4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3218: Special individual

"They have cleaned it here... those 'meat pieces.'"

In the collapsed ‘miracle capital’, Lynn found some residue of 'meat chunks'.

Lin felt that the main involvement of the meat was the end of this ‘war’.

The apes live in this miracle capital to the end, and each of them is almost in a state of madness.

This is mainly the reason for the conflict of ideas.

The main part of the erosion has been trying to tell the truth about the miracle capital of these apes, while the normal part keeps them puzzled.

This led to these crickets at the end and felt that this place was very strange and should continue to study or leave quickly.

They feel that they already know all the truth here. This is a city that can live normally and safely.

In the past, there were different ideas for the different factions, but now these different ideas are mixed in the minds of each of these apes.

This keeps them in a conflict of thoughts all the time.

They were full of doubts, and they denied these doubts. This led to the fact that they did not do things almost all day, or they were engaged in continuous thinking struggles.

Of course, the civilization they formed also collapsed.

It's just because many of the equipment in the city includes planting systems, and the food production system is automatic, so even if the whole society is paralyzed, they are not so fast.

Therefore, these apes have lived in a state of intense conflict of thought for a long time.

During that time, they have been trying to ‘convince themselves’ that they are struggling in addition to eating and sleeping.

And such a large group of apes that are struggling in their minds seem to have been noticed by the meat.

The reason the meat pieces noticed them... seems to be because they are constantly sending out signals.

These apes are not just about their own thinking conflicts, they are also trying to 'share' this conflict of thought.

They have been sending their various conflicting ideas to other...wisdom creatures.

In fact, during the period of living in the capital of miracles, these scorpions were exposed to other intelligent creatures, including those of the past.

However, these intelligent creatures have hardly come to the miracle capital. Of course, those similar kind are unwilling to come back.

However, the apes of the miracle capital often communicate with other intelligent creatures, usually sharing technology, which can be regarded as an information transaction.

After they all started ‘thinking conflicts,’ they continually sent their thoughts of conflicting thinking to other creatures.

Initially other creatures were curious about their situation, but then they began to get bored with them.

This is nothing like this, mainly because these signals sent by these cockroaches are received by some meat pieces.

These pieces of meat floated in the direction of the capital of miracles.

The meat pieces came very quickly, and as soon as they came to the miracle capital, they invaded the food system of the miracle capital...

These pieces of meat are scattered into many small structures and mixed into the food that these apes eat.

The meat pieces were not detected and then eaten into the body by the mites.

Eating [.] into the mites of these pieces of meat, something wonderful happened.

All the apes that lived in the capital of miracles... all began to show that they could no longer bear the current conflict of thoughts, so they all began to commit suicide.

In a very short time, they almost all... died.

Most of them directly killed themselves directly on the ground or on the wall.

There are still some that are not as mad as they are, and they leave the miracle capital by flying the aircraft.

The arrival of the meat pieces almost killed all the mites, which also meant the end of the war.

However, the meat piece did something else in the next step, that is, the bodies of these apes were cleaned up.

In addition to their corpses, there are various skins left behind by these mites, and cell debris is cleaned up by them.

This makes the whole city as if there were no creatures.

Later, these pieces of meat also left, and the city... did not return to its original state because of the extinction of these apes.

It also maintains a state of residence for the apes, and various automated systems are still in operation.

However, this war is actually over.

Because the main system of the miracle capital, I already think that it... found a miracle.

But this part of the miracle is a little different from the original miracle, but another new miracle.

Among these cockroaches, there is one cockroach... survived.

It didn't kill... it was because it produced another idea.

It recognizes the 'truth' in the constantly conflicting mindset.

That is, the essence of the capital of miracles is this truth that works for miracles.

At the same time, it also recognizes everything like the existence of miracle creatures.

It has this idea, and it is actually related to the meat.

The meat does not directly control the thinking of these apes, but has a little influence on their thinking.

This influence allows them to make decisions “immediately”... can be regarded as directly “oppressing” their nerves to let them choose an answer.

But almost all mites only want to commit suicide after making an immediate decision.

Because they... can't choose the answer.

Only this one class has done it.

This ape did not just do this, it also found a point of communication after that.

That is the point of exchange with the ‘original miracle creature’.

These exchange points were actually some buildings, but these apes have never been discovered before.

But this time the cockroach... It immediately discovered the point of exchange after believing in the 'truth.'

And went to the nearest exchange point.

It came to the exchange point and had a direct communication with the original miracle creature.


This is quite special... It seems that the original miracle creature has always been paying attention to this place, but it does not directly eliminate the erosion here.

Lin felt that it was not impossible to eliminate, but for other purposes.

The last remaining apes and miracle creatures exchanged, miracle creatures... recognized this ape.

It believes that this ape is a miracle.

The main reason is that its mental state is very interesting. Under extreme oppression, there is no collapse to commit suicide, but the answer is chosen.

This is why the cockroach can directly know the location of the exchange point and communicate with the miracle creature.

In fact, it was not that it discovered the point of exchange, but the original miracle creature made it discover.

But this is only a small miracle, so this ape can't be added to the organization of miracle creatures.

However, the native miracle creature says it can be used as a manager to manage this miracle capital.

If it can create more miracles... then join the miracle creature.

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