"This is the exit?"

The huge platform is slowly flying.

While hitting a lot of translucent stones, they flew toward the target.

This goal is a place that Lynn found shortly before.

Lynn can detect this position... very 'fragile'.

That is, it used to be a space to export anything, but Lin did not know where it went.

Xiao Zhou brain does not know.

Now Xiao Xiao brain has returned to the platform. After it comes back... almost all the soldiers have expressed their own ... anger.

And this Xiaozhou brain has no way to avoid it. It means that it must be done to leave, and they are only suffering and will not die.

As for coming to this place, it is something that Xiao Zhou’s brain did not expect at all.

"You have been waiting for countless years to leave, can you not bear this pain?"

In the face of the plausible Xiao Zhou brain, all the soldiers were told by it... It seems that there is nothing to say.

Although it is said that because you can't feel anything when you are still, the long wait for the years is actually not long for them.

In any case, Xiao Zhou’s brain is not punished, but this group of soldiers does not let it lead, and at most let it make some opinions or something.

Now, leaving here is the most important thing.

"We have arrived."

Within the platform, Lin's pompoms and Xiao Zhou brain still looked at the screen.

There is nothing special about the outside scenery, and it is still a place where translucent stones float everywhere.

But here, it is ‘the fragile place of space’, from here you can go to the normal void... or any strange place.

Xiao Zhou brain thinks that you can experiment, or you can't stay here all the time.

Lin found that Xiao Zhou’s brain has a very ‘impatient’ feature... It doesn’t want to wait longer to find other entrances and exits.

Because this entrance and exit does not detect the outside environment, but if you find anything else you may be able to detect it.

And... There is a saying about the ‘mediator’ Xiao Xiao’s brain that he doesn’t want to find it. It wants to leave here as soon as possible.

However, this group of soldiers did not let Xiao Zhou brain command.

They decided to see if there were any other space entrances and exits based on Lin’s comments.

At the same time, they also want to find out the 'mediators', and there is fuel.

If there is no fuel, this platform can't run for too long... It's hard to live in normal virtual air.

Xiao Zhou’s brain is very angry about their attitude... but it doesn’t do anything.

As a result, many of these soldiers drove more reconnaissance planes to explore in space.

Lin feels that it should have nothing to do with it, at least not at present, there is no danger in this space.

Although Xiao Zhou’s brain is angry, it thinks so. It feels that the catching ball is now being transferred by them to maintain the field... It should not be moved in place.

Of course it may be used again to attract a large number of creatures and then take their maintenance field to allow them to move again... but that takes a long time.

However, according to Lin's observation, the catching ball is still in a state of immobility.

Its ocean is still full of dead bodies... without any change.

So, the journey of exploration in this place... is still going on.

Lynn tested every stone and tried to get the bus information from it, but still couldn't find detailed information.

But... found a strange place.

This is a relatively large stone.

Other stones are tens of meters in size, and it has ... more than three hundred meters, floating like a small island.

But the most important thing is that Lin found one of the goals to be found... the mediator.

The mediator is slowly floating on the surface of the stone.

The mediator looks like a bird. It has a pair of wings that are more than sixty meters long and look like white feathers, while the body in the center of the feather is a complex line. Ellipsoidal object.

Lynn let the reconnaissance plane fly in the direction of it and landed in front of the ‘mediator’.

"who are you?"

When the reconnaissance plane landed, the mediator sent a message here.

Lin's reconnaissance plane looks like no driver from the outside, because Lin mainly let the micro-arms drill into its interior, and modified the engine and other parts and let it fly.

“Is this remote control at a distance? It doesn’t seem to be...”

The mediator seems to be talking to himself, and it **** the white wings and floats over here.

Although there is no air in this place, its fanning action seems to make it move.

Lin has not carefully examined the internal structure of the mediator, just knowing what it looks like.

"Are you a mediator?" Lynn asked the system of the reconnaissance machine to send a message to it and tell it about the platform.

"It turns out." The mediator said: "You want me to go out with you. You want to re-develop in the void, which requires my advice."

“No.” The mediator then said, “I need me more here.”

“Here?” Lynn asked, “Is this place?”

"Yes, can you feel it? It is calling me, it is eager for calm, I need to calm it."

"Who is calling you?"

"that's it."

Under Lin's inquiry, the mediator sent some complicated information.

There is something mentioned here... This huge stone, like an island, is talking to the mediator about a war.

When the mediator woke up, it found it on this huge stone.

Then it feels that the stone is trying to... control itself.

That is, sending a signal to invade its thinking system.

The mediator was surprised that the other person actually understood its system, but it still maintained ‘goodwill’.

It starts to ask the other person's situation and wants to know why the other party wants to invade it.

After a long discussion, the other party seems to have an interest in the mediator's thinking, no longer invading it but talking to it... a war.

The stone tells the mediator that it must leave here immediately, so it wants to try to control the mediator.

Because it can't do anything by itself, but it can be done by controlling the mediator.

It is possible to leave here... and then go to the void to prepare for the war.

The mediator asked a lot about the war.

It imagined like the past... ‘mediation’ this war.

The mediator believes that most of the disputes are unnecessary and can be solved through calculation and reasonable distribution.

Of course, there are also some necessary wars that cannot be reasonably solved.

The mediator said...

"86% of this war may belong to a war that cannot be reasonably distributed. If so, I will fully support this war."

"Let them hit until they can be allocated reasonably."

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