4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3067: The earliest dream

This is a legend long and long ago...

Between the gap between the void and the void, the maintenance field of each void is brought by things or creatures that enter the gap.

Although the ‘effect’ of maintaining the field is different, the reason for their initial birth is the same.

And the dream is to maintain the field...

Accurately speaking, it was the original dream maintenance field, and it was also from the earliest entry into the gap... from unforeseen places.

Where did the creature go, what was being done, whether it was still alive... No one knows.

It is called the 'earliest dream'.

In fact, Lin is so called... but it seems that this is indeed the first normal creature to arrive.

The dream creatures that Bilin knew before... are still early.

But few creatures know this, except... that creature.

It is said that there is such a creature trying to find this 'earliest dream', which believes that this dream creature is still alive.

It is the database, a rollover that is completely wrapped in the ocean.

To be precise, it should be a 'creation database', which is said to be a ... creature from the original world of the creator.

The original reason may be that the creators are too broadly distributed, so more such “collection stations” need to be created.

And these databases will act on their own, they are not always in one place.

One of them went to the gap between the void and the void, and tried to find clues about the earliest dreams there.

Then it did find some clues...that is, the earliest dreams to maintain the field.

This dream-maintaining field is the same as the maintenance field that Lynn later saw. They are a special kind of dream creature.

After the database caught the dream and maintained it, it did the same thing... it was the same as catching the ball.

That is, injecting his own 'personality' into the dream maintenance field, completely controlling this dream to maintain the field.

Then use this dream to maintain the field to do something.

It is still unclear what the matter is.

But it seems that this thing has led to the emergence of ‘it’.

That is, the golden sphere is very similar to Lin's creature, and it is also like a wonderful ‘phenomenon’.

There are always a lot of ... life in it.

No matter how ridiculous the place is, these lives are like the seeds of the sprinkling that grow wildly as it passes by, and various forms of life are formed.

Some creatures give it the name of a 'life star', and some creatures that don't like it call it a 'source of pollution'.

All in all, this is a wonderful creature.

Then the creature reached the gap between the void and the virtual space in that place.

The encounter between this ‘life star’ and the database is not so...convenient.

They had a very intense battle at that time.

The result of the battle seems to be that the ‘Life Star’ defeated the database because the database was then locked in the void.

The ‘Life Star’ left there and went to the normal void.

So the biggest possibility is that ‘Life Star’ has transferred the normal void of the database to itself.

The database was fixed in the absence of the maintenance field.

So the ‘Life Star’ seems to have joined the miracle creature after leaving, and at the same time created the miracle of the galaxy’s puzzle.

The situation that Lynn currently knows is probably like this.

After that, it took another long time.

The life star itself has already left here.

And the puzzle galaxy it created lasted for a long time, until some time...

The puzzle itself produced an anomaly.

The reason for the anomaly is that this...the earliest dream to maintain the field.

It is said that dreams are maintained in the field... it is possible to split.

The split individual has exactly the same personality and memory as before and the 'function'.

Perhaps after the life star defeated the database, it also made its dreams come to life and split it into many.

There are some dreams to maintain the field used to maintain this miracle of the puzzle.

It may still be normal at the beginning... but there have been some problems lately.

Why is there a problem, it is still unclear.

But what Linde knows is that this dream is to maintain the galaxy of the entire puzzle miracle.

To be precise, it is to control all the devices used to maintain the puzzle, including the central control system itself.

As long as it controls all of this, it will transform it into another look.

That is... it is related to the database, and maybe seven tumbling people will be flooded.

This is what Lin is generally aware of now.

After that, it took another long time.

The life star itself has already left here.

And the puzzle galaxy it created lasted for a long time, until some time...

The puzzle itself produced an anomaly.

The reason for the anomaly is that this...the earliest dream to maintain the field.

It is said that dreams are maintained in the field... it is possible to split.

The split individual has exactly the same personality and memory as before and the 'function'.

Perhaps after the life star defeated the database, it also made its dreams come to life and split it into many.

There are some dreams to maintain the field used to maintain this miracle of the puzzle.

It may still be normal at the beginning... but there have been some problems lately.

Why is there a problem, it is still unclear.

But what Linde knows is that this dream is to maintain the galaxy of the entire puzzle miracle.

To be precise, it is to control all the devices used to maintain the puzzle, including the central control system itself.

As long as it controls all of this, it will transform it into another look.

That is... it is related to the database, and maybe seven tumbling people will be flooded.

This is what Lin is generally aware of now.

After that, it took another long time.

The life star itself has already left here.

And the puzzle galaxy it created lasted for a long time, until some time...

The puzzle itself produced an anomaly.

The reason for the anomaly is that this...the earliest dream to maintain the field.

It is said that dreams are maintained in the field... it is possible to split.

The split individual has exactly the same personality and memory as before and the 'function'.

Perhaps after the life star defeated the database, it also made its dreams come to life and split it into many.

There are some dreams to maintain the field used to maintain this miracle of the puzzle.

It may still be normal at the beginning... but there have been some problems lately.

Why is there a problem, it is still unclear. m.

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