4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3240: Clean up

"To clean them up."

Its purpose... seems to be to clean up the miracle.

For a long time, it has been researching, or ... collecting.

Any miracle that happened around the original miracle creature, it has been paying attention and observing them.

Finally... clean up these miracles.

However, it is not to clean up all the miracles, but to clean up the miracle of the 'big'.

For example, the ‘古猿’ that communicated with Lin.

This ape is very special and is a miraculous product, so it needs to be solved.

The repairer thinks that Lynn is also a miracle product related to the original miracle creature bond, so it needs to solve Lin.

Lin is quite curious about the product of the miracle of the ancient 猿.

This point is not detailed with Lin, in short, it is now in the process of attacking Lin and Lin said something.

It also said that it was not necessary to completely solve Lin, but Lin did not approach this time during the recovery of the original miracle creature.

Although Lynn feels it... it's hard to do this.

Now the repairer is still moving fast, and the arms that are in front of it... is a city.

Accurately speaking, it is a city in the ‘miracle capital’.

Lin had been doing it before...that is, the action of assembling the miracle capital back.

Now that Lin has successfully assembled a city...it is not actually fully assembled. The city looks like a three-kilometer-diameter island with many original buildings.

Lin made these buildings according to the original city, but the structure inside is certainly not the same.

Now the city is just about the size of the repairer, so... Lynn decided to use it to fight and see.

The repairer is still more than 100,000 kilometers away from the city, and Lin found that its 'color' is constantly changing.

The repairer as a whole looks like a myriad of black and white flakes, and now these black and white are constantly swapping, looking like it is constantly flickering.

At the same time it is also approaching quickly.

So, Lin first tried to launch ten buildings.

These buildings of up to 100 meters are flying like a missile from the city to quickly approach the black and white target.

The repairer suddenly stopped flashing as the building approached it for several kilometers.

And these buildings are all... they have been cut.

It was as if a huge blade was crossed in the void, and these fast-flying buildings were flattened into a number of pieces after an instant, and the blocks were blasted separately.

After the building exploded, Lin also found that the repairer disappeared into the void.


After a few seconds, the repairer appeared in the city of Lynn.

At the moment of its appearance, there were countless ... black and white flakes on its body.

These sheets are small, only a few centimeters, but the number is very large, so there is a torrential rain over the entire city.

Since these black and white films are also very similar to ‘cookies, it can be said to be black and white biscuit rain.

However, the power of these things is very strong. When the black and white ‘biscuits’ touch the top of a building, the roof of the solid material instantly splits.

Every ‘biscuits’ will leave a cut of up to a few meters long and one centimeter wide when it comes into contact with anything.

And this ‘cookie’ will also be broken by itself.

When they descended from the sky like a storm, they also printed countless 'knife marks' on the building.

These buildings are all made up of the original fragments of the miracle capital, they are still sturdy.

However, it seems to be very fragile before these ‘cookies’, and some buildings collapsed into the ground under the numerous incisions.

There are still some older buildings that are still stuck, but it won't take long before they are completely broken.

Therefore, Lynn decided to use this method.

Many buildings that have not been shredded opened directly from the center and launched a huge water cannon from the sky.

These water cannons are not really water, but a low temperature liquid.

When they flew into the sky, they were also smashed by countless 'cookies', but the miniature arms contained in these water cannons continued to move forward.

Finally, they approached the repairer in the sky and landed on its black and white 'skin'.

The repairer's skin gives Lin a feeling of smoothness...plain.

Lin found that the repairer's skin is a very strong material that is very difficult to dig, and there are no gaps to drill.

However, Lin’s purpose is not to get into it.

When Lin's large number of micro-arms attached to the surface of the repairer, the black and white ‘cookies’ that fell were all lost their cutting ability.

They are like ordinary biscuits, and there is no reaction on the building.

Sure enough, as Lin thought, these things have a 'cutting' function, mainly through the control of ancient space.

This is also very similar to the control method of the burning star, but it is more 'detailed'.

Lynn suspects that this repairer may be related to high temperature organisms... creatures.

Because Lin has not seen other creatures have such powerful control over ancient space.

Thinking, Lin shut down the city's gravitational system.

The fragments of the building, a lot of biscuits, etc., all floated in the air after the gravitational failure.

In the next second, all of these floating objects suddenly and suddenly accelerated, rushing toward the repairer's direction.

At this time, Lin found that... the original black and white ‘skin’ of the repairer suddenly turned white.

These floats collided with the repairer's epidermis and exploded, but none of them could blow through its skin.

Because Lin detected that it was at the moment of discoloration, there were some special changes in the skin.

This makes it very sturdy.

After the attack ended, it changed back to black and white again.

However, just as it turned back to color... The whole city suddenly jerked and slammed into the repairer.

The repairer did not defend at this time, but immediately moved to the side at high speed, and flew away in the distance after avoiding the impact of the city.

After flying tens of thousands of kilometers, the repairer disappeared into the void.

After a few seconds, the repairer's figure once again appeared in the billions of kilometers, it seems that it is intended to move farther.

However, it did not succeed.

Because it just appeared, I found myself surrounded by a lot of... fluff.

Lynn already knows where it will move, so it first encloses some possible exits.

Of course, Lynn will have to block all the 'exports' so that he can... capture it.

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