4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3193: contact

'boom! ’

A small explosion... bloomed on the walls of ancient space.

At the moment of the explosion, Lynn also saw that the 'data' on the wall had changed.

To be precise... the change has disappeared.

The sea that was created before was because of the data on the wall, which made the above data show anomalies.

Now the anomaly has disappeared.

Lin saw that the data was restored to its original state. Although Lin did not see what the original looks like, I can learn from the bubble that it is normal.

Obviously, the explosion caused by Lin caused the reading of the Sea of ​​Creation to be suddenly interrupted.

But Lynn still doesn't know if it is intentionally interrupted, or because of the impact of the explosion... But in any case, Lynn has detected its signal.

This way of reading the Sea of ​​Creation... Lin feels very interesting and can call it 'Ancient Transmission Energy'.

If the transmitted energy is in the state of micro-fragmentation in the general space, then the ancient transmission of energy... is of course a fragment of ancient space.

It’s just that although Lin is so called, this fragment of ancient space should have no transmission function.

Lin thinks that they are a kind of...continuous miniature ancient space.

Simply put, the sea of ​​creation extends this tiny ancient space from the outside... These miniature ancient spaces are the result of multiple lines together.

Since there is no need for 'contact' to connect between ancient spaces, this method is still quite good.

These miniature ancient spaces extend from the outer void and come into contact with the walls of this ancient space.

And start reading 'data' from above.

Because these miniature ancient spaces are very secretive... Lin could not detect them before.

However, 02 can feel ... Lin looked at the feeling of 02, I thought of the possibility of this miniature ancient space.

So, Lynn tried... to blow up the walls of the ancient space with some explosions that could affect the space.

This is actually not to blow up the walls, but to blow up the tiny ancient spaces that are connected.

Lin’s practice was indeed a success. At the moment of the explosion, Lin detected... these tiny spaces.

Although they were barely detectable when they were in a stable state, the moment they were blown up... Lin could detect their 'activity'.

Although only for a short while, Lin has been able to know where the sea of ​​creation is.

Because these small spaces are connected together, the first one is detected and can be traced for a long distance.

At the same time, Lin also has weapons for testing in the void outside.

They can perceive these miniature ancient spaces to extend into a direction familiar to Lin.

That is the current direction of the 'Little Ershi'.

Xiao Ershi is now sailing in a distant space, and when Lin was exploding, Xiao Ershi also perceive... these miniature ancient spaces.

This is wonderful because it seems to have happened to pass through the location of the little Ershi.

This makes Lin discover that... these tiny ancient spaces extend to the place, and it seems to be the 'collision land'.

Only the detailed location cannot be determined.

Of course, even if the sea of ​​creation is really there, it may move.

Or prepare a trap waiting for Lin.

Anyway, it seems that all the interesting things are concentrated in that place.

Although Lin’s expectations are getting higher, it still takes a long time to get there.

During this period... nothing special happens.

Lin thinks so.

Because after the bombing of Lin, the sea of ​​creation did not use the miniature ancient space to connect the data here.

This also makes it impossible for Lin to confirm the location of the sea of ​​creation.

However, after knowing that there is something like 'miniature ancient space', Lin can conduct research and investigation from this aspect.

If you learn to use it, it will definitely be useful.

The other is to observe the database of their wars.

Although Lin has not interfered with it all the time, Lin will not let them die. If the database and 02 kill the rest, Lin will keep the rest of the research.

But now Lin found that they seem to have not been destroyed by the small nucleus.

Because... they are going to run away.

Like the small protectors, the database and the 'thinking ability' of 02 are also growing over time.

It’s just that they are growing more slowly.

Perhaps they are the reason for their relatively small number, but their intelligence has increased significantly, because initially they are just like ordinary microbes, although they will send some brainwave information, but they will only swallow growth in behavior.

Now it will use more and more complicated tactics.

Now, they think of a tactic that best suits the current situation and flee here.

This idea was proposed by 02.

It carried a path in the army of the small nucleator with the microbes in the database while fighting, and arrived at the entrance and exit of the ... area.

Because the troops that were originally small nucleators were stuck on the exit side, they lost a lot after going through such a battle.

But they also managed to escape and arrived...in the main channel of ancient space.

Because these tiny creatures have the ability to propel, they can move quickly.

Lin found that they all flew all the way to the nearest area...

To be precise, it is the '03 area'.

Lin has confirmed with the bubble, it is said that the 03 area is an empty area, there is nothing special.

Although I have lived in some data creatures before, it should be abandoned.

The bubble is not very certain about this.

In fact, Lynn found that the bubble is now also planning to escape.

The thing that was constructed again from 02... The bubble thinks this ancient space is a very unstable place.

Even though it now has the ability to kill these microbes of 02, it is not going to do this, but is planning to leave.

After all, this ancient space does not know when something strange will happen.

So, Lin followed them to the ... area to see.

This area is similar to the bubble, and it is a completely dark place.

But here... Lynn thinks it should be no biological.

Because Lynn felt some ‘information’ at the moment she came in.

Of course the database and 02 they should also feel it.

Because Lynn noticed that their microbial population showed fear after coming in and wanted to escape.

Only... The exits have been completely closed at this time, and they have no way to escape.

It seems that this is a very dangerous creature.

Because it has some control over this ancient space.

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