4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3235: Aggregation question

This creature is a polymer of countless miracles.

A product that is almost impossible to mix together.

It is said that every part of the whole body of this creature is made up of miraculous things that are almost impossible...but that did happen,

It is like the kind of matter produced by events that are extremely rare in the void, the ‘energy’ that comes after the collision of the void.

They are themselves a boundless miracle.

But it seems... this creature was not originally a miracle.

That is to say, like ordinary creatures, they have a relatively long process of relative 'normal'.

However, in the long years, such creatures constantly reinvent themselves.

When it encounters rare events in the void, something that can be called a 'miracle', it will find ways to construct itself.

Over time they become a combination of miracles.

But even if the objects gathered by countless miracles are dead, they will die.

This is the original miracle creature.

After the battle between Ershi and many buses and the Sea of ​​Creation, the entire battle process and specific results became a complete mystery.

In order to confirm whether this war can be regarded as a miracle, this original miracle creature tried to investigate.

And in this investigation... it is dead.

The huge body disappeared completely, and the death of this creature became a complete mystery in the void.

However, some creatures know its death.

For example, 'metal microbes'.

If an original miracle creature dies, it will also recover through miracles... and metal microbes are actually one of the miracles.

The origins of metal microbes are the same as those thought by Lin, they are from the 'data creatures' in ancient space.

The ancient space synthesizes this creature through some data. The event of the birth of metal microbes is... the death time of the original miracle creature.

Moreover, it felt at the moment it was created... It felt the death of miracle creatures.

Because the original miracle creature died, it used a special way to trigger the surrounding 'miracle'.

It can also be said that this is a special signal that will have some impact on the surrounding things.

The metal microbes that have just been born from ancient space have felt this signal.

It left the ancient space and came to the death of the original miracle creature.

It is here... nothing is seen.

This position is just a void with nothing, then... it leaves.

In fact, the metal microbe did not have any special thoughts at the time, or it had no idea about everything in this void.

It was simply attracted to the signal, but it didn't know what to do after it arrived.

Most of the time, metal microbes floated in the void, and after a long time it approached somewhere.

This place is very similar to the metal microbe itself, that is, a lot of finely divided, metal-like substances are everywhere here.

It is mainly the metal microbes that discover the substances in this place... all of which are edible.

Although it has no thinking in itself, it has the ‘instinct’ of eating, so it begins to break down the debris here as food.

This also lasted for a long time.

When eating these crumbs, the metal microbes began to grow a lot of ... new structures.

To be precise, it is the structure that was later considered by the leaf-cutting ants to be the 'brain'.

There are not only one kind of 'brain', but there are many, metal microbes don't know why it grows out of this structure, but with this structure, it begins to have the ability to think.

Finally, the metal microbes ate all the debris in that area... and started its journey again.

After that... it has gone through a lot of things, but Lynn doesn't know what it has gone through.

In general, it is the metal microbes that have gone to the 'brain' after the emergence of the 'brain'.

Then I made a series of things that Lin knew about the leaf-cutting ants.

But what it went through during the period of going to the leaf-cutting ants was a mystery, because the experience was not sent by the 'historical ball'.

I don't know what the reason is, but there are other experiences, but the experience during this period seems to have disappeared.

In short, all of its purpose is to ... obstruct the original miracle creature of recovery.

Although it is said to recover miracle creatures, the actual purpose is to obstruct.

The original recovery process of the original miracle creature was mainly related to the miracle.

That is, various seemingly accidental events with very low probability happen to be combined.

What metal microbes do is to "deliberately" use something to accelerate the recovery of miracle creatures.

This thing, that is, the data of the galaxy bus...

As long as ‘deliberately’ accelerates recovery, it’s not a miracle.

It seems that metal microbes mainly achieve resistance in this way.

As for why it is obstructing, it is not clear at the moment.

Now whether its behavior has any effect, it seems difficult to say.

These are the ones that Lin sees in this position in the void... the mini-moisture tumbling, or the thing of the storm ball, is itself part of the body of an original miracle creature.

It is a little different from the miracle capital, because these things can be regarded as its 'visceral'.

But only a small part of the internal organs, if compared with cell biology, is something like 'alveolar'.

Like other structures, these storm **** are themselves a miracle.

Various accidental factors in the void make up these spheres, as well as all parts of the original miracle creature.

But Lynn thinks... It seems that the whole recovery process is not purely accidental.

Because when the original miracle creature died, various miracles continued to occur around its death site.

In the end it will make everything it needs to recover.

Of course, these miracles seem to be all rare events happening by chance... I can't observe any direct connection with the original miracle creature, but it seems that it is self-recovering, although the whole process is like a combination of accidents.

But if it is like metal microbes that directly progress the recovery process, it is not a miracle.

At present, Lynn does not know whether these **** have appeared because of miracles, or the metal microbes use the data of the galaxy bus.

If it is made, how does it use the galaxy bus data to make these storm balls?

There are still many questions in it, so Lin decided to catch the awareness of metal microbes.

That is, ‘mercury’.

Now Lin has found its hiding place.

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