4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3214: Memories and miracles

"Almost... it’s been time."

"I... let them go looking for... ashes."

Look for ashes, gather ashes, and let the ashes ‘burn’.

In the endless years, there are a group of creatures who have been doing this kind of thing.

This world filled with ‘volcanoes’ has been erupting all the time.

But compared to saying that they are volcanoes... In fact, the 'grey mountain' is more suitable, because they are not fire, but ... a lot of dust.

These dusts cover the entire world.

The creatures that Lynn called ‘Yu’s are constantly searching for some special dust and burning them.

"Yes... burning, their purpose is to find something special."

Now, the little Ershi came to the world. After arriving here, Ershi found that it had recovered more memories.

Some have memories about... this one.

Before Lin and it said something about the history of rodents and the three worlds, Ershi also said that there are some impressions.

After coming here, Ershi told Lin... It awakened more memories.

In the past, it was here to face the sea of ​​creation.

It is in this...the ancient space, with several buses to fight each other.

The sea of ​​creation should have been in the 'read' of this ancient space, which may be similar to what the current database does, and what it is to use to make it.

Or just simply want to take this data for yourself.

In this case, Ershi started a battle with the other party... but recalling this, Ershi will recall a wonderful ‘fight process’.

Ersh can think of part of the process of fighting the sea of ​​creation.

But this part is not the usual battle, such as throwing explosives at each other, or trying to smash each other with a transmission.

This battle is a long journey... a long journey.

In the memory, Ershi feels that he is wandering in the boundless darkness, and in the process of wandering, he will encounter something.

These things are like tiny dust. When the dust is collected in a certain amount and piled up, they will burn.

At the moment of burning, everything around it will be bright and will temporarily show the right path.

But after a while, the surroundings will turn dark again, which requires searching for the dust again to continue to show...the 'road'.

This is very similar to what these so-called embers in this dusty world do.

But what does all this mean? Ersh still doesn't remember, it seems that they have broken the data of the sea of ​​creation through this ‘combat’ method.

This is indeed wonderful. Now, Ershi believes that the ‘Yu Yu’ in this world may be showing the battle process at that time.

Lynn thinks that maybe Ersh will soon remember.

Because these three worlds are close to the stage of ‘complete’.

This dust-filled world, and the world where metal microbes are located, is... the world full of creatures.

As soon as they are completed, they will be awake.

Although it is still unknown how it is awakening, in short, it will take a while.

During the waiting period, Lin certainly continued to conduct some investigations here.

At the same time, we have to do another thing.

That is to go... see the miracle creature.

After coming here, the golden sphere has told Lin that a miracle creature that allows Lin to join the miracle creature organization is not far from here.

It is not in these ancient spaces, but somewhere in the void outside.

Now, Lin has let a pompom and a golden sphere with a diameter of more than 100 meters come together to the outside of the void to prepare to see this miracle creature.

Lin’s pompom left the ancient space directly at the location of the little Ershi and came to the normal void outside.

After arriving outside, Lin could immediately find a lot of flying objects.

To be precise, these are some space stations.

They look quite like cities that are set up in the void, mostly in the shape of some discs.

The diameter is more than ten kilometers, and there are a lot of buildings on each side of the disc.

There are a total of ten floating houses in this 'empty city', and each of them has many flying planes flying between each other.

Lin’s pompom came out of the place, more than 30,000 kilometers from the nearest city.

But at the moment the pompons came out, the cities seemed to notice, and Lin found that the nearest city flew out... a lot of flying planes flew over here.

"That's it." At this time, the golden sphere around the pompoms said so.

At present, the golden sphere is a golden sphere with a diameter of more than 30 meters.

This of course is not its 'ontology' but just one of its things that can be considered a avatar.

"These cities... is that miracle creature?" Lin asked the golden sphere.

"Not exactly." The golden sphere said: "I haven't seen it for a long time."

The golden sphere gave Lin a detailed introduction to this miracle creature.

The creature that can let other creatures join the miracle organization is definitely the kind of ‘original miracle creature’.

There are also many other names, such as the original miracle creature, the earliest miracle creatures and the like.

In short they are a species.

But in fact these original miracle creatures... they themselves are very different.

Although they are essentially a species, they generally seem to have a small difference.

And they usually don't show up directly in the void...but they have some 'communication points' in the void.

In fact, these exchange points are only a small part of miracle creatures, floating in different forms in the void.

Like this, it is generally called the 'miracle capital of the void.'

In simple terms, as Lin sees now, [m] is a group of buildings that are floating in the void.

These buildings will drift around in the void, and when they encounter any creature that builds the building and relies on the building, it will become the architectural style of the creature and let them live.

Now, it looks like this because of the wisdom of the ‘尔什’ here.

So Lin now sees that its architectural style is very similar to that of all kinds of scorpion-like creatures, and there may be some apes living there.

It seems that it is like a ‘very good miracle creature, but... Lynn thinks it should be more than that simple.

In short, let's talk about it in the past.

When Lin thought so, the aircraft that flew to this side suddenly all launched here... attack.

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