"The lost way has come to an end."

"We found the exit to leave..."

"Now... when?"

These are things like 'airships'... they are all creatures.

In fact, they are a whole creature, but that was a long time ago.

They only remember that their consciousness was a whole before, but now it has split into many parts.

These parts are similar in character and thought, but they are different in consciousness...so they can communicate with each other.

Every airship here is a part of the consciousness of division.

But the main thing is that they have lost a lot of ... memory.

So, from that time on... they are constantly looking for and assembling their own memories.

This is a very long process, and their memories are mainly sought through ‘stones’.

There are many huge stones floating in the place where they are.

They have been breaking down these stones and getting memories... and nutrients and the like.

It took a very long time, and their memories are recovering little by little.

In the end, almost complete recovery, they believe that as long as the current thing ... that is, the two thousand kilometers diameter tumbling with them, they can restore the complete memory.

Lin carefully examined this group of creatures, and Lin found their state... It can be said that it is very similar to the symbiosis.

They are bus creatures, and there is a part of the bus nerve inside each ‘airship’.

This is also quite similar to the current state of the database.

It’s just that these buses are independent of each other, that is, they are not a creature in Lin’s test.

It feels like a lot of bus creatures have separated a small piece of nerve in these 'airships'.

However, their character and thinking are exactly the same.

After a long conversation with them, the airships flew back and began to dismantle the tumbling around them.

And Lin... continue to communicate with them.

They mentioned in the communication that they have always stayed in a place that is not a normal void, and that place is a very strange space.

There are a lot of gravel floating on them, and they are always collecting these gravel.

But it has been collected for a long time, and they only collect a little bit.

And most of them are meaningless memories.

In fact, their situation is very similar to the symbion

However, they have no idea of ​​giving up on this, they are constantly trying to collect.

Until now it has come to the normal void.

Lin has detected a lot of bus memory energy here...and because of their relationship.

They have been traveling in that ‘gravel space’.

They were originally in a deep position... As they acted, they became more and more aware that they were approaching...normal void.

Although they don't know what the normal void is, they feel that they are approaching it.

Later, as memories are searched back a little bit, they are also until the normal void is exactly where.

They also know that their end of the journey... is the normal void.

Later, they finally returned to here.

And tell Lin... As long as the tumbling person is dismantled, their memory will be fully restored.

They are willing to tell Lin these... mainly related to the memory energy of the bus that Lynn found here.

These memory energies are called 'by-products'.

To put it simply, it is that they find a memory in the gravel space, and it may produce a little memory energy.

In fact, these memory energies are the general transmission energy 'variation'.

It is the normal transfer of energy that has been stuffed into these memories that have changed.

As for why this is the case, they are not elaborated, but they think that if Lin can collect this energy, it must be their companion.

However, in the detailed case, they need to break down the entire tumbling person and get the final memory to explain.

Therefore, Lynn is waiting for them to break down and look at it.

At the same time, Lynn is also investigating the other side...that is, things in the ancient space.

Now the '02 area' of the ancient space... The sea of ​​clouds is still in constant war.

The micro-organs that make up them now are not fighting alone, but have formed many 'small groups'.

Mainly they will swallow the surrounding corpses and then divide, and some individuals split a lot, thus forming a community.

These communities will be madly attacking not the creatures of their own community, so they are still in a fierce war.

But although they seem to have many different groups, the two things that actually cause this situation are actually.

Is the database... and 02.

To be precise, it is a database created by ancient space.

However, this 02 is also newly created in ancient space... At present, what Lin knows should be like this.

The creature of ‘02’ does not know when it was recreated by ancient space.

But it hasn't done anything special, so the bubble doesn't know where 02 is.

According to the bubble, 02 has the ability to use ancient spatial data... Lin also asked the bubble carefully.

02 seems to be more interested in the newly included data.

Therefore, it may have recently used ... the database to transfer data into ancient space.

Using this data, it created a group of small creatures that Lin had seen before.

It's something that will send brain waves.

02 is very fond of them... In fact, it is because of its love for them, before attacking Lin.

Because it detected Lynn's brain, Leviathan had a database of brains.

It didn't want the database to 'escape' so it attacked Lynn.

However, these attacks were interrupted.

The main thing is that the small creatures in the database seem to be very weak, but it seems to have a great impact on 02.

To be precise, the data in the database has an impact on it.

Although I don't know what the specific process is, the data in the database is now eroding the body of 02...the body.

Therefore, this is the case now... the whole ‘cloud sea’ is fighting.

This is the case where their consciousness is competing with each other. Lin feels that it should be won soon.

Lin can know this, mainly related to Lin's data.

Lin entered some data in the data before the database, and it seems that some creatures that Lin looked forward to.

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