4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3077: Devouring

Two stars in the void are approaching each other.

One has a diameter of 3,000 kilometers, and one has only one hundred kilometers.

If you follow normal conditions, this collision will be devastating to the devastating consequences... but not here.

Because this is Lin's arms.

There is something in this tumbling person that can be called a 'gravitational regulator'.

This kind of thing is similar to the gravitational organ of the stellar bus, and it is also the usual way of moving this tumbling unit.

It can take advantage of this movement between galaxies and also 'capture' such large objects as satellites.

Now, Lin is only 10,000 kilometers away from this satellite.

The satellite is still carrying out a 'thinking war', and it has no way to escape.

As Lin's tumbling approached, the satellite also began to move towards Lin... moving.

The giant shadow of the satellite appeared in the shovel's scorpio, which fell to the surface at a certain speed.

At this time, the surface stretched a large number of giant towers up to hundreds of meters, waiting for the piercing... to capture this target.

But when the goal got closer and closer, Lynn suddenly noticed that the satellite was shaking.

It no longer falls to Lin's tumbling, but flies in the opposite direction.

This is quite interesting... It seems to suddenly regain control, but what's more interesting is that Lynn noticed that it entered a wonderful state that could be said to be 'virtual.'

That is to say, pulling it with a gravitational device... it has no reaction.

The satellite is slowly moving away from the surface, but Lynn does not want it to escape.

‘嘭——! ’

A large number of barbed spires on the ground were launched and fired at the satellite like a missile.

After a short time, these spires hit the ‘light curtain’ on the surface of the satellite, and the light curtain oscillated under the impact.

The spires were not destroyed by the impact and they began to spin up quickly.

This made the ‘light curtain’ more intense and the spires were squeezing out bit by bit.

At this time, the satellite has already launched a defense, and Lynn noticed that there are many buildings underneath...Opened.

They are like a huge ... organ door, many buildings split directly from the middle, divided into two halves.

The cracked building center slammed a huge... water cannon into the sky.

These water cannons are all tens of meters in diameter. When they fly to the light curtain, the light curtain will instantly open a hole for them, allowing the water cannons to fly out and then merge again.

The water cannon that flew out of the light curtain exploded in the void, and a huge creature fell on the surface of the light curtain.

Lynn noticed that these creatures are... those creatures that are covered with dark green algae.

They are different in form, but they are all close to... dinosaurs.

Lynn found that the few that appeared this time were a bit like the creatures called ‘the giant lizard’, which were almost eighty meters long from beginning to end.

There are a total of ten...

At the moment of these creatures, they spit out a sphere on the spires that Lin is drilling.

The sphere looks like a gathering of countless tiny star flares. At the moment of hitting the minaret, the tower broke in a blast.

The broken towers of course also lose their ability to rotate, they can only fall back to the surface of the tumbling.

This seems to be... very interesting.

Just... Lin felt that they should have noticed.

When these towers were destroyed by them... the satellite was getting closer and closer to the surface of the tumbling.

Currently only about one kilometer.

Lin’s towers are not essentially to drill through the light curtain, piercing the satellite and dragging it back.

Instead, the gravitational pull affects the satellite by touching the satellite.

Because Lin is very interested... How does this satellite avoid gravity, so I conducted a test.

See if you can touch the satellite to let gravity re-affect it.

It seems...can look like it.

Although those creatures have destroyed all of Lin's towers, Lin feels that the test is almost over.

Now is the direct ... decomposition study.

The satellite is now trying to escape back to the void, and the surface of the tumbling is also at this moment...opened.

The metal that forms the surface cracks in an instant, forming a huge rift.

This rift quickly expanded, and in a short time it launched into a 'mouth' that was enough to swallow the satellite.

Next, Lin let the tumbling move a little forward.

The satellite has escaped thousands of kilometers, but this distance has been turned into zero.

The entire satellite fell into the crack of the earth's surface at this moment, and went deep into the darkness of the interior.

Lin's tumbling body is hollow inside... Although it can't be said to be completely hollow, there is enough room to accommodate something as big as a satellite.

The satellite apparently still wants to struggle, it continues to try to move outward, while the creatures on the light curtain constantly shoot a huge ball of light on the surrounding rift cliff.

Lin feels that these creatures are quite powerful, and their **** can easily smash a huge pit on the cliff.

However, a large number of ... creatures appeared on the cliff.

"Fast! Can't let them continue this way!"

The surrounding cliffs are not complete, there are actually many cracks, and these creatures appear from the cracks.

They are not very big, each is only two meters long, but the whole body is shining with golden luster, and also holding a golden weapon.

When they appeared, the rain of the barrage covering the satellites was also shot from the weapons in their hands, spilling on the creatures on the light curtain and the light curtain.

"Fast! Can't let them continue this way!"

The surrounding cliffs are not complete, there are actually many cracks, and these creatures appear from the cracks.

They are not very big, each is only two meters long, but the whole body is shining with golden luster, and also holding a golden weapon.

When they appeared, the rain of the barrage covering the satellites was also shot from the weapons in their hands, spilling on the creatures on the light curtain and the light curtain.

"Fast! Can't let them continue this way!"

The surrounding cliffs are not complete, there are actually many cracks, and these creatures appear from the cracks.

They are not very big, each is only two meters long, but the whole body is shining with golden luster, and also holding a golden weapon.

When they appeared, the rain of the barrage covering the satellites was also shot from the weapons in their hands, spilling on the creatures on the light curtain and the light curtain.

"Fast! Can't let them continue this way!"

The surrounding cliffs are not complete, there are actually many cracks, and these creatures appear from the cracks.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember: book guest

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