"This... what happened?"

"When will the change in this world end?"

"I don't know... but we can only stay here."

High temperatures are spreading in the world.

Not long ago, Ersh successfully locked the position of the star of the Burning Star... and sent a very powerful frozen bomb to the core.

At that moment, the entire burning star trembled a little.

It seems that the bomb has had an effect, and the burning star stopped all movements after the tremor.

But... At the same time, there was an abnormality on Ershi, and the intense heat spread on Ershi.

It seems that all the temperature control devices have lost their effects, and the surface of Ershi seems to have completely turned into a high temperature zone.

This looks like an attack by the burning star on Ershi.

However, this is not exactly the case.

"I feel it..." Because Ershi and Lin said so.

At the moment when the bomb was sent to the core of the burning star, it was exactly the moment when it passed through the ancient passage, and it felt a wonderful message.

This is a special message, a ‘story’, with stories about the burning stars.

The legend that Lin had known before was not the same, or a story that was more complicated than the legend.

When Ershi sent these stories to Lynn... Lin immediately knew that this was the database.

The database was sent when the database was at the heart of the ‘attack’ of the Burners.

However, its goal is not to tell Ershi this story, but to have other purposes.

In fact, before this, Lin can almost guess what it will do, but it is not clear what it will do.

Now, Lin can see the purpose of the database from the content of the story.


Burning Stars... A long time ago they wandered in the void, looking for various high temperature creatures and awakening them.

At the time, Yong Yan also worked with the Burning Stars. They did have a very special relationship.

In fact, the burning star itself is ‘silent’.

Most of the time, the burnt star is in a state of 'extinguishing' like the current black fog.

In this state, the burning star is not aware of it and will not do anything.

And Yong Yan... can restore the consciousness of the burning star.

It is ready to 'burn' the burning star and rejuvenate its entire body, and the burning star will be conscious at this time.

After a while, the burning star will be extinguished again.

Yongyan will only wake up when necessary, and generally let the burning star be extinguished, but even if it is extinguished, it can be used as an 'aircraft'.

Yongyan has been taking the burning star to go around to find the target.

And they look for these hot creatures to wake them up, not for the purpose of believing in high temperatures.

Mainly for... ‘end’.

These high temperature creatures generally have a cycle of burning, extinguishing, dying, and reproducing.

There are a lot of complicated processes inside, but in simple terms... it is a high temperature creature that itself is not always hot.

It will naturally go out after a while, and then some small creatures are born from its ash.

These creatures will grow slowly. In the process of growing up, they will also raise their own temperature, constantly change their shape, and finally, they will grow back to the original high temperature creatures.

That is to say... In fact, the people of the Star Flame were originally born from the ashes of Yong Yan.

The constant flames they are constantly pursuing are actually a normal cycle.

There are many other high temperature creatures as well.

In fact, there are many complicated steps in the whole process, which is the main ecology of high temperature organisms.

And some time, some high temperature creatures are trying to change this cycle.

They refused the process of extinction... and began to fall asleep.

This kind of sleep will put them into a state of lower temperature, but will not extinguish death.

At the same time they also make offspring by some other method, not after extinction.

It’s the reason why these high-temperature creatures want to live all the time, and the story is not clear.

The Burners and Yong Yan are trying to correct their behavior... they only started to act.

They awaken high-temperature creatures and actually restore them to a 'normal' life.

Some high-temperature creatures are willing to be awakened, others are unwilling, and unwilling are generally ‘destroyed’.

If you are willing, you will continue to live.

They do this not to maintain the ecology, to maintain the cycle, but to welcome the arrival of the 'end of life'.

These high temperature organisms have been going on for quite some time, and their ecology has reached the end.

It is the moment of being the end.

Finally, all high temperature creatures will perish in a constant cycle.

The Burning Stars and Yong Yan are to ensure the end of this final.

Why are they doing this... It’s not clear, maybe they are two very special monitors and so on.

Maybe some creatures are aware of this and try to reverse the process... and they make sure this doesn't happen.

Yong Yan has been doing this kind of thing with the burning stars... until some things happened in the end.

Yongyan dissipated.

There are no detailed reasons for the story.

But... it lit the burning star at the last minute.

Most of the original burning stars were sleeping and occasionally awakened.

At the last moment, Yong Yan put the burning star in a state of burning.

After that, the Burners were doing what they were doing before, but it was a bit different.

Before Yong Yan dissipated, he told the burning star.

If it can remain in a state of continuous combustion for a while, Yongyan will recover again.

Yong Yan expects the burning star to let it... recover.

Therefore, the burning star has been working hard to maintain a burning state.

Yong Yan is not the only way to recover. In fact, it can also be 'evolved' by other people in the flames.

In short, Yong Yan also said at the time that if it reappears... the ‘end’ will come.

It seems that it has been so long... Yong Yan has not awakened.


Of course, this story content is not directly related to the database. The database only knows the story and uses it.

The database is now almost completely occupied by the Frost Fortress, which found this information in the process of occupying the Frost Fort.

The main reason why the database now sends this information is... it masquerades itself into a permanent flame.

Although this information can be known to be sent by the database, but after the flaming star receives it, it will think that this is Yongyan... Information, the burning star will also think that Yongyan has already woken up.

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