"Let us dominate these sad creatures, let us... control them thoroughly!"

The mechanical people are all cheering.

The creature of this huge ‘sea cucumber’ seems to be completely controlled now.

Controlled by the ... mutation system.

The group of motorists ran around in the body of the sea cucumber with excitement, and some of them drove the wheel.

They suddenly came up with the idea of ​​running around to celebrate, so Lynn followed them to investigate the creature's body.

The whole body of the 'sea cucumber' is composed of tunnels that extend in all directions, and everything in it looks like a rock structure.

However, under the 'appearance' of the rock, there are many complicated structures, quite like cells, and a large number of subtle structures interact to form the visceral part of the whole sea cucumber.

Lin is more concerned about the ‘consciousness’ that is collected here.

Not long ago, in the process of falling, Lin could feel a lot of 'conscious data'... but it was a little different after it was dropped. After those robots attacked everywhere, the sense that could be felt here was replaced by variation. Systematic... consciousness.

To be precise, there is no complete replacement.

Lin's spy and the arms that went to the wandering inspection and observation can find that the consciousness data in the sea cucumbers are all slowly...more and more blurred.

The consciousness of the mutated system is becoming clearer and clearer.

It feels like a process of slowly encroaching, but it has not yet been encroached.

In addition to encroaching on consciousness, this group of mechanical people also began to use ‘snow’ to occupy the interior.

These 'snow' can actually be regarded as the 'ontology' of the whole city.

Now that Lyne can feel the awareness of the mutated system, she can learn something.

The miracle capital itself will change according to the creatures it comes in... and these 'snow' are the basic substances of change.

All building creations can be reduced to snow, and snow can be transformed into all building creations.

The process of their change is mainly determined by the thinking of the creature... As Lin knows before, the system detects the thinking that is close to the creature and then changes the city.

However, the city occupied by the mutated system is somewhat different. It does not change itself according to the instructions of the system, but directly detects the creatures, that is, the thinking of these robots.

The snow in the city will change according to the minds of the mechanics.

The control of the mutated system is the thinking of these mechanical people...that is, just like these robots suddenly have more knowledge and use snow to make weapons, as long as the mutated system wants to create something, it can add or reduce to the mechanical people. Knowledge or something.

It can be said that it has almost completely controlled the operation of the entire city.

Although it seems that the city crashed into the surface of the sea cucumber, the fragments of the entire city are slowly being reduced to snow.

The mechanics began to transport the snow into the interior of the sea cucumber and began to occupy its body.

More interestingly, the mutated system was even made up of mechanical people...self.

The previous variant system was indeed ‘suicide’.

It completely decomposed itself, for the same reason as Lin thought, to avoid the tracking of this sea cucumber.

Sea cucumber is the consciousness that can detect the mutated system.

So it breaks itself down... Because the sea cucumbers don't detect the consciousness of these robots, the mechanics can invade its body.

And this sea cucumber has some characteristics.

Of course, it can only detect biological consciousness, or can detect ordinary objects, but each time it is detected, the sea cucumber will judge the 'firmness' of the target object.

It is very fragile, and there is nothing to hit it. It will not escape.

Therefore, the sea cucumber did not evade the city, and the two sides directly collided.

As for the mechanical people invading the body, the sea cucumbers did not find it at all, as if they were invisible.

After entering here, the mechanics began to imagine that they occupied this situation, and they also wanted a place like this, and needed a system to control.

When they think so, the ‘snow’ in the wreckage of the city begins to change, and they again form the system structure.

That is the variant system.

This process is very fast, in fact, during the period when the mechanics open the wheel to enter the interior of the sea cucumber.

However, after the mutated system is reconstituted, it will be discovered by the sea cucumber, and the sea cucumber will begin to 'absorb' its consciousness.

At this time, the mechanical people fell into the sea cucumber body. They seem to be attacking everywhere, but actually they are targeting some places.

These places are the 'key' positions in the sea cucumbers. After destroying these positions, the sea cucumbers cannot control the consciousness of the mutant system.

The sea cucumber will in turn be controlled by the mutated system as a whole.

The situation that Lynn now perceives from the mutated system is basically the same.

It can be said that the mutation system has planned and controlled this sea cucumber since very early.

This is very early... It refers to the time when it created the mechanical people.

In addition to more convenient control of urban changes, these robots are mainly based on the detection system of sea cucumbers.

Sea cucumbers cannot find them at all.

Although this sea cucumber can collect consciousness, it is actually unconscious.

Or say... no in this area.

When this sea cucumber enters a certain area, it enters a state of unconscious control.

That is, it will set the program for action here, and the plan of the mutated system can completely invade the sea cucumber in this state.

Although the information in the consciousness that Lynn received now is not the way to go, but in general it is.

It was originally sent to the side to capture one such sea cucumber.

Now, it intends to do something special after fully occupying the sea cucumber.

These things also include the ‘weapons’ to get Lin away.

But it doesn't plan to get it right away, as if it knows... it can't catch up with Lin at the moment.

Therefore, it intends to go to another place, that place is once ... battlefield.

That is, before Lin saw the location of the scene of the sea created by the sea cucumber attack.

Now that place has another name - the domain of order.

Or can it be called a twisted land or something.

"Now it is completely owned by us!"

Large groups of robots have now come to the ‘head’ of sea cucumbers.

Although it is the head, it is actually somewhere near the center of the sea cucumber body.

There is a special thing here that can see the scenery outside.

Not only around the sea cucumber, but also far away... can be seen.

Here, Lin can see the area that is called the domain of order.

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