It turns out that this... is also to maintain the field.

Lin learned a lot from this freely moving ‘dream energy group’.

Like, it is actually a 'maintenance field'.

A maintenance field from unforeseen places.

Maintaining the field... is a very weird thing.

It can be said that any alien creatures entering this place will have this kind of wonderful maintenance effect.

The maintenance of the field seems to bring a small part of the ‘environment’ that was originally empty.

But different voids have different effects.

For example, the effect of stillness is to maintain the field from the solidified void.

This kind of maintenance field will not disappear, but will be 'randomly' affecting all kinds of things that are not maintained here.

The maintenance of normal voids... does not seem to be anything special, but it can bring things closer to normal voids.

Maintenance other than normal voids does not allow creatures to approach their voids.

And this group of dream energy is a very rare "maintenance".

Not only because it comes from unforeseen places, but also as a ... creature, as Lin sees, they can move by themselves.

But the place where they move is also limited to this, it seems that there is something special here that allows them to move here.

If you go to a normal void, they can't move at will.

And catching the ball... captures this rare maintenance field.

They were captured by the ball a long time ago, but they are rarely used by the catching ball, and the pain bus doesn't know them.

Therefore, capturing the ball uses them as a final plan.

Their main role... is to contact the database, which of course has not been successful.

If you can't contact them, then they can only call miracles here.

Lin learned from it that she actually slumbers in this place with a miracle creature. This creature is similar to the brain, a very ancient creature that knows a lot of things.

The reason they use weapons is to wake up this miracle creature.

After waking up, this miracle creature may bring a lot of... miraculous effects.

For example, let them go to normal void.

However, there are many unstable possibilities, so it is not the original plan.

The plan is only activated after the plan to go to normal voids has failed.

It turned out that this seems quite interesting... Lin also wants to study what the miracle creature is like.

And this energy group that Lin was caught, Lin will temporarily shut it down and study it.

It's not that it voluntarily tells Lin, but Lynn uses the translator... and painful energy.

To put it simply, it is to store the painful energy into the translator, and then put the translator into the 'cage', which can translate the mood and some words of the 'dream maintenance field'.

Lynn thinks this translator... It’s really interesting and has a lot of effects.

But now Lin is mainly observing the process of 'starting' miracle creatures.

Although Lin grabbed one, it is said that as long as a dream is maintained on the field.

They split into three, just for insurance.

Now the other two... have started some weapons.

Lin also has two invisible aircraft tracking two dreams to maintain the field.

The way they start weapons seems simple.

The weapons of many Star Alliances are floating on the route they fly.

As soon as they approach the weapon, they will “touch” in the past.

The weapons that are touched by them will start immediately and fly along with them.

Most of these weapons are mobile... Lin found that most of them are tens of meters of aircraft.

Others are stranger, like spheres with a lot of brilliant gems, as well as the cannons of the Middle Ages of the Ershi people, and some things like octopus but metal.

Lin asked the brains of Xiao Zhou, these are weapons of different species, but they all have similar effects.

It is to use the explosion or high temperature to cause damage to the target.

But there are some weapons with more exotic effects, and some defensive effects are controlled by them.

What is more amazing is that Lin found that these weapons along the way along the way seemed to line up in a straight line.

So they can also control a large number of weapons all the way.

By the time these two dreams maintain the field to control hundreds of weapons... they are also gathered at the target location.

This... is that miracle creature?

In fact, where they gather, it is a void that looks like nothing...

Now, all of these weapons are gathered together and aimed at what looks like nothing in front.

As for the two dream energy fields, Lynn found that they all stayed in the same weapon.

In fact, this is not a weapon. Its appearance looks like a giant metal shield with a diameter of about 300 meters.

And its actual role is also used as a shield.

This thing is called the ‘Major Shield Stretcher’.

When it is activated, it will form a huge 'protection field' around it, thus preventing various attacks.

The two of them stayed there, feeling as if they were to be disturbed.

As for Lin's two stealth aircraft, they are seen almost 100 kilometers away from these weapons.

When all the weapons were arranged, Lin found that both of them started the guard field first.

In the distance, there was a shield-like glow in the position where the giant shield stretching device was seen.

At the same time, all the weapons are also in a direction of frenzied... fire.

Numerous firepower is directed at the position of the target... that is, the position where Lin is not sensible at all.

After the beautiful curtains flew nearly a thousand kilometers, Lin found that they had exploded.

Every time an explosion occurs, a golden glow appears in the explosion.

This group of rays is not the light of the explosion itself, but what they have blown up.

Under the continuous explosion, a lot of golden light flashed continuously.

After discovering some golden lights, Lin appeared... some golden objects.

They look like pieces of gold... sheets.

With the firepower of weapons, the number of these golden flakes is increasing, and finally they are even connected.

It turned into a huge piece...

This makes Lin feel that these weapons are not attacking, but to draw large pieces of gold in the void.

And it looks a lot like... golden creatures.

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