4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3069: Convergence

It is floating fast in the void.

Lynn thinks this... ‘power’ is wonderful.

It seems that there is something moving it in the traction.

It, that is, this satellite is flying fast...

During the flight, the particles in the ocean are still being repaired quickly.

Lynn found that the unrepaired particles seemed to have a layer of protection so they would not receive a mandatory repair command.

But... because a considerable amount of particles have been repaired, these repairs and unrepaired battles are fierce in the sea.

Lin has already let the stones that absorb the dream energy fly out of the satellite during their fighting, and prepare to throw new stones into the sea.

However, when these stones flew out, they were attacked.

In the void around the satellite, there are many ... flying objects.

These flying objects look quite like... water cannons, they are all about 30 meters in diameter, and they are many in number.

A large number of such 'water cannons' appear from the void around the satellite.

But the liquid in the water cannon... certainly not ordinary water.

They maintain a high speed and directly hit the stone of Lin, but Lin's stone also has a defensive structure, which can open many small holes in the shell of the stone and emit a large number of small stones.

This simple defensive structure is quite effective, and countless flying small stones can directly break up the water cannons that hit.

Although Lin is still not fully aware of what liquid they are made of, it is not indestructible.

While breaking up the incoming water cannon, Lin let the three stones fly back to where the original satellite was.

This distance is not very far, and Lin wants to reach the space to enter the space channel and return to the seventh roll.

It seems that the transmission will cause the captured dream to maintain the field 'lost'... This is what the golden sphere says, so it cannot be transmitted.

A space channel is required to move back.

Lin also noticed that the water cannons that attacked the stones became less and less as the stones farther away.

Eventually they stopped attacking the rocks and flew to the satellites.

These water cannons slammed into the sea of ​​the satellite and set off a wave of waves while deep into the depths of the water.

These water cannons are not water, they are not mixed with water, they look like a group of exudates after entering the water... The object of blue light is swimming fast.

They swim and devour all the particles around them.

Lynn noticed that all the particles that were contacted by the water cannon stopped working.

They are like being shut down, no longer doing any activity, whether it is repaired particles or not.

This effect is quite wonderful.

As the satellite flies, more and more 'water cannons' appearing around the ocean have entered the ocean.

The ‘grain battle’ in this ocean began to stop because of the arrival of these water cannons.

Why do they have this effect in the end?

Unfortunately, there are only a few arms on the satellite that continue to observe and cannot be carefully investigated.

The speed of the satellite seems to be getting faster and faster, and it is flying towards the location of the golden sphere.

The golden sphere... is now somewhere in the void.

In fact, it is not very far from the sixth roller, only about 100 million kilometers.

The satellite is constantly accelerating to the position of the golden sphere, and the golden sphere does not care about it.

It is now thinking about... a thing in front of it.

This thing looks like a porous stone.

It is more than three hundred meters in diameter and is about the size of a gold sphere.

However, it has many small holes of different sizes on the surface, which feels like a coral skeleton.

Because there are micro-arms to follow, Lin can clearly see... what happens to the golden sphere.

The golden sphere has been 'staring' this porous stone for a long time.

There has been no special reaction all the time. Lin asked it. It is just a simple statement that the stone may be related to the database and then continue to stare.

Now, this stone seems to have a relatively large reaction.

‘Hey! ’

A hole in the surface of the stone suddenly fired a water cannon.

The water cannon quickly hit the golden sphere, but it exploded halfway.

That's because there are many small golden floats floating around the golden sphere.

These floats look like pieces of debris, all about a few meters in size, and when the golden spheres fly here, they are sprinkled in the surrounding void.

It seems that these things are used for defense.

At this point, the stone fired more...water cannons.

However, each water cannon was flying halfway and it was blown up by hitting the floating pieces.

And the golden sphere doesn't do anything, it's still there... look and see.

At this time, Lin also found that the stones did not fire water cannons.

It's just that the small holes on the surface are still pouring a lot of water...

The water quickly wrapped the whole stone, and it could be said to completely submerge it and become a ... liquid ball.

And this liquid ball is constantly increasing.

"It appeared."

The golden sphere and Lin said such a sentence, then it retreated.

"What are you not doing?" Lynn asked a golden ball with a miniature unit.

"No, you have to wait until it comes out."

When the golden sphere was talking, it suddenly flew to the side.

At this point behind the golden sphere... you can see that the satellite is flying fast.

The sixth tumbling satellite hits this growing liquid ball directly, then...

They are merged.

It can be said that it is a fusion, or it can be said that the satellite swallowed it because the satellite is much larger than the liquid ball.

Then the speed of the satellite was also rapidly reduced, and finally stopped in the void not far away.

"Is it already fully present?"

Lin’s question was not answered, and the golden sphere was still in place.

However, there have been...isolated on the satellite.

I saw that the surging sea suddenly raised a tower, and between these towers there was a dazzling... green light.

Each tower has a height of a hundred meters, and the green light between them connects them like a bridge.

"Sure enough it is."

The golden ball is reflected in the reaction: "Already confirmed."

"Confirm?" Lin asked.

"That is a lost civilization." The golden sphere said: "It seems to want to print it out."

“It can use that as its own 'body' and can be used to do something else.”

"But this is also the best chance to solve it, so you still have to wait."

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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