4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3259: position

It seems that this place has been noticed.

In the void, an object is flying.

This object is about ten kilometers in size and looks like a black and white sphere from the outside.

It is exactly half black and half white.

The interior of this sphere is the 'weapon' of Ershi.

Lin now calls it... black and white ball.

Lin also made this look in accordance with the repairer's appearance. Because of the large amount of material collected in the virtual space nearby, it made such a large size.

Lin originally wanted to make bigger, but still forget it.

Although the big body type can be equipped with more weapons and the like, the more energy it needs to transmit.

Lin is now storing the transfer energy ready to transmit again.

However, Lin found that this time it seems that it cannot be easily transmitted.

Because Lynn found... the mutation system has noticed this position.

The mutation system itself was not transmitted, but when it was 'targeted' here, Lynn could feel some anomalies.

To be precise, there is an abnormality in ‘transmission perception’.

When Lin confirmed the next transmission location by perception, she found that the information sent by these perceptions became very blurred.

This is what the variability system uses to interfere with the transmission energy produced by this band.

But it seems that it does not accurately confirm the location of Lin, but to lock Lin's actions through large-scale interference.

Thinking, Lin made a transmission.

However, it is not the transmission of the 'black and white ball' itself, but the transmission of a stone.

Because the transmission perception is disturbed, Lynn is randomly transmitted.

The transmitted stone reached a certain position in the void, and at the same time it was transmitted, it was attacked.

The stone feels that it is surrounded by huge heat, and it instantly dissipates.

So, Lin then randomly sent a lot of stones.

These stones almost reached a different position each time they were transferred... Lin found that most of these locations were attacked.

It seems that the weapons were deployed beforehand.

However, some locations have not been attacked, and no place has been attacked, which is far from the domain of order.

In this case, Lynn decided to transfer the location.

'Snapped! ’

After a moment, Lin's black and white ball arrived at a position... without being attacked.

Although the perception is ambiguous, but Lin first transmitted the stone to locate here, it can be directly transmitted here.

At the moment when the black and white ball was sent, Lin found that there was a sudden ray of light in the empty space that had nothing left.

The brilliance lasted for a few seconds. After the end, Lin found that this void was full of... things.

These things look like buildings, they are mostly black square shapes, and the shell has a lot of light-colored small mouths that look like windows.

Each side is tens of to hundreds of meters in size, and they are also connected to each other by a black 'bridge'.

These things are densely packed with voids around the black and white ball, and the scenery looks quite like the Midgart void.

But what exactly are they? It looks like something like a trap.

Lin had thought of it before, although there was no special case when the stone was transmitted without attacking it... but this is probably intentional.

The trap will not start until Lynn sends the black and white ball.

But even so, it was transmitted.

Because Lin wants to see if this is the case, it looks like now... It seems to be not very good.

At least these buildings have not yet been attacked.

When Lin thought about it, Lin found the nearest one to the black and white ball... There were more than three hundred meters of buildings floating over.

It broke away from the bridges of other buildings, and slowly floated to the black and white ball... landed on the surface of the black and white ball.

Then, Lin found that there were a lot of illuminating objects in the window-like structure that glowed on the building.

They are somewhat like... fireflies, like a body, a beetle-like creature, a few meters in size.

These creatures flew down to the surface of the black and white ball and seemed to wander around in the general exploration.

It seems that they are not traps... they don't know Lin's black and white ball.

They mainly touch the surface of the black and white ball through the structure similar to the antennae on the head, which seems to give them some intelligence.

So, Lin also decided to get some information, and Lin asked some micro-arms to jump to these creatures to start testing.

Lin found that they were completely sealed and that the shell did not have any gaps to allow Lin to enter.

So Lin asked the micro-arms to dig a hole and drilled it in.

Their interiors... are basically soft structures and liquids. Lin also found that their bodies like fireflies are not their bodies, just something like armor.

And there is a soft structure inside to be their body.

The ‘body’ inside is the creature that Lynn knows.

Accurately said that I just met.

In the domain of order, Lin had some creatures and other things in the domain of the sea cucumber that had communicated with Lin.

It means that there are many kinds of creatures inside, and gave a ‘illustration’ to Lin.

Lin saw this creature from the illustrations.

They are called 'black layers' and are creatures that live on the 7th floor of the order.

However, the illustrations have very little introduction to them. They only introduce them as a kind of low temperature creature like a cold stone.

It is not mentioned that they will make these buildings and wear armor that looks like fireflies.

Now Lin is discovering that their armor has a complex system that allows the interior to maintain the temperature that suits them.

They will make Lin feel strange here, because it is far from the domain of order.

Although it should still be regarded as the 'land' of the sea of ​​creation.

After some investigations on the black and white ball, Lin found that more buildings were floating.

These buildings have nothing to do with the 'black layer' to fly out, but to launch a lot of ... pillars against the black and white ball.

These pillars emerged from the bottom of the building and hit the surface of the black and white ball... standing upright on the surface.

The 'black layers' that were explored soon also flew back into the building, and they also controlled the building to launch the columns on the black and white ball.

Under the 'attack' of a large number of buildings around, the surface of the black and white ball is covered with a large number of pillars.

Let it look like the surface is long and thorny.

Lin has already tested these pillars, and Lin found that these things are... explosives.

Simply put, they want to blow up the black and white ball.

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