4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3041: Special area


There are strange sounds here.

Lin’s pompom is floating fast.

Now, Lynn has arrived at a place that is considered a fuel depot... It is said that this place is stocked with a large pile of jelly-like fuels that allow the entire platform to remain 'vibrant' for dozens of years in the void.

However, now Lin found that the fuel bank has been... empty.

The whole place was a completely empty room, there was nothing inside, and Lin did not find Xiao Zhou brain here.

In fact, Lin did not track the position of Xiaozhou brain before, but Lin can detect that the entire platform now has dream energy, but there is no fuel bank here.

Therefore, Lin felt that it might be here.

Because Xiao Zhou’s brain has a wonderful... protection, it also protects the impact of the painful energy on it.

Lin originally had a mini-arm in the Xiaozhou brain to investigate its protection, but after the transmission, those mini-arms were left in place, not transmitted along with Xiaozhou brain.

So where is it now?

There are actually many possibilities... If it is a simple transmission error, then it may be anywhere in the void.

However, this is not a simple transmission.

Before Lin and it had learned that it was said that after the transfer of the stable field, it would arrive at the place where the transferee had been.

Simply put, the place has been here before the ball is caught... so the platform will arrive here after the transfer.

But what exactly is it here?

When Lin's pompom went to the fuel pool to explore, she also separated some of the arms to explore outside the platform.

When these units reach the surface of the platform, they can see the outside environment... quite interesting.

There are many large and small illuminating stones floating in the air around.

These stones exude a variety of colors, and it looks like there are countless gems floating here.

It looks like a floating rock area... but the surrounding stones are all glowing.

Next, Lin continued to check out the platform, and Lin looked for all the places in the platform.

There are no creatures in the whole platform... It seems that all the soldiers have disappeared before.

Including the creature that became a 'mediator', Lin also found that the original box was empty.

It seems that there is something wrong with moving here... let them disappear.

Of course, things like their translators are gone.

However, Lin found the only remaining translator, which was discovered in the fuel bank. The translator was carried by Xiao Zhou.

It will only make a squeaky voice now, nothing else.

After testing, Lin found that this was the cause of internal damage... but it was a bit strange why it was damaged.

It seems that something has happened in a small explosion inside.

In short, Lin felt that the missing soldiers Xiaoguan brain should not be sent to other places in this space.

Because, Lin found the spare fuel... The fuel was placed in another small fuel bank, but it was not missing.

Then, after starting the battleship master control system with the standby, Lin can find the location of each soldier.

But there is no way to communicate with them, only to detect where they are located... the farthest distance is more than 300,000 kilometers.

The nearest one is only a few hundred meters away.

Lynn decided to get them back.

These soldiers should all be alive, although they felt a lot of pain before, but this pain is much lighter than in the land of pain, and Lin feels that they can all be supported.

But Lynn thinks they may die now for another reason, because their armor seems to have stopped working.

This includes the temperature maintenance system inside, and each armor maintains the environment that the wearer adapts to.

If it doesn't start... they may not be able to support it for too long.

So Lyne... sent some ‘rescue’.

These are the reconnaissance planes in the platform. They were launched and launched by Lin. At the same time, each reconnaissance plane has Lin... some arms.

While sending these ‘rescue’, Lin also made a number of metal arms using some of the materials in the platform.

These units are used to study the surrounding stones and explore the environment.


It seems... it was found.

Lin's pompom is still in the control center of the platform to observe the screen that was restarted by Lin.

Now the first reconnaissance plane has found the closest creature.

This creature has a wonderful location, when Lin found it... it was trapped in a stone.

This stone is more than ten meters in size, because it is translucent as a whole, and Lin can see that the soldier is fixed inside by the stone.

It looks like an embryo in an egg, and the shape of the stone is quite like an egg.

So, Lin asked the reconnaissance plane to release the internal arms.

These subtle arms began to dig this translucent stone outside.

These stones are essentially a kind of ... 'dream material'.

Lynn found that they are ideal for storing dream energy, but they all have no dream energy.

At least all the stones that Lynn has tested are like this.

However, Lynn feels that they may have been used to store dream energy, which may also be related to the capture of the ball.

However, there are some wonderful places in these stones that Lin did not fully understand.

When Lin's miniature arms were drilled inside the stone and contacted the creature, Lin quickly detected it.

Lin found that its armor was not turned off, but started a mode that could be called 'hibernation mode'.

Half of this mode is used in case of distress, armor will force the creature to sleep inside, and enter a very low energy-consuming state to support the arrival or death of the rescue.

Usually even a little energy... can support for a long time.

So, Lin asked the mini-arms to dig a larger hole and then get the creature inside.

This creature is somewhat like a small creature called Pago, which is only about half a metre. When Lin got it out, put it into the cockpit of the reconnaissance plane and canceled its armor hibernation mode...

"Ah, ah!"

This creature instantly made a horrified ‘call.’

"It's like that, it says so!"

It was very frightening and jumped wildly in the cockpit.

Lin has been watching it keep bumping and hitting it. After a few dozen seconds, it has become calmer.

Then Lynn asked him again: "What did you find?"

"It says so!"

Then it hit it again.

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