4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3197: confirm

"We absolutely have not interfered with your...the weather!"

"Yes, we just want to leave."

"But the things you want to leave have already disturbed the weather... and the things that call them are also."


In the end, these failures were honestly stated, and now the group of creatures that attacked the small Ershi were attracted to them.

Mainly because they watched plants drag their aircraft onto the ground, this thing gave them a lot of fear.

Therefore, Lynn intends to punish them.

The content of this punishment is to let them say... why the weather is so beautiful here.

If you can't say it, you have to do it all... Of course, Lin doesn't actually say that, but they don't know what Lin means.

In fact, Lynn just did some interesting tests.

When these futures are caught in panic and entanglement, Lin is also continuing to study these creatures.

Their fleet is still flying over the small Ershi, and continues to throw a large amount of flying pieces of meat against the surface.

Although these pieces of meat did not spread successfully on the ground, they still insisted... It seems that they intend to give all the ammunition to the light before they are willing to stop.

Lin is still testing their brains.

Lin, who had been invaded by Lin before, can find a lot of its memories from it.

Because its brain is cellular.

But apart from this brain, all other parts of the body are not cells, so it can be said that this is left.

Because of this, Lynn can easily detect their memories.

These creatures are considered to be a very interesting creature because they are very ‘inclusive’.

These creatures, Lynn feels that they can be called 'same travelers'.

They are a group of creatures who have been looking for a companion to travel. They have no fixed home and are generally in normal void.

Ancient space seems to be where they happen by chance.

‘Travelers’ attack all the creatures they encounter, but to say... they won’t kill them.

They usually operate in the void in the form of a large number of 'shellfish' units, and when they encounter a suitable target, they will attack it.

The general way they attack is to throw a lot of 'meat pieces'.

These flesh-like structures spread rapidly on the ground.

Although they also absorb some local nutrients, they generally use the nutrients they carry.

In short, they are completely free of fungi or distorted phagocytic ability...but their ability to bring them is enough to grow a large enough range.

For example, a structure that spreads out in a 'meat block' about 10 meters in diameter can cover a 'carpet' that is hundreds of meters in diameter.

When they reach the limit, they search for some local nutrients that continue to grow, and they also grow a lot of complex structures.

But the main thing is that they will... capture any of the more intelligent creatures encountered.

As long as there is a creature close to the 'carpet', it will be stuck by the carpet and slowly and completely wrapped up.

Wrapped creatures are constantly being brainwashed when they are completely inactive.

The carpet will continue to send a lot of signals to it. This signal is what Lynn heard before... the words to travel to an unknown place.

The wrapped creature will slowly generate ideas that also want to travel.

It will 'recognize' the idea and also want to travel to an unknown place.

At this time, the carpet will slowly devour and decompose most of the structure of the creature, and in the end it will only be left... a brain.

In fact, the places that have been attacked by them, such as a space station, are the end of this.

This space station will be wrapped in a large number of flesh-like structures, and the above creatures will be broken down into ... at the end of the ... only one brain.

But the process is actually 'moderate' because they don't devour each other before letting the creatures fully endorse their 'ideas'.

Nor will they destroy local buildings.

But if they are attacked, they will still fight back... The shellfish itself has a strong fighting ability.

As for the meat pieces, the structure for combat will also grow.

If there is a counterattack in the local area, they will first solve the counterattack force and then slowly wrap the creature above.

If not, it will be wrapped directly... Those remaining brains will be transported back to the battleship and commanded as a battleship.

Like the brain of this battleship discovered by Lin, it is actually an attempted brain.

This is the brain that they acquired after they had attacked some of the unsuccessful aircraft. After the 'brainwashing'... it fully recognized the wonderful idea of ​​going to travel in the distance and began to command the warship to continue to attack. The creatures, let more... companions join.

The fleet that Lin sees now, each of which is commanded by the brains of different creatures, and they all share the same philosophy, so they act in unison.

However, because the intelligence has not changed, the tactics they use will be different.

These warships of ‘Travelers’ did not move without the brain commanded outside, and thus created a problem.

The original warship... Who is commanding?

Lynn feels that they are related to distortion.

Because most of the structure of the warships, or the pieces of meat used to attack, the tiny units that make up them are all very similar to the distortions that Lynn knows.

To be precise, it is not like distortion, but rather like the 'nanoviruses' produced by distortion.

It's just that they are a lot milder.

So Lynn thinks these things should be considered a variant distortion.

Or it is a residue of distortion.

These things are very interesting... So Lin fired a devastating print attack on their fleet.

A lot of things on the surface of the little Ershi can make a 'printing beam', which is generally mountain or something.

But there is a piece of land dedicated to emitting a printed beam, that is... ‘Arctic’.

... Lynn deliberately made a piece of land dedicated to printing in the North Pole.

When it emits a strong radiance, it can shine the entire fleet in the void.

After a short while, all the shellfish battleship shells have accumulated a layer of material that has completely covered them.

These substances look like plastic from the outside, and are actually the substances printed by Lynn.

They have completely trapped this fleet... and when Lin did it...

Lin found that they also had some dramatic changes.

It seems that they can be completely confirmed that they are 'distorted'...the descendants...m.

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