4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3207: Three worlds

Three worlds...

Three different environments.

Lin's three pompons came to chase three aircraft... three different, but similar, Ershi.

Each one has exactly the same 'land mass' shape, but the environment on the surface is completely different.

There is a world that Lynn thinks can be called 'wild'.

On this earth's surface, there is a rich and dense jungle environment with more species than there are many kinds of creatures.

Whether it's microbes or large creatures, Lynn finds that they are so rich in numbers that they are so many.

At present, there are hundreds of millions of species found in Lin.

However, there are no ‘wisdom creatures’ here, at least Lynn has not found it yet.

Although there are some creatures from the 'primitive tribe' stage, there is no large civilization.

More interestingly, although these creatures are all cell organisms, they are different from the creatures of Jursh.

Or, they are all the same as the Ershi creatures.

That is to say, most of their nuclear information has some nuclear information parts of the Ershi or Pompano, but it seems to have gone through thousands of generations of 'evolution'.

So in this wild world, no single species is a creature that is now found in Ershi.

There are also three small stars... around the world.

These small stars are really small, each with a diameter of three hundred kilometers, but they provide enough energy for the entire world.

Lin believes that these small stars are made by some civilizations.

As for the aircraft that fled here, it landed on a plain near the wild world.

Then it doesn't move.

Lin carefully investigated it, and Lin found that... the aircraft was completely controlled by the automatic system.

Everything inside it is mechanical, and this technology is almost identical to the technology that has not been tried.

The aircraft was set up to collect the 'overlapping material debris' command in the mixed ancient space.

But what is going to be done to collect these debris is not mentioned at all.

It also has another instruction to escape to one of the three worlds if it encounters other creatures.

Obviously it wants to deliberately attract chasers to come here, but what is the purpose?

In this wild world, no answers have been found.

... In the other two worlds, Lin is also investigating.

The second world can be said to be the 'volcanic ash' world.

Everything in the wild world is similar to that of the real world, whether it is the atmospheric composition or gravity.

The world of volcanic ash is completely unsuitable for cell biology. As its name suggests, its surface is covered with volcanoes.

These volcanoes saw several scenes of the explosion when Lin landed, which kept the whole world covered by smoke.

But here, not without creatures... of course they are not cell creatures.

At present, a species discovered by Lin here is called ‘grey bag’ by Lin, which is a creature shaped like a plastic bag.

They are generally more than ten meters in size.

It's like a plastic bag... it floats in this ash-filled world.

As the drift time continues, they will accumulate a lot of dust in the body, and finally they will not fly and land on the ground.

Eventually they will self-cleavage and become part of the dust on the ground.

Their ecology is still a mystery, and the gray bag that Lynn now discovers should be the final stage of a species' life.

But Lin does not find out what their previous stage is.

In addition to the gray bag, there is another species.

Lynn feels that they can be called 'Yu Yu'.

This is a very fun species, their shape is quite like a... gnome.

They are more than a meter tall and look like dust.

There are some orange-red lights on the 'chest' and ‘head’ positions on them, just like the unfinished embers.

This also makes them the 'single' of the whole world.

Because this volcanic ash world is not surrounded by stars, and there is no light when the ‘volcano’ breaks out here.

Only... a lot of dust.

‘Yu’’s creature, Lin found that their behavior was to wander around the dust-covered surface and collect a very special kind of dust.

After collecting a certain amount of dust, they no longer wander, but pile up dust.

At the same time, they take a little bit of the glow on their body and sprinkle it on the pile of dust.

Then the dust will be 'burned' and it will glow orange.

Then, 'Ember' will sit on the dust and watch the dust continue to 'burn'.

It will not stand until the end of the dust pile is burned, then continue to look for dust and repeat the previous step.

Finally, the illuminant in the 'Yu Yu' body will be exhausted, because it will take a little bit every time it burns the dust.

The part that was taken out cannot be recovered.

So ‘Yu’ will sooner or later become a pile of ordinary ashes.

The two creatures that Lin found at the moment, their behavior seems to have no meaning, just slowly die.

As for the aircraft that fled here, it is the same as the wild world...and no driver is on it.

It is also completely automatic.

As for... the third world...

In fact, the pompon did not successfully approach it.

Because this world will fight back.

As Lin's pompom approached it, it began a fierce attack on the pompom to destroy the pompom.

When the pompoms were destroyed, there were still many mini-arms scattered to fly to it, but after approaching its atmosphere, Lin found that there was also a lot of ... guarding troops.

That is, a small mechanically formed unit can be called a 'nano-protective layer'.

The outermost layer of the world's atmosphere is a layer of this layer of protection that seems to be dedicated to any microbial invasion. The machinery inside will give a violent 'light' to all invaders, which can disintegrate very...subtle objects.

For example, Lynn's mini-arms.

So a close approach did not succeed.

This also makes Lin feel that this should be a very interesting place.

So, Lin decided to send more troops to this place, of course, this time the troops can pass through the 'protection layer'.

In addition, the little Ershi no longer stays in the original place, and Lin intends to let it go to a special location.

This location is not any space where the three worlds are located, but... another space.

Because Ershi seemed to have felt a lot of 'memory' gatherings not long ago.

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