4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3147: Special creature

It seems to be a unique species in this space.

Lynn grabbed a creature not long ago and did some testing on it.

Lynn thinks this creature can be called 'fog view'.

Its history seems to date back a long time ago.

Although it does not know for itself, how long ago it was born...

In short, a long time ago... there are no creatures in the ancient space.

But at some point, suddenly such a creature was born, that is, this creature called the 'fog view'.

Haze has some special abilities from birth, for example, it can be disguised as a 'space edge'.

It seems to be able to escape the perception of many kinds of Nether creatures, so that other creatures can't find it... It can also do something with this ability.

However, it is said that it did nothing at first.

It didn't have any ‘thoughts’ at first, nor did it know that it was a creature.

Although there were some things that entered the ancient space at that time, the fog view had no concept at all.

It doesn't know what it means, and doesn't know what it means to be around.

In short, the original is like a piece of stone.

Although it can record information about everything that is encountered, it does not know... what should be done and there is no such thing as what to do.

When it is ‘thought’, it seems to be...some creatures.

At that time, a group of creatures came to this ancient space and left something here. From that time on, it had thoughts.

What the creatures left behind is something that can be called a 'common sense module'.

The common sense module is primarily a thing used by ‘smart machinery’.

The group of creatures seems to have invented the smart machine, but it is very difficult to use because of the lack of common sense. For example, letting intelligently remove some program loopholes, it will delete all the programs, because the smart thinks that there is no program... there is no loophole.

So they inject a 'common sense module' into intelligence so that it has the usual common sense and will not make such mistakes.

After this common sense module was acquired by the fog, it seems that the fog view also has the common sense of those creatures.

The question is why is it able to parse the ... modules obtained from other creatures?

In fact, it does not know it by itself.

However, it does solve a lot of things.

Anything that enters the ancient space, as long as it stays here for a long time... will be slowly broken down.

The fog is used to decompose objects, which is a dense fog that can cover a variety of perceptions filled with these small spaces.

It doesn't break down immediately, and it takes a rather long process to break down anything, but in the end it breaks down completely and becomes part of the fog.

What is important is that it can resolve the material being decomposed.

For example, the various properties of this substance will be recorded by it.

It seems that all along, it records something that is nothing special, such as the stones that come in.

Recording this thing will not have any effect on it.

But... If you record something that has ‘thinking’, such as a creature, it seems that you can get a similar thought, or character, to this creature.

But the first thing that decomposes is not the creature, but the module.

It gets the 'common sense' stored in the module from the module.

Although I don't know what's going on, the fog view has been thinking since that time... and then it notices its own... many things.

Next, it has almost always been the goal of ‘getting knowledge’.

That is, if it finds something coming in, that thing is a creature, it will make the other party lost as much as possible.

Lost creatures usually die here, and then it can... slowly break down the other side to understand each other's information.

It finds that it also has a lot of wonderful abilities, for example, it can quickly understand the language of various creatures, and even perceive the thoughts of various creatures.

So it can also confuse them better.

It has been decomposing a lot of creatures here, and it is very familiar with how to get creatures lost here.

But... it actually has almost no ability to fight.

Or its combat ability is very weak compared to Lin's pompoms.

However, it is very...hard to die.

I have also encountered some creatures that have discovered it and intend to kill it. In general, those creatures will feel that they have successfully killed it, but it is not.

The ‘body’ of the fog view is very large and exists in many small spaces and in the largest ancient space.

The one that Lynn saw in a small space is only part of it.

When Lynn met it... it also wanted to get the brain of the database lost here.

In fact, the database seems to want to escape through this space, but after being discovered by the fog, these brain structures... as Lin saw it completely lost.

Because these brains are scattered, they are completely unable to resist the doubt.

In the end, they all became mentally anomalous, as Lin saw.

Lin learned from the fog view here some ideas about the database.

The database can be said to have been stunned, but before that... it is ready to take countermeasures.

It seems that the database knows that the burning star will use this method to stun it, and it even knows the existence of such a special ancient space.

So, it came to mind, in turn, using this ancient space to escape.

The database has known this ancient space before, and it knows that this ancient space actually leads to many places.

So it was ‘set’ before, so that when you were hit by the ancient space, all the brain structures hid into this space.

It launched another 'brain alternate mobile system'.

In short, it is a part of the specially prepared 'brain tissue', which is not stunned, but they can only provide very limited functions.

However, the database believes that this part of the organization is enough to let it escape.

It just didn't expect to encounter fog.

In fact, entering the small space is not the idea of ​​the database, but the fog view attracts it.

Lin sees that these brains are as if they have problems in thinking, and they are all caused by fog.

However, from Lin's view here, it is known that it captures the number of brains in the database, and Lin has captured only 70%.

As for the rest, I don’t know where to go.

Lynn feels that there is a possibility that that part may have succeeded in escaping.

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