4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3075: Thinking and thinking

"You can't do this..."

"Must... no response..."


Lynn's spy... is moving in the 'inside' of the satellite.

In fact, it is within some buildings.

No matter where you move, there will be a lot of triangular flaps, and these sheets are always sending strange messages.

As long as they want to attack Lynn's spy, they will immediately send out some information like 'Can't do it', and then turn themselves around and let the attack hit elsewhere.

The spies...or the seventh roller creatures have some sort of wonderful protection that they can't attack.

The same is true in Lin's research. Lin has decomposed some triangular slices.

Lin found that in their perception system, the creatures of the seventh roller were constantly switching between 'harmful' and 'harmless'.

They will think that it is harmful to follow the attack, and they feel that it is harmless. They have been doing fierce ... ideological struggles.

This is quite a creature on the light curtain that keeps fighting in his mind.

What's more interesting is that each triangle will definitely treat the spy as a harmless target at the moment of the attack.

So each time they attack the target, they will temporarily adjust the target.

This makes Lin's spy here... unimpeded.

But there is nothing interesting in the building. Lin has already gone to many buildings... Lin found that the buildings are almost empty.

That is, there are some empty rooms and corridors, and there is nothing else in them.

Therefore, Lin has decided to explore this place.

This place...that is, the position directly controlled by the 'resources of the database'.

It was originally a tall tower towering in a huge pool, but now there is only a tower without a tower.

Therefore, Lynn’s spy jumped into the pool and swam quickly into the depths of the water.

Lin remembers that part of the tower had turned into a triangular piece and sneaked into the water, so Lynn felt that she might find them.

However, if this is directly controlled by the database, it may not be like other fragments... it can be easily broken down.

But Lynn still wants to find these pieces to see.

As Lin’s dive became deeper and deeper, Lin felt that there was a huge object around it that was slowly approaching.

This is the creature that attacked the golden sphere before, like a tyrannosaurus.

According to the golden sphere, this is a... very old void creature.

It is the same type of creature that was previously loaded with a golden sphere in a water cannon. This creature is called a ‘floating person’.

They generally live in the void and create a liquid that wraps around their body and floats in the void.

It is said that they mainly live in the era of ‘civilization intensive’, and they like to attack warships of many civilizations. This is also its staple food.

At the same time, it produces liquids that are said to avoid the detection of multiple civilizations, making it very difficult to find.

It can be said that it is a very dangerous ‘wild animal’.

But the maritime civilization found ... taming this ‘wild animal’ method and turning it into its own weapon.

But this seemingly dangerous creature is currently not attacking Lynn.

Its huge body swam slowly around the spy, without any signs of attack.

So, Lin's spy finally landed at the bottom of the water.

The bottom of the water is not very far from the water surface, it is about a kilometer.

The bottom of the water is covered with a layer of ... dark green metal.

At the same time, Lin also found that there are many triangular pieces here.

These triangles exude a faint green light, and Lynn’s spy picked up a piece... it didn’t react at all.

Then Lynn let the spy eat it in and start testing.

These fragments have a 'thinking structure' inside, essentially the same as the brain of the seventh tumbling creature.

So Lynn can detect what it is thinking.

Lynn found that the piece was the same as the creature on the light curtain... it was doing a fierce imagination battle.

Imagine a strong enemy fighting with himself. It imagines that the strong enemy is another triangular piece like himself.

Their battle content is to constantly emit light, trying to hit the opponent to avoid the light of the opponent.

At the time of Lin's inspection, this triangular shard successfully defeated its imaginary opponent.

And the moment the opponent was defeated... Lin found that a creature on the light curtain of the satellite was defeated by the opponent in the mind... and the brain was in a state of suspension.

This... seems to be quite fun.

It seems that the battle of the triangles here and the creatures on the light curtain are... synchronized.

Although the battle content in their minds is completely different, the moment of winning and losing is synchronous.

Then, Lin found that the debris was hit by the opponent in her mind.

At this time, a creature on the light curtain also defeated the opponent in his mind at the same time.

But unlike creatures, the triangle won't stop working after the defeat, it will come up with the next battle scene... and continue to fight.

Of course, at this time a building on the satellite has been destroyed.

Then Lynn studied other triangles, all in the same state.

Constantly fighting in my mind... Failure will not stop, but there will be destruction of the building.

This... seems to be quite fun.

It seems that the battle of the triangles here and the creatures on the light curtain are... synchronized.

Although the battle content in their minds is completely different, the moment of winning and losing is synchronous.

Then, Lin found that the debris was hit by the opponent in her mind.

At this time, a creature on the light curtain also defeated the opponent in his mind at the same time.

But unlike creatures, the triangle won't stop working after the defeat, it will come up with the next battle scene... and continue to fight.

Of course, at this time a building on the satellite has been destroyed.

Then Lynn studied other triangles, all in the same state.

Constantly fighting in my mind... Failure will not stop, but there will be destruction of the building.

This... seems to be quite fun.

It seems that the battle of the triangles here and the creatures on the light curtain are... synchronized.

Although the battle content in their minds is completely different, the moment of winning and losing is synchronous.

Then, Lin found that the debris was hit by the opponent in her mind.

At this time, a creature on the light curtain also defeated the opponent in his mind at the same time.

But unlike creatures, the triangle won't stop working after the defeat, it will come up with the next battle scene... and continue to fight.

Of course, at this time a building on the satellite has been destroyed.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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