4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3053: Similar things?

Most invaders describe the aborigines as ignorant and evil creatures and find ‘legitimate’ aggression. x.

But it is said that the Star Alliance will not do this.

They found that the aborigines threatened them and did not want to join them... they launched the attack directly.

They never tell the public how much evil the Aborigines have, just saying that 'local residents hinder our development.'

However, it seems that this time is an exception.

They do believe that the creatures here are evil.


The world... is shaking.

After the golden sphere signaled, Lynn noticed that all the 'lakes' here began to become active.

The golden 'lakes' pulsate in the lake, and the ground trembles.

The strong earthquake shook out numerous cracks at the edge of the lake, and the high-temperature golden liquid inside it flowed out of the lake. The liquid from different lakes converge in the cracks.

From the sky, it looks like all the lakes are connected together.

According to Xiao Zhou’s brain, the first tumbling person closest to the star is the one where Lin and the golden sphere are located.

There is a creature in it, which they call ‘gold eclipse’.

It is said that they had noticed this creature for a long time.

At first, this tumbling person was not the case. Its surface was mainly in the desert environment, always tumbling with violent sandstorms.

Due to the detection of suitable resources on the ground, the Star Alliance has built multiple collection stations on the surface.

These collection stations were initially fine, but after a period of time, they found that the collection machinery had some conditions.

They... began to rebel.

The collection machine is not a complicated intelligent machine, but a simple mining procedure.

But they found that these mining programs were rewritten by ..., which made them do some complicated behavior.

For example, pick up a weapon to attack those normal collection machines, or besiege the collection station or something.

The Alliance thought it was the programmers who wrote the program, but after careful investigation, they found that it was local...there was something in it.

Since many of these machines in the collection station are made from locally collected minerals, they discover the machinery made by the local minerals, and the internal master structure will change 'self.'

It will not behave in the early stages of its creation, but after a while, it may change its own procedures.

Then it will show... aggressiveness.

Therefore, the collection stations in various places have encountered mechanical rebellion.

It’s a trivial matter of these mechanical rebellions, but many of the resources collected here are transported to other places to make a lot of things...

Almost any machine that contains locally collected materials will change... Whether it's a collection machine or a warship... the main control system is possible.

After careful study, the Star Alliance finally found the reason for this.

The locally collected minerals contain a very small creature.

They are very difficult to find because their composition is the same as the surrounding minerals.

But there are complex systems inside.

When the minerals are taken to cause something... such as mining machinery, these 'biological' will start.

They move around in the machine, which lasts for a long time.

The Alliance believes that this is where they are investigating the entire machine.

That is to say, these 'biological' did not know the machinery at first, and they would conduct a careful investigation.

After the investigation was almost completed, the mechanical control system was modified to make them aggressive.

At the time, the Star Alliance did not find out how these creatures understood their system programs.

However, it is clear that these creatures seem to learn everything for a while.

Later, in further research, the Star Alliance thought it was a kind of divisional species. As long as there were multiple machines in the same range that infected these things, the speed of these machines would be much faster.

They believe that these creatures are related to each other and share their findings with each other.

Since almost all of the things on this tumbling person contained these tiny creatures... they finally had to give up here.

It is said that these fine microbes are also extinct on a large scale after stellar variability, and they mainly rely on stars to obtain energy.

The acquisition was similar to the use of light energy, but the Alliance did not carefully study their complete ecology at the time.

And now... it has been a long time.

This tumbling person has a completely different landscape from the past.

But there is still something living here.

The signal of the golden sphere caused it to wake up.

"It... seems to be here."

With the successive vibrations of the earth's surface, the golden sphere suddenly said to Lin: "Maybe... it is in this place."

Lynn questioned: "It?"

The golden sphere responded: "It was the one that was mentioned before you...the creature that is very similar to you."

Lin continued to ask: "...is it? Where is it?"

"It's just a blurry perception, it's there."

The golden sphere turned and turned in one direction.

It signaled to Lin that the creature was in a place not far away... in the big pit.

The pothole is next to the lake... It is more than three hundred meters in diameter, and there is no golden liquid in it. It looks like a... dry lake.

However, as the ground vibrates, many cracks have spread to the edge of the pothole, and the golden liquid has also surged into the pit.

Then Lin flew over there.

When Lin’s pompoms approached the pothole, the pothole suddenly slammed.

The liquid that had just entered was like a spring that rushed out to the outside, and then sprinkled around like rain.

There are also a lot... sprinkled on the pom-poms.

Lynn found these liquids... they were active.

They are very... sticky, so Lynn can find that they are trying to roll and slide down the skin of the pompon.

It was still very interesting, and Lynn decided to study the liquids.

Just then, the potholes in front of it continued to erupt.

A lot of liquids and some hard objects also sprang out with vibration, and Lin felt that there should be something underneath.

'Snapped! ’

When Lin was concerned about the vibration in front... Suddenly Lin found that there was a flash of light next to it.

I saw that the golden sphere that had originally floated on the lake had disappeared... it disappeared in the two lights.

And in its original position, there is another sphere. This sphere seems to be... catching the ball?

No, it should be a database.

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