4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3025: Different functions

"Unable to pass, start to squeeze."

There is a burst of sound in the building... the sound of the bang.

It seems that the submarine in the pool squeezed too much relationship.

Now the walls on both sides of the pool are slowly merged and crushing the large number of submarines that have just been built.

But nothing on the water, so Lin will stay here to detect these... ‘printer’.

It's easy to turn off these 'printers', just drain their energy.

Their energy is very small, and most of their energy comes from the tiny 'batteries' inside.

These batteries are placed in each of the triangular fragments and they provide energy when printed.

But just printing it once, their energy will be consumed almost the same, and if Lin continues to use a large number of arms to drill inside the printer, it will consume more energy in order to defend Lin.

Then... they will be in a state of exhaustion.

The energy of the 'battery' will slowly recover, but there is still a lot of time to detect these printers before the recovery.

During the inspection process, these printers printed the submarine mainly by assembling a large amount of fine particles to make the particles into a submarine.

But these tiny particles are not stored by them, but from the ceiling.

At the time they start, there is a lot of fine particles on the top of the room, and then the 'printer' is responsible for adjusting the position of the particles to make sure they are assembled into a specific shape.

The shape settings of their composition are mainly derived from ... biological information in their bodies.

Lynn found that there was some nuclear information stored inside each printer... If the nuclear information was taken away or replaced, they could not print the submarine.

It seems that these nuclear information gives them the submarine data.

It seems that everything here... should also be related to the creator.

The nuclear information of these reservoirs comes from different cell biology. Because Lin also has a lot of micro-arms explored in the water, Lin found the nuclear information in these printers in the surrounding aquatic organisms.

It seems that the nuclear information in these aquatic organisms and printers are homologous.

Now, Lynn’s guess is that they may come from different tumblings... and then all of them are recorded here.

Different submarines are also technologies from different civilizations. As long as the biological information of that civilization is placed, it can print the submarine.

Lin thinks it should be like this, but why does this liquid ball store so many civilized nuclear information, and why there is such a strange... It is the process of continuous decomposition and reorganization, Lin is still not very clear.

Lin feels that she should continue to investigate what should be found in these buildings.

The whole building is a manufacturing factory, and Lin has almost investigated all the places... It also has several ‘submarine manufacturing rooms’ like this.

In addition to the place where the submarine is built, it is the energy room and the material room.

The material room is filled with a lot of fine particles for synthesizing the submarine, and the energy room will slowly release ... energy to charge the battery in the printer.

In addition, this place also has the function of 'squeezing and recycling'. It seems that if the submarine does not open out within a certain period of time, the walls of the pool will merge and the submarine will be crushed.

The material after the crushing is recycled and further decomposed to be used as a material for manufacturing the submarine.

Lynn thinks that the most special thing here is... a ‘printer’ of Ershi.

This printer looks almost exactly the same as Ershi, and Lynn also found that it contains a nuclear information of the Ershi creature.

As soon as you touch the printer, it will synthesize a submarine of Ershimin, and the type is completely random.

However, the structure inside is almost the same as that of the real Ershimin submarine.

This is very interesting.

Although Ershi said that he did not touch this liquid ball.

But Lynn thinks that Ershi should have been in contact with it...maybe it has no record in his current memory.

In addition to the building that makes the submarine, there are many other... different buildings.

Lynn also discovered a number of different functional buildings, such as... 'Transportation Buildings'.

These buildings are relatively small, but there is a 'space door' inside.

Through it you can walk through a short space to another building with a portal.

There is also a 'heating station'.

The building is mainly to provide warmth for this ‘ocean’.

Although Lin has not found it, Lin feels that there should be many buildings with stable environment.

Because there are many cell organisms in this ocean, they need a fairly stable environment to survive.

However, there are also some non-cellular organisms, such as coral-like creatures that are everywhere in the seabed. They are not actually cell organisms.

In the course of a comprehensive investigation, Lin quickly discovered a new building.

This building... looks like a 'museum'.

It is a large building that stands on the edge of the trench.

The building is also hundreds of meters in size, it has many entrances... each entrance has a 'light curtain'.

This light curtain isolates the water, but does not isolate the pompoms. Simply put, the pompons can easily pass through it and enter the interior of the building.

After entering the interior of the building, you can see the vast room. You can see the ground and the walls in the room. The ceiling has a lot of apertures.

The same thing floats in each aperture.

Some things look like statues, some are skeletons of cell biology.

Still others are... the wreckage of bus creatures.

Lin’s pompom is now floating in front of an ‘exhibition’.

This exhibit has a size of more than ten meters, it is a small section ... bus nerve structure.

In fact, it was the nerve structure of the bus that Lin had seen in the water before it was cut off half a body.

Of course, this is not complete, it is only part of it.

At the same time, Lynn also saw an egg-like object below the ‘Exhibition’, that is, the edge of the aperture that kept it floating.

This egg is only ten centimeters in size... After checking for a while, Lin found that it was a creature.

But it shouldn't hatch into something, and the egg survives through the tube that connects to it inside the bottom.

The inside of the egg is a creature like 'myxobacteria', which belongs to the very primitive species because its nuclear information is simple.

In fact, it's not just here, there is one such egg on the edge of the aperture around all the exhibits.

Lynn feels that what information should be available from them.

Because Lynn thinks... these eggs should be ‘description’ and the like.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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