4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 161: Upper area

Lynn's spy stepped into this special area, where the higher-grade Emerald Dragon lived in the center of the city. The Emerald Dragon City is generally divided into three areas.

The ordinary area is the area that Lin sees when he first comes in. The ordinary jade dragons live. They are usually jade dragons of builders or growers. They are in a medium position and have their own square stone houses. There are enough resources to make a living, but not many, so every ordinary jade dragon is working hard to get more resources.

Then there is the lower zone, which, as Lin has seen before, is scattered in every corner of the city. They don’t have enough resources. They usually rely on robbing and other methods. Their houses are not specially built but piled up by themselves. Some of the jade dragons were abandoned when they were young, and some were not assigned to work. These jade dragons are usually very painful, but they are still working hard. Usually the guards will not go to their gathering place. However, if they go to the ordinary area or the upper area to steal things, they may be arrested as slaves.

The upper level, where Lin is now, is located in the center of the city. The emerald dragon here is the place where managers, distributors and other high-grade jade dragons live. They have large houses built to be full of life.

Even the ground here is covered with white gravel, which looks very... gorgeous.

The spy walked on the white sand-covered avenue. It was not as busy and crowded as the previous road. It was a lot of empty space, although there were still many emerald dragons walking around on both sides of the road. But they all seem to be leisurely. It is totally different from before. Lin doesn't feel anxious and quarrel here.

In front of Lin, there is a tall house of more than ten meters. The house is completely made of white rock. There are some statues and decorations on the roof. Two emerald dragons wearing dinosaur skin are standing in front of the door. to chat with.

Speaking of the word chat, it seems to be the first time to find out, is to say something more boring?

An emerald dragon is not only draped in the skin, but also has some dinosaur teeth in the neck. There are a few small skulls on the back of the hand. It seems to be the skull of the jade. The other emerald dragon is similar to the other, but it has a blue crystal on the back of the hand.

They don't have any practical meaning to wear these things, just pure decorations. These jade dragons are starting to pursue a variety of things, such as wearing beautiful ornaments and wearing good-looking dinosaurs. Leather and so on, in fact, the Emerald Dragon here is almost always like this, but most of the ordinary districts do not wear anything.

Personality creatures are easy to do once they are idle, and this is reflected in many races.

The two emerald dragons also noticed Lin. They saw that Lin had nothing to look at, and there was a change in his eyes.

This is unique to the upper jade dragon. Because they feel that their status is very high, when you look at the ordinary layer or the lower layer of the jade dragon, there will be a sense of glory, and there will also be a feeling of 'look down' the other side.

The spy did not wear anything, and the upper-level area was completely ‘incompatible,’ and of course it would be looked down. Lin felt that this emotion was actually very strange and had no special meaning.

"You, the people, what are we looking at?" One of the emerald dragons seemed to be staring at Lin, and there was a bit of anger. It called: "Guards! Why is there a citizen who will appear here?"

The lower people are the names of the upper jade dragons for the different layers of jade dragons. They have come up with such a word in order to distinguish the status of 'high-grade jade dragon' and 'ordinary jade dragon'.

Usually the people do not come in this area, but there is no clear rule that they cannot come in.

"There is no clear rule." So, Lynn’s spy replied.

After the jade dragon heard the words, the anger seemed to be slightly higher. It pointed to Lin: "There is no rule. This is not the place where you should come in. You should go outside and mix with other people. Before you come, you better leave,"

The upper jade dragon also has the right to randomly assign other jade dragons. They can even decide other emerald dragons to be slaves. After all, they are all distributors or their descendants...

“Are you really helping the community here?”

Lin suddenly said such a sentence, the emerald dragon did not seem to understand: "What?"

"I want to ask, what are you doing all the time? Always standing here chatting, not going... fighting? Hunting? Or going to develop something? Why can you be here?"

"The people, you are not qualified to ask a noble!" Jade Dragon said: "If you don't leave, I will let you go to the quarry as a slave!"

Guimin is also the name of the upper jade dragon, Lin thinks this is quite interesting, they can make such a big difference...

"Don't pay attention to it." At this time, another jade dragon said: "It may just be a citizen who wanders here accidentally. Talking to it will make his position lower. If it is not too stupid, then I will know how to leave."

"So, is the interval between the Emerald Dragons so large?" Lin turned and went to the depths of the upper area to see: "I really should find Susumi and ask something about it."

"You dare to call the name of the king!" The two emerald dragons suddenly burst into a panic and anger, shouting; "Fast! Guards! Come over, give this citizen... is gone?"

These two emerald dragons looked at the ‘lower people’ in front of them and disappeared in front of them. They were surprised to say nothing.

At this point, Lin's spy has left the place with discoloration and continues to go deep into the upper level.

Speaking of it, Susumi does not let those jade dragons call its name, but the ‘king’. The reason for this seems to be to let other emerald dragons worship it more.

The jade dragons also worship a lot of things, but Susumu seems to have used a lot of effort to make all the emerald dragons worship it.

But now the jade dragon has a lot of troubles. The upper jade dragon here is so powerful that it is divided into other jade dragons. This even creates a strange concept. They don’t treat each other as the same kind of creature. .

At this time, a large rectangular building appeared in front of Lin, and there was a loud noise inside.

Lin walked to the entrance of the building and saw that it was very empty, and there were many small emerald dragons, and three large emerald dragons were standing in the center of them.

This is to educate the little emerald dragon, so this building can be called 'school', although the breeding is the jade dragons themselves to take care of, but the education is still the previous program, let the young people gather together to learn, in fact ordinary There are similar places on the floor, but not so big. These little emerald dragons are descendants of the 'Guimin' here, and the education they receive is totally different.

The three large emerald dragons are teaching them all kinds of things. There is a jade dragon holding a slate. The slate is portrayed with some creatures that teach the pups about the characteristics of various creatures.

After teaching for a while, they picked up some weapons and other things from the corner and told the cubs to make weapons.

It seems that most of these are descendants of the guards. They need to understand the creatures and make weapons. The guards are relatively low-level in the upper ranks. They may be driven by other nobles, mainly because of Susumi’s strategy.

Because the guards are too comfortable, they will be afraid of fighting, but if they are too bad, they will fight unintentionally, so Susumi came up with a way to put them in a more balanced position.

At this moment, suddenly a cub noticed the spy at the entrance, and immediately shouted: "There is a citizen! The next people!"

Other cubs also looked over, and the three big jade dragons immediately came forward and said: "Hurry and leave!"

Are these cubs so small to start to know about these situations? The upper class's noble people think that they are very high. This is indeed a problem. They will not breed with the lower-layer jade dragon. What kind of situation will this lead to?

Will there be two different races?

This is obviously not very likely... The reaction to see them is actually quite fun, but Lin is not mainly playing.

Lin continued to use the discoloration to leave the school and walk through the path of the people. Before Lin arrived at a huge building...

Here is the ‘Palace’.

The palace is quite large, looks like a square, and has a pyramid-like roof at the top. The skull of the tyrannosaurus lizard is placed above the entrance to the palace, and the walls of the palace are mixed with solid rock called a ' Made from the vegetable mucilage and gravel of Saucemu, the building made by this hybrid method has a very high hardness. Most of the buildings of the Jade Dragon are built by this method. Of course, this method is also Susu. Rice taught them, and Susumi mainly saw on the previous journey that some creatures used saliva to bond gravel to build a tall and strong nest. At that time, it was thought that they could build houses like this.

There are many guards standing at the entrance of the palace. Not only are the people here, but even the nobles can't just go in. Of course, it does not include spies who can be 'invisible'...

The spy went straight into the palace, where there were many rooms, and what Lin first saw was a vast hall with a Susumi statue.

Susumi, now standing in front of this statue... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Feifei Niu ~ 1888~!

Thank you ~ big pot cooking ~ rewards ~

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