4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3156: recording

“Do you really want to do this?”

"Yes... we have to enter a long waiting period."

"When waiting for the void to collide again."

Lynn’s spy is sitting on a white sofa... and looking at something in front of him that can be called a recorder.

This thing looks like a small ‘potted plant’.

A small white tree stands in a circular basin 30 cm in diameter.

This tree can actually be regarded as a dream recorder, which records all the dream records collected by the people since the history.

These dream records are only available to the leader... because the spy of Lin has set a new history of dreams for them for sixty seconds.

So they naturally made Lin the new leader here.

Although they are also surprised that Lynn's spies have not gone to sleep, there is a strange record of the duration of the dream, but this rule must be observed.

Although it is said that Lin does not need to do this, it can be investigated, but it is also very interesting to do so.

Lin found the information they have collected since history... A total of thirty-one pompons can stay up all night.

This is not because they only collect dreams of these times, but only a large number of them can be stored here, and more... will be deleted.

But the database must have recorded all the databases, but it doesn't want to stay too much here.

But even with only such a record, Lin can see a lot of interesting information inside.

For example... when the bus is still alive.

In the record, Lynn can see a scene with three buses gathered together.

One is this bus as the 'real war initiator', and the other is a bus with a completely blood-red surface. It feels like a... blood cell.

The last one is Ershi.

The three buses gathered to discuss one thing, exactly a rollover.

The tumulters they discuss can be called 'stars of distortion.'

It seems... also has a connection with the creator.


“They want countless things to evolve in accordance with the 'steps' they set.”

“Yes, they have been designing it all the time. They store huge amounts of data inside... and by extracting them into everything they want.”

"We need to make it impossible."

At the moment they finished, Lin also found another tumbling person in the void.

The surface of this tumbling man is also covered by blood, but not as smooth as the original one, and its surface has many complex structures such as canyons and mountains.

And these are not ordinary rock mountains or anything, in fact they are some ... soft substances.

If you look closely at the surface, you can see that the ground is full of 'blood'.

Most of them are dark red, and this soft material forms the mountains, plains, canyons, and everything else on the surface.

This makes this tumbling person much like a cell biology flesh and blood.

The three buses here call it the 'star of distortion.'

"It will make everything different and become abnormal... but very stable."

"Yes, it can last for a long time, at least until it hits again."

The conversations between these buses took only a few tens of seconds.

Then the next thirty pompons stayed up in the night, they were all in the void.

During this time, the 'Star of Distortion' has some special changes. For example, those seemingly flesh-and-blooded mountains have many structures like tentacles and limbs.

As for the plains, there are many ‘small animals’.

These animals all look like random pieces of irregular meat that move slowly on the ground.

Except for these ‘biological’ emerges, there are no special things happening, and these buses are completely different.

More specifically, Lin found that in addition to the 'distortion star', other buslins could not observe their surface conditions.

This is the case until after thirty pompons stay up all night.

In the last night, Lin found that two buses left one by one.

The first to leave is Ershi, then the **** red bus.

This 'real war initiator' has remained in its original position.

The star of distortion has also begun to move.

This wonderful tumbling man suddenly began to fly deep into the void... and the bus followed.

The two of them flew in the void for a while, and slowly the bus stopped.

The Distortion Star is still flying.

It flew nearly 100,000 kilometers in front of the bus.


The star of distortion... blasted.

It feels like a real ‘blood ball’ explosion, and the light that blooms is also blood red.

The structures covered by the earth's surface, like the structure of the meat, have also become a myriad of debris spreading in the void.

"that's it."

Looking at the explosion of the distortion star, the bus is also talking to himself.

"They will soon become like it... the distortion will be distorted."

After it finished speaking, several 'pictures' flashed past, and in these pictures, the 'blood tissue' of the distorted star could be seen spreading on many different tumbling lands.

Lynn thinks that they seem to have created such a strange thing to 'pollute' other places.

Although they did not mention the creators, Lin felt that they were the ‘transistors’ for the creators.

However, it is still not completely certain.

After Lin and Ershi mentioned this matter, Ershi also said that he did not have an impression.

And Lynn told Ershi about this bus... Ersh said this may not be the real bus.

This statement is quite interesting.

Ershi said that those are indeed bus nerves, but they are different from the real bus nerves...

Ersh is not very sure.

Lin gave Ersh some neurological information about the real war initiator. Ershi thought that this neural structure might be... a kind of 'neural symbiosis'.

This symbiosis has a long history, and Ershi is not very well understood.

It is said to have been created by a bus... This bus is said to feel that it is very 'lonely'.

So it made such a 'symbiotic' with a part of its own nervous system.

After the symbiosis experienced some special growth, it became an independent creature.

It is said that there are still some buses that imitate this symbiosis.

But these are things that have been around for a long time.

There are no buses to do this now.

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