4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3131: remains

The Burning Star found another creature of its final form in the void. Fiction.

And this creature... is 'correcting' its mistakes of the same kind that have not evolved.

Its situation is actually very similar to the burning star.

It was originally intended to get rid of the end and ‘evolved’, but after becoming this form, it supported the end.

It immediately attacked the burning star when it first encountered the burning star, and after some fighting... the burning star tried to communicate.

After the other party learned about the situation of the burning star, it said that the ‘consciousness’ of the burning star could be restored to the level of ‘God’.

But there is no way to change the body.

Even so, the Burning Stars promised to let the other party first let their ‘consciousness’ recover.

After ‘recovery’, the Burning Stars have no past character, and their character has become...like now.

It also began to produce the best feeling of the current high temperature biological civilization.

But why?

The creature that helped it 'recover' did not explain it.

After helping the burning star, the creature left, and the remaining burning stars continued... lounging in the void.

The doubts of the Burning Stars have always been with it.

This is quite special, because other final form creatures don't have this idea, but the burning star feels very strange.

Even so, it is still a supporter of the end, trying to 'correct' some creatures trying to resist the end.

But it is still constantly looking for all this because of its own doubts.

Later, at some point the burning star went to a place.

This place is a star that is about to go out, but it is not close to the star, but found something near the star...something special.

Something that can be considered a 'remains'.

Although these ruins are not any high-temperature creatures known to the burning stars, they still feel that these ruins have a familiar...feeling.

Next, the Burning Stars were attacked.

Attacking it is another group of hot creatures that appear here... they attack the burning star directly on the aircraft.

Because these high temperature creatures completely ignore the communication information of any burning star, the burning stars destroyed them.

After the Burners solved them, they began to try to 'read' their thoughts.

Burners can read directly from their own peers, but for these, it needs to be touched.

By touching it, it was found that these high temperature creatures were somewhat abnormal in thinking.

In short, they are going crazy when they sail to this area.

The reason for this madness is because they are close to the relationship of this ruin.

The Burning Stars, because they are very curious, continue to stay here to detect the ruins... It found that there are some substances in the ruins that are particularly sensitive to high temperature organisms.

These substances actually have a little effect on it, but they are very small.

During the time to continue research here, it once again encountered some high temperature creatures coming here.

These creatures also launched an attack on it almost immediately.

There are still some creatures... even playing it directly.

Through these hot creatures that are constantly gathering, the burning stars find themselves more aware of the things in these ruins.

Every time it detects these creatures that are maddened by madness, the flaming star will find that there are more knowledge about these ruins in their memory.

This makes it known that there are many things in the ruins that can actually be used.

However, it only knows how to use them, and it is not clear about the history...

The Burning Stars later came up with an idea.

That is maybe... it allows more hot creatures to come here, and they can learn more about the remains through them.

Because the frequency of high temperature organisms here is not high, the previous times are only accidental.

Therefore, the burning star took the initiative to ... attracted some high temperature creatures to come here.

Of course, these high-temperature creatures are also a group of creatures that want to fight against the end, and the burning stars will not harm the object of 'innocent'.

But for those who want to fight against the end, it doesn't care about their lives.

The burnt stars use these high-temperature creatures to constantly understand the remains. In fact, the thinking and remains of these high-temperature creatures have nothing to do with...

However, the idea of ​​detecting them allows the burning star to 'awake' knowledge of the remains.

This makes the burning star feel that the ruins may hide what is related to it.

However, this awakening speed is still very slow. It detects a large number of high-temperature creatures, and only knows about the ruins... less than 10%.

Until some time...

It encountered a creature of its final form.

After this creature came here, it also launched an attack with the burning star...

This creature, like the Burning Stars, is not affected by the remains...but it still attacks the Burning Stars.

The battle between the two sides was fierce, and some of the remains were destroyed.

At the end of the battle, the Burning Stars triumphed. After killing the creature, the Burning Stars began to try to read its thinking.

Even if this is the final form of the creature, it can be read.

Of course, if the murdered is a burning star, it is the other party's thinking of reading it.

After the flaming star read the creature of this final form, it found that the main reason for the opponent to attack himself was...

It feels that the burning star is very abnormal.

After all, this form of the burning star is not yet a complete final form, but a fragmented form that has been affected.

This creature thinks that the burning star has changed something, so solve it.

After the burning star read its thinking, the burning star found that he could understand the ruins more.

It acquires more knowledge than previously obtained from a large number of high temperature organisms.

It seems that a final morphological creature almost completely ‘unlocks’ its understanding of the remains.

Of course, the most important thing is that it understands the history of this relic.

The remains themselves are actually left by the high temperature creatures.

However, it is more... the ancient high-temperature creatures are directly related to these high-temperature creatures.

This group of ancient high-temperature creatures has also experienced an end.

The current high-temperature creatures are the species that survived the end of the high-temperature creatures in the ancient times.

By studying them...

The Burning Stars found something very interesting.

They may have gone through many ‘ends’.

However, each time is not a real end, because there are always many creatures struggling to survive.

But these living creatures seem to have forgotten everything in the past and started a new life.

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