4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3189: Aggregation of data

What is it?

No creature knows what it is... except for itself.

And other creatures... maybe only the bus creature is closest to it.

It is said that its essence is ‘data’.

The data in the void...

All the information in the void... whether it is matter, or all sorts of things, they come together... and finally the creature is formed.

It is a structure of 'data', which is circulated in some buses.

However, no one knows how it was born... and when it was born and what happened.

All of this is a mystery, and it may not be related to the original high temperature creatures.

But it should have been born very early, maybe it was not a creature when it was first born.

These data may have been silent all the time until a certain moment...in the form of 'nuclear'.

Thus the creator was born, and then they continuously collected 'data' in the void.

This approach seems to be to make their data more abundant, and the ultimate goal...may be 'twisting'.

That is to let the virtual environment run according to the 'rules' set by yourself.

But this is only speculation, these biological mysteries are very much.

But one thing is not wrong, that is... the creators have participated in the previous void war.

Moreover, after the end of the war, it is only possible for them to wage another war.

In order to avoid this, Ershi took some buses and decided to destroy the creator's 'essence'.

I don't know how long it has been since then, and I don't know what happened in the middle.

I just know that most of the buses are amnesia, but there are some buses... there is a little bit of memories about this.

For example, the ‘blood bus’.

However, this kind of memory loss does not seem to be unilateral... that is, the creator has forgotten this matter.

They are also investigating the process... and the truth.

Just don't know what they have investigated.

The airship said that Ershi is actually the clearest about this, because most of the things are done by Ershi.

The situation of Ershi is also the most special.

Although it can sense the location of these memory fragments in the void, it cannot be directly obtained.

It must go to that place.

Although the airship was not accurately stated, Lin speculated that it should be the place where Ersh got the place to get its memories.

This point has also been tested, because in the past, Ershi perceives some of the 'memory fragments' in the void, and some are very close to some of Lin's bases.

So Lynn sent some troops to investigate in the past, but these fragments were not detected, and all methods are currently undetectable.

It seems that these pieces are hidden deep, or... they are not here at all.

The airship gives Ershi this coordinate, just let it know that there is fragmentation, but the position is not necessarily accurate.

In short, Ersh is going to the ‘collision land’ to restore its memory.

"Do not."

Ersh still kept this decision. It thought that the airship gave it to the place... it is very dangerous.

The airship also said that this is Ershi’s own choice...

If it is not going to uncover its own memories, it doesn't matter if it has always been.

Mainly because...the sea of ​​creation is being 'monitored' in this place.

It may be interested in this place, that is, the ancient space.

There is another point, that is, it has a relationship with the airship itself, and the airship is now in a very special state.

This makes it impossible to say the specific situation in detail.

Of course, it did not say what the reason is.

After telling Lin about this, it said that it wants to... go back.

It can't stay in the normal void for a long time, and it still has some things to do at the end.

Next, Lin looked at the airships all gathered in one place.

The tumblings they decomposed have not yet been broken down, and in fact there are still more than half of them, but they are not going to continue to decompose.

As they gather, Lynn can detect that there is a lot of imaginary air around it... ‘memory debris energy’ also quickly gathers from everywhere.

In the process of gathering, Lin can let the symbiosis in Leviathan detect the memory in these energy fragments.

But most of them are some information that doesn't make sense.

But in a lot of meaningless information... there is still a small amount of usefulness.

Lynn found something about distortion.

In this memory... I can see that it is still in the air when it is still a bus.

Lynn decided to call this bus "airboat bus" first.

It has a large number of ... distortions on its surface.

However, these distortions did not spread on the surface of the body, but were imprisoned.

These weird distortions with various limbs all float in the air over a meter high, and there are some small **** around them.

These **** continue to emit weak light, keeping the distortion floating.

And the void around the bus... there are also a lot of floats.

They all seem to be things like space stations.

The airboat bus is launching these distortions on the surface to the void... let them infect the flying objects in the void.

At that time, the method of airboat buses was to test the response of these distortions.

Because the things floating around are all related to ‘twisting’.

However, they are distorted 'edge products'.

That is, things that are only slightly distorted, they are not completely affected by distortion, but the distortion seems to be valid for them.

After these tests were completed, it was going to formally... start fighting.

The content of combat is to use distortions to directly infect the 'creator's sea'.

Let it be completely...variant.

This was the idea of ​​an airboat bus at the time, only this part of the memory.

It can be learned from this that they were fighting with distortions.

However, since the distortion has a way to repair the database, then this battle should have no effect. It is not clear how the actual situation is.

So... still have to go there and have a look.

At the time of Lin’s inspection, all the airships... suddenly disappeared into the void.

It seems that they have gone back and returned to the place called ‘Gravel Space’.

Of course, Lin will not let go of this opportunity. Lin also has some arms to follow them and see where it is.

On the other side, Lynn once again received the contact of the golden sphere.

It says it can bring Lin to join the ‘miracle organization’.

What's more amazing is that the location of the addition... is the same place where Ersh is going.

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