zone' where there are mainly living cell-like organisms.

Although the winter creator does not live there, it has an understanding of the situation.

There are many large cell-like organisms that have many microorganisms that accompany them.

What Lin found now is the microbe that once lived in the Star Alliance.

They seem to have lived in this liquid ball for a long time, maybe they were also in a 'stationary' state... for some reason they regained their vitality after touching the liquid ball and started to live here.

After wandering for a while, Lin found some pieces of buildings in the Star Alliance.

It seems that this liquid ball did touch the star cluster that was still.

However, Lynn also saw something more special.

Like... half a bus.

As a pompom floated close to the 'water' position, Lynn saw a bus that was cut in half.

This is a void bus, the whole size is more than ten kilometers.

And it is only half now and floats in the water quietly.

The internal organs exposed inside can be seen from the side where it is cut, but the nerve structure is gone.

It seems that it was specifically dug by...

Other organs are still relatively intact, and Lin feels that these organs can be used as materials to assemble something.


At this time, Lynn heard... a burst of noise.

In the distance, a thing like a torpedo flew here, and Lin's pompom quickly moved away to avoid it.

'boom! ! ! The torpedo hit the wreckage of the bus with loud noises and countless bubbles... but as its explosion spread was not high temperatures, but very low temperatures.

At the same time, Lynn saw a large thing in the direction of the torpedo launching is slowly swimming.

It is very slow and looks like a submarine of Ershimin.

It is nearly a hundred meters long, almost completely white, with a transparent ball on the head, which can be seen inside the cockpit.

Although the whole design is very good, there is a group in the cockpit... ‘eye bee’.

"You didn't hit it! There isn't much left in our ammunition!"

"No matter how much, continue to fight, hit no ammunition!"

The eye bees mainly communicate through the frequency of fan-like **** behind the insects, so Lynn can see what they are saying at the entire distance.

When they spoke, they shot a lot of ... torpedoes from both sides of the submarine.

But as before, these things all hit the bus wreck behind the pompoms.

The pompons also approached them quickly and stuck them in the cockpit.

When the eyes were scared and overwhelmed... the pompoms quickly fanned with a few fluff to mimic their language.

In the end, they let Lynn enter the ... submarine.

"That means you are a different traveler, want to know everything here?"

"You really are not here... that kind of creature?"

"It should be true, that kind of creature will not communicate."

After some discussion, they decided to communicate with Lin in a normal way.

According to the description of these bees, Lin knows that they are the same as the eye bees outside, and they are always at rest.

However, not long ago, when they came into contact with this liquid ball, they did not enter a static state, and thus lived normally here.

But to say that, their lives are actually not very normal.

They themselves are a group of things that do almost nothing, just like the species floating around, but now they are forced to work hard here, they think it is not normal.

When Lin asked about their situation here, they also told Lin.

In fact, this submarine...not what they made, they just learned how to open it.

When Lin came in, she also found that the internal structure of the submarine was completely suitable for the Ershi people, and it felt like the people of the Ershi people.

However, they also said that they have not seen the creature of Ershimin.

This submarine is actually made of a building under deep water...

“Where is the building?”

When Lin asked this, they answered this question.

"It should start soon... refactoring."

As they finished, Lynn discovered that... everything in the water began to change.

The tiny impurities floating in the water are rapidly being combined.

They are integrated at an extremely fast speed and become a large... stone.

The stones then merged and became a seat...the island.

But they did not float to the surface, but they sank into deep water one after another.

The group of eye bees said that the maritime bed of this ocean often collapsed.

But after a while it will be like this... reorganized back.

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