4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3163: attract


It has always been difficult to understand. m

Why do small buses like to trap it, and then always say to it... various things.

Even more amazing is...

When it is trapped by a small bus, it always feels 'desperate'.

It doesn't anger like a small bus, it just feels very desperate... It feels like there is no 'future'.

However, this time of being trapped is much faster than before.

Because the symbiosis sent some signals to the void.

When the symbiosis came here, it actually detected not only the signal of a bus creature, but also another creature.


Or, it is the biological signal of the creator.

Just as with the detection of bus signals, the symbionts can detect some of the memory fragments of such organisms.

And what it detects is not a meaningless signal. It finds a lot of useful information, including the fact that it knows that a creature of the creator has come nearby.

The purpose of its coming is mainly to investigate the distortion here.

However, in the end it left without finding any useful information.

The symbiosis believes that this creature should have not found a small bus... so it left.

So it now decides to send a signal to the creature and draw it here.

The minibus did not notice the idea of ​​symbiosis... This is also the ‘advantage’ of the symbiosis, because the small bus... can always detect its memory thinking.

But now they may have been too big a gap, and the little bus couldn't tell what the symbiosis was thinking.

Thus, the symbiosis directly sent a large number of signals into the void without knowing the small bus.

At the moment when it signaled, the small bus noticed.

So, it immediately gave the symbiosis to ... the prisoner was deeper.

To be precise, it is placed deeper into the ground. The symbiosis thinks that the small bus wants to prevent it from sending signals again.

However, it is too late... its signal has already been sent out.

Lin felt that the small bus had never thought of the symbiotic experience to signal the creators.

The signal of the symbiosis was successfully introduced into the void and attracted to... the creature that came here to investigate the distortion.

This creature...Lin is very familiar with the database.

It was drawn by the signal of the symbion and came to the vicinity of the small bus.

However, it did not have it at the time, and the database also had a ... fleet.

The fleet is dominated by hundreds of meters of warships, which form a large force around the database.

This group of creatures call themselves ‘the evaders’.

They are the aborigines of this completely infected galaxies... they can't cope with the rapid spread of distortion... and just as they are about to die, the database appears.

The database ‘rescued’ them, and it cured some of them.

This part of the individual, as the last remaining of this civilization, drove this fleet... and the database went to the depths of the void.

And when they are flying a distance... Suddenly the database tells them that it knows the 'source' of distortion pollution.

They can now go back to the source.

Of course, these things are all known after the symbiosis.

It only knows at this time... there is a liquid ball and a fleet came here.

It can be known deep in the underground because the small bus is still telling what is happening outside.

No matter what it did, the minibus did not stop and said various things...

Even now.

When the database issued an order, the fleet was ready to fight.

They radiated fierce firepower to the surface of the earth that was full of distortions... The radiant glow and the violent bombing began to sweep everything on the ground.

The distortion of the earth's surface also launched a counterattack.

These distortions, which were supposed to be very 'moderate', swelled on the ground with a huge piece of 'meat piece' that burst.

In the cracked pieces of meat, there are countless barbell-like barricades that blast toward the battleships in the air.

When the firepower of the two sides fought together at this moment, when a lot of material on the surface was burned, a warship was also hit and fell.

Those blood cells seem to be liquid spheres, but they can easily strip a large part of the battleship when hitting a battleship.

These distorted substances show strong attack power, mainly under the control of small buses.

This little bus doesn't know why it has the ability to control distortions...and it's not just that.

In the void, there are many space stations left by these civilizations, which have long been infected by distortions and become floating huge ‘meat blocks’.

When the minibus began to attack, these space stations also came around and launched a comprehensive attack on the fleet.

Under the various sieges, the fleet quickly failed to support and retreat.

They retreat into the ocean of the database... The battleships of these civilized creatures seem to be able to sneak into the deep sea to avoid attacks.

The small bus has inserted a large number of meat-shaped distortional bullets into the ocean of the database.

The small bus tells the symbiosis at this time... Under its control, the distortion is not only affecting the distortion.

It can affect... everything it wants to affect.

However, the small bus soon found its mistake.

Because the distortion did not affect the database.

The database was now unfolding, and the battleships that had previously sneaked into the ocean... came out of the water again.

They left the sea and rushed straight from the void to the surface of the bus.

But this is not their voluntary.

The little bus told the symbiosis... At that time it ‘listen’, and the civilized creatures in the battleship screamed in horror.

These creatures screamed why the warship could not control and rushed to the surface of the distortion.

Simply put... they are thrown away by the database.

The impact of these battleships created many new wounds on the already devastated surface, but this is not the point.

The point is that these warships seem to be 'antidote'.

The minibus said at the time that a wonderful ‘energy’ spread across the surface as the battleship exploded.

Distortion is no longer controlled by the small bus after being affected by this 'energy', and they are once again changed back to the mildness of the past.

When the local table was completely affected... the database was actually launched.

The entire database was 'opened up'.

It is like a huge mouth, it is like a huge tsunami from the poles, the database is coming to the small bus.

It seems that I intend to swallow the entire small bus.

...and it did.

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