4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3079: To understanding

It seems to be almost finished. Fiction.

The original satellite... is no longer there.

This one hundred-kilometer object was divided into many parts by Lin.

All the buildings and all kinds of things inside, as well as all the water, were scattered and placed in different places.

Then, Lynn began to study all of this.

These buildings actually have nothing special, and Lin feels that perhaps many of their features have not yet been printed.

Many buildings are just simple...decorative, and some have the ability to emit rays.

What is more interesting is the printing system, which is essentially implemented by 'triangles'.

There are actually many types of triangles, some of which are used for positioning. Once positioned, they form a stereoscopic image in the target area.

The other triangle will then emit a large amount of fine matter to the target area, and the physical substance will be printed according to the shape of the image.

This is different from what Lynn saw on the catch ball.

The printing of the capture ball essentially takes the material from another space.

This satellite is the self-driving triangle of these full-time prints... I send the material out and print it.

Almost all buildings have positions that can be placed in the whole body, so the triangles are usually in these buildings.

The buildings here are roughly divided into two, and the surface seems to be mainly weapons and parking platforms.

The underlying building is the 'main' part.

When Lin dismantled the satellite, he found that the interior of the building had a relatively complete system.

That is, the system of transforming debris and some substances in the water into printed materials, Lin found that a large part of the materials they used were those 'particles' that were originally filled with water.

After the building transforms these small things into specific shapes, the triangles fly into the building to supplement the materials, and they begin to print with them.

The speed of printing is determined by the complexity of the target, such as various buildings.

But printing warships is very slow.

However, Lynn found a more wonderful place, that is, these triangles and the material generation system of the underlying building are also very complicated.

Because Lin can know the design of some of their 'warships' when they break down satellites, their complexity is similar to that of the underlying buildings.

But why did the first... including the underlying building and a lot of triangles print so fast?

Lin still doesn't know the answer.

Even if the whole satellite was broken down, Lin did not find the answer.

The fact that these buildings on the surface of the satellite can print so quickly is not really because they are simple in structure, but because there is something else to print, not a triangle.

After printing the original building, it is printed by the triangle, so the speed will be much slower.

There are also other types of triangles... like triangles for decomposition.

Previously they used to attack the golden spheres for this decomposition, which can emit disintegrated rays... but in fact it is not the ability of the rays themselves to disintegrate.

Rather, this ray will print a lot of tiny 'bursts' on the target to achieve the effect of disintegrating the target.

At the same time, this disintegrating triangle can also print out some small objects like micro-mechanics to disassemble things.

However, they do not have the ability to print large objects.

In addition to this, there are control triangles, which are mainly used to... control the entire satellite system.

They are essentially similar to small brains used to send signals.

On the whole, Lynn feels that the essence of this civilization is based on these triangles, which are the core of their technology.

As for why it is necessary to create a triangular shape, it is not clear.

In short, Lin feels that this printing method is quite interesting, as long as the study can be used in some places.

But the interesting part of this satellite is not just printing.

Inside it, Lynn also discovered a lot of creatures.

The creatures that are contained in the water cannon... There are many in the satellites, they are a group of very violent creatures.

They don't know where they came from. They don't seem to be printed. Lin examined their internal structure and found that the internal organs of these creatures are mainly composed of liquid, but with strong structural support similar to the skeleton.

Because the materials that make them are completely different from the materials they use to print now, Lynn feels that these creatures are not printed.

Perhaps this satellite was originally connected to a certain space, and many things were taken from that space.

But Lynn does not now detect what space it is connected to.

It should just be the beginning... there is a connection.

In addition, Lin also found the ‘water’ used as a water cannon, and the ‘light curtain’, which are actually printed.

To be precise, the triangle is made of some special materials to make this liquid.

Then, some special construction units use these liquids to launch water cannons or to create 'light curtains'.

The entire dream in the satellite was maintained... and was captured by Lynn.

Regarding this maintenance field, Lynn found that there are many differences between the ones she met before.

In addition to its greatness, Lynn found that it didn't have... thinking at all.

It is more like pure dream energy than a creature.

Of course, it is also different from ordinary dream energy...because it reacts according to many things, for example, when the satellite is invaded, it will control part of the system defense of the satellite.

Or when the central system tries to control it with the creature of the seventh roller... it also tries to counter control.

But these seem to be set in advance, not its own ideas.

Of course, it is also different from ordinary dream energy...because it reacts according to many things, for example, when the satellite is invaded, it will control part of the system defense of the satellite.

Or when the central system tries to control it with the creature of the seventh roller... it also tries to counter control.

But these seem to be set in advance, not its own ideas.

Of course, it is also different from ordinary dream energy...because it reacts according to many things, for example, when the satellite is invaded, it will control part of the system defense of the satellite.

Or when the central system tries to control it with the creature of the seventh roller... it also tries to counter control.

But these seem to be set in advance, not its own ideas.

But these seem to be set in advance, not its own ideas.

But these seem to be set in advance, not its own ideas.

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