Journey in the void...

It seems very long.

The golden sphere has left the galaxy and headed for the distant void.

It told Lin that it was going to the coordinates before going.

It is indeed a very remote place, even if it can be transmitted and transmitted for a long time.

And there is still no transmission there.

And Lynn used some arms to follow the golden sphere.

The golden sphere thinks it takes about a year for a pompon to find the target.

Although the database is ‘no space,’ it is not too deep.

The golden sphere can reach the nearest place through some 'shortcuts' and then only approach the target at a pure speed.

It believes that the database is also a method of long-distance travel, so it will not run too far during this time.

But the actual situation is not clear.

Therefore, during the period of the journey, Lynn decided to study this... satellite.

Now the satellite seems to want to move to where it is.

From the beginning, Lin found that it was moving fast... toward the galaxy, exactly the direction of the seventh roller.

It seems to want to go to the seventh roller to do something, it is getting faster and faster in the process of moving.

And the seventh roller...accurately, the central control system also responded.

Because Lynn has been sending the observed situation to the hub to see if it will update the information.

It currently updates a lot of information, which is some information about the database.

A long time ago the database came here and completed all the puzzles, and then it was given all the time when the device of the miracle miracle was reset... oh.

Then let the dreams continue to occupy them.

This point is known before.

It's just that the process of completing the puzzle is more interesting... the database doesn't seem to be solved by ‘thinking’.

It is passed through continuous testing.

It is to throw a tumbling creature into another tumbling person, like the first to the seventh, the seventh to the seventh, or the seventh to spread to each one and so on.

Of course, it is not just a creature, it may be something unique to a building or a tumbling person.

By constantly dispersing and mixing them, the final database unlocks the puzzles here.

When thinking about it, Lin found some strange changes in the satellite.

It is now one million kilometers from the seventh roller, but it stopped here.

At the same time, the layer of 'light curtain' on the surface opens a circular hole with a diameter of about 100 meters.

But that's not light. It's a layer of liquid material that is 'sturdy', so it can be said to be a luminous... water curtain.

This round hole is aligned with the direction of the seventh tumbling person.

On the seventh tumbling, those creatures still fighting have responded to this, and they all stopped fighting and drilled into the surrounding caves.

These creatures usually do not build buildings, but live in caves at the foot of the mountain.

Lin did not study these caves carefully, but Lin now has the mini-arms to follow them.

Lin found that these holes are quite complicated.

The group of creatures that Lynn observed...that is, creatures that look like virtual people.

Lynn noticed that they had gathered in a place deep in the cave.

This place seems to be a big square, including the ‘the corpse’ who had tested the memory before Lin.

However, the corpse is completely unaware of what is going on, it is just strangely rushing to see the same kind of ran here.

The surrounding small bodies of the same kind are gathered in the cave with a diameter of hundreds of meters. They all make a position... that is to hold the six limbs together and then lie on the ground.

The ghouls have been asking them what happened, but no one cares about it.

Lynn thinks this is quite interesting. It used to be the sixth tumbling person and didn't know what happened... but those of the same kind can understand immediately.

This is because these corpses are actually one of the whole miracles... a small miracle.

The memory and thinking of the corpse itself is not like its kind, it will change with the reset of various systems.

Although those systems will also provide the corpse with a variety of related things, such as it will get the point system in the sixth roll, but it will not modify its memory.

Their memories and thoughts are always maintained... So... the corpse is a kind of dilemma that has the potential to get rid of the 'decryption props' in this galaxy and become a free creature.

This is the little miracle in the miracle.

Even so, it seems that no corpse has done this yet, they still live in puzzles.

Now, Lin saw that the ground beneath these creatures suddenly opened a hole.

These creatures fell into the hole underneath, except for the corpse who was still confused.

There is no hole under it, and because the head is too big to drill into other holes.

In the midst of this series of changes, Lin also noticed that the satellites in the void began to gather together... green light.

Multiple buildings on the satellite emit a green light to the opening of the 'light curtain'.

Then there gathered together into a growing ball of light.

When the ball of light swells to the same size as the opening, it flies toward the seventh tumbling.

At the same time, the seventh tumbling person opened a huge ... opening on the surface of the satellite.

This place was originally plain, and now there is a huge pothole.

In the potholes, there are a large number of aircraft... flying out.

In the hole.

In the midst of this series of changes, Lin also noticed that the satellites in the void began to gather together... green light.

Multiple buildings on the satellite emit a green light to the opening of the 'light curtain'.

Then there gathered together into a growing ball of light.

When the ball of light swells to the same size as the opening, it flies toward the seventh tumbling.

At the same time, the seventh tumbling person opened a huge ... opening on the surface of the satellite.

This place was originally plain, and now there is a huge pothole.

In the potholes, there are a large number of aircraft... flying out.

In the hole.

In the midst of this series of changes, Lin also noticed that the satellites in the void began to gather together... green light.

Multiple buildings on the satellite emit a green light to the opening of the 'light curtain'.

Then there gathered together into a growing ball of light.

When the ball of light swells to the same size as the opening, it flies toward the seventh tumbling.

At the same time, the seventh tumbling person opened a huge ... opening on the surface of the satellite.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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