4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3255: Different and identical

"Here... can't do a lot of things."

This place is called the "domain of order"...the body of a small sea cucumber.

After searching, Lin found a lot of creatures here, including a creature that can communicate.

This creature told Lin some things.

It is said that this place is full of ‘order’.

There are so many creatures living here, most of them are different kinds, but the body type is similar.

It seems that the body of each ‘sea cucumber’ can be regarded as a residential area, and different living things live in different living areas.

Lin’s spy is now in this position, and the creatures are similar to the Ershi people.

There are many differences in their morphological form, but they all follow a set of rules.

When is the time to rest, when to eat, when to leave the room to move, and when to do what.

This setting is very strict, almost customizing every creature to do something at every moment.

To be precise, it is based on the neural response of different organisms... After a creature has made the last action, it is ready to do the next action.

If you use Ershimin's reaction speed, it is almost every ten seconds to do something.

These things include when to lift the legs, when to fall, etc., such as when to eat, when to chew, when to swallow, etc., in addition to rest, their lives are completely occupied by these arrangements.

If you don't follow who is doing it, then... will die.

So the creatures here are doing what they are doing according to the settings.

Some creatures will commit suicide without being able to tolerate this situation, but soon there will be new supplements.

Whether it is this small sea cucumber or other sea cucumbers, the living creatures are doing similar things.

They can't escape this strange ‘rule’ at all. Although they don’t know what it means, they have to do it all the time.

However, the creature that communicates with Lin is an exception, and it does not need to follow the rules here.

It thinks that this should be a loophole, and in the end it can move at will.

Although... it can't do anything.

It has tried to do a lot of things before, such as interfering with other creatures, so it kills a lot of creatures.

Then I just want to think of various methods, such as flying an aircraft to escape from here and so on.

Although enough materials can be found in some of the 'furniture' here, these materials... cannot be retained for a long time.

If you take these furniture out to make something else, or just simply remove them from their original position, it will cause these things to disappear.

All in all, this is a very strange place, and everything here is constantly looping through various actions.

Until... Lynn’s arrival.

"Can you take me away?"

This creature is now in front of Lynn's spy. It is a more interesting creature. Its whole is a bubble with a diameter of more than one meter.

Its ‘skin’ is as elastic as a real bubble, but it is also very tough, and through the transparent outer skin it can be seen that there are many floating objects like 'screws' inside.

So it looks like a bubble with a lot of screws.

The way it talks is also by using these screws to collide with each other to make a sound, or to form a different shape... all can represent its meaning, so Lynn calls it... nail bubble.

Initially Lynn didn't know its language, but it had a translator.

This translator also floats inside the bubble and looks like a stone.

This is what it has in its own furniture.

It can use this to translate its own language into the language of Ershimin and many of the creatures here.

It also often finds creatures here to chat, and this creature can still talk when doing various actions.

Said, Lin’s mechanical spies and nails came to the corridor.

Nowadays, there are no creatures in many rooms. According to the nails, these creatures will go to a farther place and don't know what to do.

Because the nails have never been visited... so it doesn't know what they are doing.

At the end of the corridor, Lin and the nail bubble came to... the exit of this place.

After opening the front door, Lin saw that it was a broad platform.

This platform is built on the section of the sea cucumber body, which is connected to the other half of the sea cucumber, or a bridge.

Looking at the empty environment outside, you can see a lot of interesting things.

This environment has many similarities with the previous ones. For example, the bodies of sea cucumbers of many sizes are still floating.

However, there are many buildings on the bodies of these sea cucumbers, as can be seen from the sections of some sea cucumbers.

And around these sea cucumber bodies, there are many things like airplanes.

The nail bubble tells Lin, those creatures that follow the set action sometimes leave the sea cucumber, and when they are outside, they will suddenly have an aircraft they can ride.

But the nail bubble itself may not have a relationship that forces it to act. It does not have any aircraft to ride.

Lin looked around and saw no huge sea cucumbers that the mechanical people took.

And there is a very interesting feeling here, that is, Lin does not feel that the spy is in another space.

This position still feels like being in a normal void.

But there is no way to see the original thing, but to see such a place.

"Do you have a way to leave?"

At this time, the nail bubble sent a question next to Lin.

"Not necessarily." Lynn asked the spy to reply and pulled a small finger from his left hand.

Then... Lin lost it.

After the finger was thrown out, it disappeared in front of the spy... But from the perspective of the finger, Lin could see that the scenery was changing very quickly.

A lot of things around the sky... like the aircraft, the buildings on the sea cucumbers, etc. all disappeared.

At the same time, the huge sea cucumbers that the mechanical people took were also not far away.

This is... back to the original position.

This is similar to what Lin thinks. This 'domain of order' can be said to be a phenomenon of overlapping spaces.

Simply put, let the creatures on each side see different scenery.

They are actually still in the normal void, but some of the 'things' here can interfere with their perception and the things they touch to achieve this effect.

Lynn feels that she can do some more interesting tests.

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