4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3071: contact

The war in the void... is very intense.

Numerous golden fragments rotate at high speed and fall toward the surface of the satellite.

They crashed into a dark green ‘light curtain’ wrapped around the satellite, and the violent explosion caused the light curtain to oscillate, but did not penetrate it.

Lin found that this layer of 'light curtain' is a very interesting liquid substance.

It can stay above the satellite and is very 'sturdy' to withstand all kinds of flying objects.

A large number of golden fragments sprinkled by the golden spheres, no one can fall into the satellite.

However, there were no attacks inside the satellites, but the printing of things such as warships continued.

"It seems to be that position."

The golden sphere suddenly stopped sprinkling the golden pieces, and it jerked up and flew straight toward the target.

The satellite also reacted differently to the flying golden sphere. Lynn noticed that the ‘light curtain’ of the golden sphere hitting the position became... thicker in a moment.

Originally it looks like a layer of light illuminating material, but now it has become a lot of illuminating objects that are layered together...the brilliance is bright.

It seems to want to gather a lot of defensive power to block the collision of the golden sphere, and the golden sphere does not change the direction of the attack.

'boom! ’

It just hits directly on such a multi-layered light curtain.

Although there was no sound, Lin also gave it a loud voice... The violent impact made the whole satellite tremble, and many of the aircraft that were being printed disappeared without a trace after an instant flash. .

It seems that the golden sphere is not just a simple collision, it also uses what method... affects the entire satellite.

Of course, the stacked 'light curtains' used to block the golden spheres also collapsed and dissipated.

The speed of the golden sphere slowed down, but it also flew unimpeded to the satellite's towering buildings.

Then, Lin found that there was debris around the golden sphere.

These golden crumbs are much smaller than before, but the number is much larger.

They are only a few centimeters in size, and these debris appear in large numbers around the golden spheres and spin up quickly.

As the debris grew, they formed a golden dust storm around the golden sphere.

The golden sphere slowly hides under the violent whirl of the 'Gold Dust Storm'... and the dust storm also begins to approach those dark green buildings.

These buildings, like castles, have many structures such as spires that look like spires.

These structures were also the first to touch the gold dust storm. At the moment of touching, they instantly turned into fly ash together with the dust storm.

As for the aircraft that is still in the flashing print, the moment of being touched disappears.

In the face of such a powerful gold dust storm, this satellite has also done something.

Lynn noticed that many triangular pieces flew out of many buildings.

These triangular objects are small, only ten centimeters.

They flooded into the gold dust storms in the maneuvers and directly mixed into the maneuvers.

This makes the glittering dust storm mixed with a lot of dark green color, but it seems to be useless.

Because the gold dust storm is still constantly smashing all the buildings around.

The golden spheres slowly fly on the surface of the satellite and smash all the buildings that come into contact.

Lin feels like it is going to get back all the printed buildings on the surface.

The satellite attacked it with a triangular sheet while repairing the damaged building area.

Lin noticed that the building areas damaged by the gold dust storm soon enveloped a layer of green light.

Under this ray of light, the broken buildings began to recover slowly.

The light creates a stereoscopic image before the damage, and the image is slowly 'materialized'.

However, Lynn noticed that this repair speed was much slower than the initial composition of these buildings.

At least a 50% increase in composition time.

But this is also very fast, so the area destroyed by the golden sphere is intact.

When the golden spheres find that those areas have been repaired, they will return to crush them again, or they will not be repaired.

As the number of destructions increases, the speed at which these buildings are repaired is getting slower and slower.

Lin feels that it may be destroyed a certain number of times, and it can't be repaired.

However, the golden sphere obviously cannot be destroyed all the time.

After a period of time, the gold dust storm of the golden sphere has almost turned into a green whirlpool.

It seems that... the triangular flakes with dark green brilliance replace the original golden debris.

When Lin thought about it, the storm of this round suddenly stopped.

Lin can see that countless dense triangles surround the golden spheres, as the original golden debris is left with little sporadic flying around, and the golden spheres seem to have lost control of them.

These triangles emit a green light from the center to illuminate the surface of the gold sphere.

A lot of green light seems to shackle the golden sphere.

However, they don't seem to be as simple as binding.

Under the illumination of green light, Lin found that the outer shell of the golden sphere collapsed in a little bit.

It’s as if they are breaking it down.

The whole process lasted for about 30 seconds, and the illumination of the green light made the golden sphere...the whole was smaller.

That is, from the original three hundred meters in diameter to about two hundred and eighty meters.

But this has not continued.

Lin found that the green triangles did not seem to keep the green light all the time.

After thirty seconds passed, some triangles began to flash and then completely darkened.

It feels like... no electricity.

The lack of electricity quickly spread, and the green triangles lost their light in the flash.

When the last triangle stops emitting light, the golden sphere moves.

It smashed the triangles surrounding it and flew at a high speed in one direction.

There is a big building in that direction.

It can be said that it is the largest building in this place, it looks like a towering tower.

When Lynn first saw it, she thought it should be a useful building, but the golden sphere didn't attack it from the beginning.

But now, when I go there, there may be special reasons.

But the moment the golden sphere was flying near the tower, Lin found that it had suffered... attack.

Because the tower is standing in a lake.

As the golden spheres approached, the lake began to surge, and the surface merged into water cannons of several tens of meters in size and hit the golden spheres.

The water cannon has seen this attack many times, but this time it is different.

Because every water cannon...has a... creature.

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