4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3247: variation

"It has been watching..."

The mutated system has been 'warning' with the normal system.

The miracle capital itself is an organ that is 'recovered'.

Sometime before, the repairer found the miracle capital. When the miracle capital was discovered, the repairer had not heard the second answer.

At that time, the repairer was only curious about this place, and also conducted some investigations on the miracle capital.

Soon after, it learned the second answer.

The signal to pass the answer is obtained in the capital of miracles.

But this signal is not sent to it by the miracle capital, but from the void.

However, after the signal and the repairer said the answer, the repairer decided to get rid of the miracle.

So the signal tells the repairer... The miracle capital is the organ of the miracle creature.

At first the repairer wanted to destroy the miracle capital, but the signal told it that the miracle capital had been controlled, and that it had to be...the controller of the ‘assisted’ miracle capital.

That is the variant system.

The mutated system interfered with some of the perception capabilities of the normal system, which allowed the repairer to approach the miracle capital.

The repairer is considered by the normal system to be a miracle creature to assist it.

But actually it is to help the variant system.

Even so, the repairer did not do much in this 'system war'. It did what it said at the beginning, that is, it controlled the ancient space.

It was originally told by Lin that ‘repair ancient space’, in fact it is using the ancient space here to carry out control exercises.

But doing it is similar to repairing, which leads to the integration of these spaces.

It was also during this period that the repairer and the variant system carried out a 'convention'.

In fact, the signal tells the repairer.

Because the miracle creature recovers, it is possible to control it... even if it is a resurrection, it is possible.

Therefore, the repairer needs the function of 'pause'.

If it is in control, it needs other creatures to help it pause most of its 'physiological activity' while helping it...get rid of control.

At this point, the variant system can do it.

The repairers trusted them very much, so they gave the variant system a 'pause' of its own functions.

The original repairer wanted to let the signal telling it the answer to help it pause, but that signal indicates that its location is in a faraway place, not easy to do.

The variant system is very suitable, so the repairer does the mutation system.

It certainly didn't expect to have this situation now.

Nothing happened at the time. The repairers rarely interfered with the situation in the miracle capital. Even if they did something, they actually decided to communicate with the mutation system.

Including the last miracle capital, which is also determined by the mutated system.

It told the repairer that it could not completely control the miracle capital, so it was blown up.

It didn't tell the repairer that it would blow if it was blown up... but the repairer didn't care very much at the time.

Then the next thing... that is what Lin knows.

From the repairer's thinking, Lin Lin knew about this thing. It is wonderful that the repairer now has a feeling of trust in Lin.

Lynn is not quite sure why, it may be related to Ershi.

So what should I do now?

Sure enough, I will first catch the city of this variant system.

Now, Lin mainly uses a large number of micro-arms to explore the city.

The mutated system has not been here to explore for Lin, and it is now rapidly flying to the distance.

At the same time as it flies at a high speed, a large amount of mucus is also present throughout the city's surface.

These paste-like things seem to be mainly used to stick to Lin's mini-arms and prevent them from getting into the city's 'underground'.

This does have some effect. Some of the original micro-arms of the Lin have already drilled under the surface of the city, but they are restricted by these gushing pastes.

However, the city does not seem to be fighting, it is flying fast.

As for those fighters that were still in place, the mechanics who drove the fighters inside found that the city was very frightened after flying away.

Because they think the city abandoned them and ran away.

So, Lin also let Lin's city chase the past.

According to Lin, from the repairer, the miracle capital itself has no mobility.

It can't be transmitted, nor can it open the ancient space. It can only move by speed... Of course, a miracle of 'normal' has some special movements.

Normal means that the miracle creature is still alive.

Because this miracle is an organ constructed by the miracle biorecovery, and its unconstructed structure is completely affected by the mutated system, so it is actually missing a lot of functions.

However, the city created by this variant system does not know if there is any special function.

It doesn't look like it is currently, it is still flying fast.

So Lin also let Lin's city chase the past, because the speed is faster, Lin is slowly getting farther away from the other side.

Then it disappeared into the void.

But it doesn't really disappear, it's just... invisible.

In a flash, Lin felt that it had escaped most of Lynn's perception, and that these perceptions... could not find its place.

However, there are many small arms in the city, through which Lin can know that the city is still in its original position.

So, Lin continued to let Lin's city fly to the target location.

At this time, the other party moved again. At the moment of the movement, the figure also appeared in the void.

It seems that its invisibility can only be used if it can't be moved?

When it moved again, it was not a complete city. Lin found that it split into many pieces.

Accurately speaking, it is ten pieces, each piece flying like a small island in different directions.

Is it going to escape with this method?

It seems... it is not trying to escape, but what it is going to start.

Because these split city blocks stopped for a little while... Lin found that there was actually something in the place where they stayed.

These things were also invisible before, so Lin did not find out.

But Lin has just updated the perception structure and found that these city blocks are now touching an object floating in the void.

These objects are hundreds of meters in size and look like a big... ice.

When Lin wondered what these were, the city blocks of the mutated system suddenly said to Lin: "It can be done now."

At the moment it was finished, Lynn felt a strong ‘signal’ rushing out here.

And... the travel space also felt this signal.

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