4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3051: Way of delivery

The Star Alliance has divided the weapons into many levels.

Like the 'infantry level' used for small targets, these weapons are often used to deal damage to a single creature target.

There is also a 'combat level' that kills small areas.

As for the weapons used in the void war or destroying the city, they are called ‘war level’.

There are also many sub-levels and the like.

But in the end it is also the most powerful weapon, often referred to as the 'extinction class'.

This type of weapon is generally used to burn the entire roll, extinction of all species, and so on.

Lynn found that those dreams maintained a field of extinction weapons.

To be precise, they opened a warship that was about a kilometer long and had just fired two missiles into the golden sphere.

The two missiles were not extinct, but they still caused damage to the golden sphere.

They are now about to launch extermination weapons.

So... they crashed into it quickly.

In fact, this warship is itself a weapon, similar to Ershimin's 'annihilation ship', and its explosion is very powerful.

The warship itself is called the stellar variant ship, which is mainly used to crash into the star.

It has some special things inside that can change the stellar environment.

The environment of stars affected by such warships will be very different from before.

A weapon that destroys most of the entire galaxy by modifying the way the stellar environment.

It was said that it was developed to deal with a very 'crazy' species on a galaxy.

In any case, the direct collision is not the correct way to use the stellar transformer. But the maintenance of the field does not matter what it is. After all, it directly hits and blows up and has great power.

The two maintenance fields are not in the battleship, they are in a distant aircraft.

But the warships are obviously controlled by them... The reason they attack the spheres seems to be to think about what the sphere is doing.

Because it was learned from the maintenance field captured by Lin... The golden sphere itself has the ability to leave this space.

As long as it is forced to do some action, it may open the channel or something.

In this regard, this golden sphere does not have any special reaction, it still does not move in the original position.

"Some creatures... prevented miracles." When the warship was about to hit it, it suddenly said: "They...the miracles are no longer like miracles, they want to control the miracle."

"I don't allow this kind of thing to happen, it's impossible..."

'boom! ’

When the warship, which is much larger than the golden sphere, hit it, the violent explosion covered everything around it.

Because Lin's several aircraft were also close to the golden sphere, they were also affected and turned into ashes.

However, there are still some arms in the farther places, they can see this spectacular explosion.

The explosion continued to dissipate long after.

The location of the original explosion... there is nothing left.

The two dreams have also disappeared.

Because Lin found that although they opened an aircraft in a distant position, their position was still affected.

The explosion affected their location and destroyed their aircraft...

It is unclear as to whether or not to destroy these maintenance fields themselves.

However, from the behavior they used to hide in the 'Major Shield', it seems that they will be hurt because of the explosion.

But why is it now?

They are not calculating the distance, do not know how powerful the explosion?

Still have some wonderful reasons...

Next, Lin went to the explosion point to check it out.

Lin couldn't find any traces of the golden sphere here, nor did she detect the two maintenance fields.

So Lin still sent the current situation to the maintenance field that Lynn captured to see if she knew anything.

After it learned the current situation, Lin found that it was a lot more...the idea.

It believes that these two maintenance fields should be like this...

Because the miracle creature, that is, the golden sphere, is going to do nothing, stay here to continue the ‘guardian miracle’.

So they have to use some methods to stimulate it and let it do something.

But this method does not actually blow it up, but conveys a message to it.

This message is to tell the golden creature that there is something in the normal void to try to stop the miracle.

It can also be said that they interfere with the ‘normal operation’ of some miracles.

In this way, stimulate the golden sphere and let it go to the normal void... and the two sustaining fields can follow the normal void.

Therefore, the golden sphere and the maintenance field are not killed now, but it is very likely to go to the normal void.

However, for the community, we must use this warship to impact the explosion to transmit information, then I don't know.

The rescued field that was captured believed that its two similars should have accidentally discovered that the battleship explosion could transmit such a very intense information that would certainly stimulate the golden sphere, so it was decided to explode the battleship.

It's just why it's not clear, after all... It's still not known about the situation in the battleship.

Maybe there is something special inside that will blow up the golden sphere to make sure that there is something stopping the miracle outside?

Lin thinks that is probably the case.

So, Lynn decided to investigate where they went to the normal void.

Anyway, the position of Xiao Xiao brain is not found, it should be to other places.

From the dream maintenance field, Lin learned that the golden sphere can enter and leave the space at will, mainly because it can maintain the normal maintenance of the void.

If the normal void maintenance field stays here for a long time, it will be 'naturally falling off', but the golden sphere has some way to keep it.

This also ensures that it can enter normal void at any time.

Since it is the information that the battleship explosion tells it, it may go to the location associated with the battleship.

Lin asked Xiao Xiao brain for something related to the battleship.

It said that the warship as a weapon played only one role in the history of the Star Alliance.

But that was the death of almost all creatures of a certain galaxy.

Later, these warships were generally used for threats and were not used any more.

Lin asked Xiao Xiao’s brain about the location of the galaxy.

Lin soon thought that... the golden sphere and the two dreams maintained the field, it should be to the galaxy.

Because Lin was carefully tested at the location of the explosion...

Some related ‘information’ was discovered.

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