4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3027: Rapid reorganization


It started here... it was shocked.

The whole 'ocean' is.

Lin had already detected the information in the egg almost, and at this time, Lin suddenly found out... This place began to vibrate.

Along with the strong tremor, both the seabed and the buildings here are covered with a lot of cracks.

And those creatures in the sea are very frightened by this scene, they are hiding in places like any cracks that can be drilled.

"This is impossible... why is it so fast!"

"Yes, it can't be so fast!"

The eye bees driving the submarines were also very shocked by the situation here, but they did not hide, but the submarine floated on the water.

It seems that this place is going to be 'reorganized'.

Lin has almost understood it through the research on the information in the egg and the understanding of the eye bee.

The ‘life’ of this ‘catch ball’ is probably in these stages.

Usually it is in a stable phase, it is like a normal 'ocean' full of creatures and rich environment.

When there is a target such as a bus creature nearby, it will enter the ‘attack phase’.

At this stage, it breaks down all the structures inside the building, including the seabed, and most of the creatures disappear during the decomposition time. The catching ball will re-form into a liquid ball with only tiny impurities.

Then it will attack the bus, after successfully swallowing and killing the target, after a while it will reconstruct the seabed and the buildings, and various creatures will reappear.

However, these creatures will be different from the previous ones because they will be mixed with the nuclear information of the creatures found in the bus it attacked.

Sometimes it will be very different from the past, but in any case it is suitable for aquatic forms.

According to what Lin learned from the eye bee, this time it was very strange.

Mainly after it attacked the painful bus, it was quickly reorganized... and the reorganized creatures and the original... were very small.

It can be inferred that it did not obtain bio-nuclear information on the pain bus at all.

Although the surface of the pain bus has almost no creatures, it is not completely free of creatures... there are still very few creatures.

But it may also be because of this reason, it is reorganized very fast.

However, it seems to be decomposing again now, which is very unusual for the eyes of the bees.

Because the ‘stable period’ that will last for a long time after the general restructuring is not so fast and decomposed.

This may mean one thing.

That is, there is another bus nearby, so it is going to break down to attack the bus.

Or is it for other purposes.

Lin felt that there should be no bus nearby, at least Lin did not find any bus.

In the surrounding 'empty space', there are a lot of arms flying around, they are mainly looking at the whole of the capture ball, and also looking for traces of the stars in the alliance.

If you say so, it should have other purposes...

This decomposition process is about the same speed as reorganization.

Lin soon saw the entire seabed, and all the solids such as all the buildings above turned into countless powders in a short time, dissipated in the sea.

It’s not just the seabed that turns into powder, like the buildings, and the museums are gone.

However, Lin found that the exhibits were left behind, and they floated alone in the sea.

Including Lin's detection of those eggs are also floating in the water, they did not disappear with the building, I do not know why.

Of course, there are no submarines, and their submarines and eye bees are still in their original positions.

The eye bee told Lin that their life was very difficult during this period because the whole ocean was almost nothing.

They need to collect enough supplies during the stabilization period to survive the decomposition period.

And those who got into the gap, the creatures in the cave disappeared after the seabed collapsed.

More special is that Lin has tracked and observed some sea creatures.

These sea creatures, which were observed by Lynn in the mini-arms...they did not disappear, but stayed in place after disintegration.

This seems to be very interesting. It seems that as long as it is Lin's ‘watching' creature or something, such as exhibits, it will not disappear.

I don't know why there are such strange settings.

Next... It’s been a while.

Accurately said that almost thirty pompons stayed up late.

During this time, Lynn made a relatively large unit in the ruins of the Star Alliance in the normal void, and placed the winter creators inside.

At the same time, Lynn also tried to find and rescue some other trapped airborne groups from the painful land.

After saving them this time, nothing has been chased out.

Perhaps it is because...the ‘caught ball’ that is probably the culprit is still inactive.

The catching ball hasn't been moved during these thirty days and nights, it hasn't done anything.

Of course, the painful bus wrapped by it did not do anything, and was still in a state of paralysis.

Lynn tried some ways to wake up the painful bus and couldn't wake up the painful bus. It seems that the bus's nerves are in a ‘depth’ coma.

However... the catching ball is not as long as a coma.

Because Lin found that it was in the thirtieth day and night, and finally started to move.

To be precise, it is reorganized again.

The whole process, similar to what Lin had seen last time, countless debris floating in the water.

Lynn carefully examined this time and found that a lot of debris was indeed ‘out of thin air’.

They may be stored in a space rather than in water when they are broken down.

In short, they quickly reconfigured the seabed, buildings, and so on...

But this time it is very different from the last time.

Last time it was like the ocean of Ulshi, with a rich and beautiful...the underwater environment like the 'coral jungle'.

This time it is like a ruin.

These fine particles do not assemble any coral-like objects on the sea floor.

Instead, they assembled a lot of things like the wreckage of the aircraft and the wreckage of the building.

Even assembled a lot of things like corpses and skeletons.

However, the buildings such as the 'shipyard' and the 'museum' have not changed as they are, and they stand in the piles of ruins.

When the museum was reconstituted, Lin could see countless crumbs of particles enveloping each exhibit and reassembling it... exactly the same environment as before, which is quite interesting.

Next, Lin also saw a lot of ... creatures.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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