
In the void, a large...armle is active.

It was originally a creature called ‘the ridiculous’.

However, now it has been ... is Lin's arms.

Not long ago, Lynn's pompoms spread out and all invaded its body and finally reached its internal system.

In fact, in general, the absurd body is very far away from the battlefield ruins it creates.

And it will hide and not show up, which is one of the reasons why it is difficult to deal with.

But now the situation is quite special.

The database makes it desperate to guard this place, so its ontology also appears.

Lin now has almost eroded its system.

A ridiculous system is not very complicated in nature, but there is enough ‘logical ability' to make it wise to do a lot of things.

Now, Lynn has taken control of its system and launched the most powerful weapon in it.

This weapon can be called a 'reverse destruction device'.

It is said to be a powerful weapon that can be launched into the inside of the tumbling person, causing the tumper to start ‘reversely changing’ from the internal environment, thus destroying all creatures there.

Lin hasn't studied it carefully. I don't know if it really has this effect, so let's launch a look at it now.

Under control, the ridiculous head unfolded, and all the wreckage was squeezed to one side, revealing the internal...the turret.

The shape of this turret is quite like the mouth of a tyrannosaurus, and as it slowly unfolds... the interior also shines brightly.

'boom--! ’

A huge ball of light slammed out and slammed toward the target in the void... and the ship of the database flew away.

At the moment when the light ball flew out, Lynn also noticed that the surrounding 'Starry Sky' flew here.

It seems to be the creature called ‘pseudo-light’... It didn’t have any action before, mainly because it didn’t know the specific situation.

But now that we see ridiculous moves, it should be that the ridiculousness has been controlled by Lin.

When a large number of attacks hit the ridiculous body, the newly launched light ball... is also close to the database warship.

Under the collision, the battleship of the entire database was instantly turned into a powder in the bursting brilliance.

In this way, it seems like an ordinary missile... I didn't see the effect of 'reverse destruction'.

But it doesn't matter.

Controlling the absurdity, Lin once again fired the ball of light on the remaining eight warships.

This also led to the exhaustion of ammunition stored inside the ridiculous, and its body was also more smashed during this period.

But in fact did not hurt the core.

Twisting the body and smashing the part of the body that was blown up, Lin controlled the absurdity.

The next goal is simple, to eat the last battleship.

These warships are now gathered together and are very close to here...only over 300,000 kilometers.

So Lynn can quickly destroy them.

In the last ship, Lynn did not intend to destroy it, but collected it.

Because that one is the key to the database to upload 'data', so you need to study it.

And there is no ammunition here.

When Lin flew, the surrounding 'Starry Sky' once again bloomed.

Compared to the absurdity in person, this 'pseudo-light' hides very far, and every time it attacks, it is a very distant attack.

Lin believes that the database is not enough to control it, so that it does not want to fight hard.

In fact, the database now controls two levels of civilization fears that are already reluctant.

Although weaker can control a lot, but it does not make sense.

When the surrounding stars flew again, Lin made some preparations this time.

Lin fired a large number of wrecks that made up the ridiculous body and collided with the stars.

This tactic was quite successful, and the flying wreckage successfully intercepted every starlight, and together they burst into beautiful fireworks.

However, the opponent's attack is continuous.

Every time the starlight comes, the ridiculous body will be smaller.

Because its body parts are emitted by Lynn for interception.

Every part of the ridiculous body can be spread out, just like Lin's pompoms, but can't be broken down into tiny ones.

Moreover, its own firepower is not enough to intercept these attacks... but Lynn feels that this is enough.

Lin continued to fly in the direction of the warship at a high speed, 300,000 kilometers away... enough for the pseudo-light to attack dozens of times.

In the end, it was close to the ridiculousness of the battleship, leaving only the core part of less than 100 meters.

The pseudo-lights are no longer attacking at this time, but this time the warships have poured out fierce firepower against the ridiculous flying.

The ridiculous core directly hit the firepower and crashed into the battleship of the database before the body almost completely fell apart.

The remaining ridiculous part is not enough to crash the battleship, but... it can hit the crack on the battleship shell.

In these cracks, countless finely divided matter flew in and was printed into a tens of centimeters in the corridor of the battleship.

These are the surplus of the previous pompoms, although not many, but it is enough.

They ran toward the inside of the battleship...that is, the brain part of the database.

This is the last part of the brain, but like the brain part of other warships, it has nothing special.

It is also in a cave-like room, quietly staying here, without any movement.

Although Lin's arms had been attacked by some 'tree people' crew members during the process of coming here, the brain seemed to be... not doing anything.

"You have come here."

When Lin's arms arrived at the location of the brain part of the database, it suddenly reacted when it was ready to study it.

"Now it has started..."

"You can't end it all."

At the moment when it said so... there was a huge ‘hole’ in the empty sky nearby.

It’s like the sky suddenly bursts, this phenomenon... Lynn has seen it many times before.

This time, it is similar to many times before. This is a case of a 'space entrance' in the void.

This space entrance is the ancient space that leads to the database to upload data.

As long as the data is put here, the database seems to be the 'original high temperature creature'.

However, there seems to be some problems.

That is, it has not yet put the data in.

In fact, this problem has been discovered before.

This space is not open to send data directly into it.

It needs to go deep inside.

. m.

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