4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3227: Thinking creation

"Since they don't make anything... how did they make creatures?"

As a remnant of distortion, the meat can hardly make anything.

Or, they can only make ... themselves.

So the original ‘orsh’ was a big piece of meat.

But they are wonderfully [.] created the first creatures, which is ‘huge Ershi.’

After being made, the great Ershi people have various memory thoughts about Ershi.

Therefore, these pieces of meat slowly transform the environment of the world according to the thinking of the great Ershi people.

The question is, why can the meat pieces make a huge worm?

The meat pieces actually make some wonderful things. For example, after they grow bigger and bigger in the void, the meat pieces can transform the internal structure to maintain the 'gravitational balance'.

However, no matter how they are made, they have not created anything other than themselves.

Until the creation of a huge Ershi people.

The great Ershi people themselves, and do not know why the meat pieces can make it, this huge Ershi people who have survived... have been trying to investigate this.

In the survey, it was thought that the meat pieces should have acquired some kind of ‘thinking’ from elsewhere to let them be born.

That is to say, there are other creatures nearby that "conceived" the creatures of the great Ershi people, and let the meat pieces create them.

How did the great Ershi people investigate and did not know where these ideas came from, so it did not continue to investigate.

It mainly investigates...those things about the later development of the meat.

The great Ershi people set the world for the meat, set up various creatures... and set the specific conditions of the world.

Then the meat pieces completed all of this according to the setting of the huge Ershi people, and made a variety of creatures.

However, the setting of the huge Ershi people did not continue, because except for this, they all died.

Therefore, the meat began to look for new ‘thinking goals’.

That is, the various intelligent creatures that they make.

Like a variety of cockroaches, creatures such as cockroaches, are the objects of the meat to gain thinking.

The pieces of meat are influenced by their minds on the surface and make various kinds of contact with them, but in fact they are... collecting the thoughts of these creatures.

The meat pieces will collect all the ideas of the creatures, and then choose any advantage of the ‘Galaxy Bus’ plan.

For example, if a creature imagines an object in a 'Galaxy Bus', the piece of meat will try to make it.

However, if it is a thinking that has nothing to do with the Galaxy Bus Program, the meat will be collected, but it will not be built according to it.

From here it seems that the meat pieces seem to have very clear goals, they themselves will think about actions and so on.

However, they are still unable to make any creations of the Galaxy Bus Plan.

This is wonderful.

This action of meat is very slow, because those intelligent creatures never thought about designing a galaxy bus.

Although they think of some related things, or have the idea of ​​'a created tumbling person', there is no detailed setting for this.

If you want to make something from meat, you need a very detailed setting. Although it is not detailed in detail to the basic particles, it is still necessary to do most of the basics.

For example, if you want them to make a rollover, you need to set the imagination on the hierarchy from the core to the surface.

Although many creatures have had some delusions or have such settings in their entertainment, such as games, they are not set too detailed.

So the meat still can't make anything.

The meat pieces themselves don't seem to be in a hurry. Maybe they are not in a hurry. They have been collecting thoughts... After a while.

The great Ershimin said that the meat can actually do this.

They are always collecting biological thoughts silently... but they don't need to do this at all.

They only need to tell a certain creature's own purpose, and then let the creature help him to set his mind and imagine it.

Of course, the meat has never been done this way.

Therefore, the great Ershi people suspect that the meat pieces may not have their own ... thinking ability, although they seem to be very planned, but all of this may be set.

In simple terms, it is ‘instinct’.

Therefore, the huge Ershimin said that it is going to help the meat block to complete the 'Galaxy Bus' program.

The great Ershimin originally wanted to help the meat block to set the mind, but it found that it could not be set.

The great knowledge of the great Ershi people is only the world of ‘尔什’, and it cannot be designed in other worlds.

There are nineteen tumblings in the Galaxy bus. What kind of world are these... It can only guess and imagine.

But it's going to think for itself, it takes too much time.

The great Ershi people also want to find other smart creatures to join it to help design, but the creatures on the surface are not suitable.

Because they...the belief is too low.

There are few ‘religions’ on the surface of those creatures.

Perhaps they are developing too fast or for other reasons. The races on the surface... especially some apes, do not have any religious beliefs at all.

To put it simply, they encounter huge Ershi people who are likely to scratch it to dissect, rather than treating it as a 'creator.'

So, the great Ershi people came to the sea.

Dolphins in the sea have many beliefs, perhaps because they have not been able to develop, and there are many reasons for the strange phenomenon in the sea.

In addition, the dolphins are threatened by the waste of terrestrial creatures. The giants used some methods to make a group of dolphins believe that it is the **** who can save them.

Then this belief quickly passed, and all the dolphins began to believe in it.

Of course, this belief is not an empty belief. The great Ershi people have indeed helped them to overcome the threat from the surface.

However, after controlling these dolphins, the great Ershi people found that the imagination of the dolphins is limited.

It initially began trying to tell some of the dolphins of the dolphins, that is, the plans for meat and galaxy buses.

These dolphins are acting...it's hard to understand all of this, but still try to imagine the galaxy bus according to its orders.

The great Ershimin observed for a while and thought that a group of dolphins imagined together than they wanted to be efficient.

But it is not much higher.

Just when the great Ershi people were ready to think of new methods, it realized that... there are also leaf-cutting ants.

Leaf-cutting ants are a perfect thinking.

The large group consciousness of integration can quickly and specifically set out the specific appearance of the galaxy and everything in it.

Therefore, it only said this with the leaf-cutting ants.

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