4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3037: Between voids

"The moment to leave here is coming... we will succeed!"

Here is the interior of the 'platform'.

Lin's smaller pompon followed the soldiers into the area.

The interior of the platform looks very rich, and it looks like a small city.

There are various institutions such as residential areas, entertainment areas, battle zones, aprons and so on.

Lin’s current location is called the “central control zone”, and Xiao’s brain is here.

Xiao Zhou Brain is the chief conductor of all the creatures here.

It has been fully helping the creatures here to escape... never stopped.

Is this just for another miracle? Or does it really want to help this creature? The creatures here are believed to be the latter.

"You are the one...the alien creature."

Xiao Zhou’s brain is now standing in front of Lin.

It looks quite similar to the brain of the great universe, and it is exactly like a small part of the brain from the brain.

It is like a group... bushes.

The main structure of the body is the 'branches' that are intertwined together, and these branches still have many small leaves.

Only these leaves are not green, but light blue.

And its body is placed in a large round basin with a lot of earthy material.

In simple terms, it looks like a potted plant.

However, the whole ‘potted plant’ is now showing Lin’s identity as a small brain, and it also asks Lin about Lin’s business.

Mainly because of Lin's origins, Lin also expressed its purpose to it, and told it about gold creatures.

When it comes to golden creatures, all the creatures here are surprised.

Mainly because they were surprised by Lin Neng and the golden biological exchange... They said that the golden creature is a madman.

They have persuaded the golden creatures to join them, but as soon as they try to persuade, the golden creatures will attack them immediately.

And their language is completely unreasonable, and there is no way to translate through the translator.

Every time I see them, they will almost immediately fight.

Some creatures think that the golden creature has already joined the catching ball. After all, it is these golden creatures that cause the catching ball to 'grow'.

This is quite interesting.

After Lin understood it here, she found out that the information left in the translator was... Xiao Xiao brain.

Xiao Zhou brain knows a lot, for example, the golden creature used to get a small device in the liquid ball of the database.

After further inquiries here, Lin found that it indicated... the position where the catching ball first grew, the 'automatic farm' of the golden creature.

It was originally created by slowly breaking up the farm and then growing it on a farm basis.

Lin was very interested in this, so I asked a lot about it here.

Although Xiao Zhou’s brain doesn’t know everything like the big brain, it knows a lot.

The first thing is about things here.

The ‘stationary phenomenon’ here is actually related to the solidification of the void.

The ‘true face’ of this place is mainly the gap between the three virtual spaces.

That is, you can reach any void here... On the surface, it is so, but in fact you can't go anywhere.

Anything coming in will stagnate and wake up when contacted by anything that is not stationary.

But it is not always effective, that is, it is not necessarily awake when it is touched.

The 'solidification' of the solidified void is affecting here.

And there are two other ‘effects’ of the void that are also affecting here.

Leading to the whole place... in a wonderful, chaotic state.

Although only static effects can be seen at the moment.

Lin found this little brain... It also said that it was not clear what happened to this still.

However, in general, it means that creatures coming in here will always be in the 'gap'.

No matter how you move, you can't get close to any void. It can be said to be an eternal 'cage'.

But there is still a way to go out, and the way to go out is to 'replace position' with something else in the void.

At that time, the Star Alliance gathered all the artifacts and led to the opening of the passage to this place... After entering this place, the passage they opened was still connected to the original normal void position and was not closed.

Moreover, the passage formed by the artifact creates a special phenomenon known as the 'space maintenance field'.

This ‘space maintenance field’ wraps everything and creatures in the Star Alliance.

The liquid ball at that time, that is, the database, transferred this ‘space maintenance field’ to himself.

After the Star Alliance has not had a 'space maintenance field', it is equivalent to swapping the position with the liquid ball.

The ‘true face’ of this place is mainly the gap between the three virtual spaces.

That is, you can reach any void here... On the surface, it is so, but in fact you can't go anywhere.

Anything coming in will stagnate and wake up when contacted by anything that is not stationary.

But it is not always effective, that is, it is not necessarily awake when it is touched.

The 'solidification' of the solidified void is affecting here.

And there are two other ‘effects’ of the void that are also affecting here.

Leading to the whole place... in a wonderful, chaotic state.

Although only static effects can be seen at the moment.

Lin found this little brain... It also said that it was not clear what happened to this still.

However, in general, it means that creatures coming in here will always be in the 'gap'.

No matter how you move, you can't get close to any void. It can be said to be an eternal 'cage'.

But there is still a way to go out, and the way to go out is to 'replace position' with something else in the void.

At that time, the Star Alliance gathered all the artifacts and led to the opening of the passage to this place... After entering this place, the passage they opened was still connected to the original normal void position and was not closed.

Moreover, the passage formed by the artifact creates a special phenomenon known as the 'space maintenance field'.

This ‘space maintenance field’ wraps everything and creatures in the Star Alliance.

The liquid ball at that time, that is, the database, transferred this ‘space maintenance field’ to himself.

After the Star Alliance has not had a 'space maintenance field', it is equivalent to swapping the position with the liquid ball.

The liquid ball at that time, that is, the database, transferred this ‘space maintenance field’ to himself.

After the Star Alliance has not had a 'space maintenance field', it is equivalent to swapping the position with the liquid ball.

I have already.

After the Star Alliance has not had a 'space maintenance field', it is equivalent to swapping the position with the liquid ball.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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