4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3263: At last

"Is this the limit?"

The space has disappeared.

At present, Lynn's black and white ball is flying in a large number of ... buildings.

In addition to the black-story buildings, this place has many buildings. According to Lin’s investigation, they are indeed some of the creatures that once escaped the domain of order.

As for why their buildings are here, the reason is because... the space has disappeared.

The special space of the domain of order seems to be too far from the domain of order. If it is too far away, it will disappear into the void.

The main reason why they will leave the building seems to be that the creatures that escaped are no exception, and they move in a space that uses space to move.

They must be in space to be mobile.

If the space disappears, they don't even have a way to move in the normal void.

Of course, the general propellers are still made, but...the propellers are very slow and can't travel long distances in the normal void.

And... It seems that many of the creatures that escaped did not install propellers for the building.

There is a building like a black layer, although the speed is not so fast.

The final result, as Lin sees, is that when the space disappears, they have no ability to move.

So their final end... is to stay here.

Some buildings are farther away, and may also have propellers, but Lynn feels that their final result is that they consume energy, and the creatures inside are starving in the void.

It now appears that the black layers seem to face the same result... their buildings have stayed in the void.

The black layer inside does not know what to do now.

Because Lynn found that all of their technology is almost all around the space, there is no space to do anything.

But Lynn’s main concern now is not them, but other creatures that have escaped.

The black and white **** are now flying between their buildings, and Lin flies while spreading the mini-arms to the buildings to investigate the situation.

Lin found their history... in some buildings.

What Linde found to be more interesting is that most of them use ‘text’ to record, that is, to engrave things on the surface of solid objects.

Lin can use the translator to translate these ‘texts’ to understand the history of their escape.

The process of their escape is similar to that of the black layer... In the domain of order, they learned the technique of controlling the separation of a single space.

Then I took the space and left.

It feels like a travel space, but it doesn't actually sound the same.

In general, letting the space 'moving' is achieved by letting space change its 'incoming point' of the entrance and exit and the normal void... and the space of the domain of order, it is not.

Because this whole space is considered as 'entry and exit', when it moves, Lin can feel it is like a huge... the aircraft is active.

Although they are recognized as normal spaces for the sensory organs of the Lin.

But Lin felt that the space of the domain of order should be considered a special space.

At the same time, those technical devices that move the space of the order are mainly implemented by 'pushing'.

That is to say, the domain of the whole order has an effect similar to 'gravitational'.

It integrates all the space together, and the space of the entire order domain is essentially a combination of a large number of small spaces.

As long as you find a way out of this 'gravitational', you can separate the individual space.

The space control devices made by these escaped creatures basically have this effect.

The size of the stripped space varies according to their technical level.

In fact, the higher the level of technology, the smaller the space that is stripped out, or the more "precisely" the space is stripped out.

But in any case, these species did not seem to think about it... leaving the space to travel normally in the normal void.

Although some of them are from the normal void to the domain of order.

Lin investigated the history recorded in most of the buildings, and their situation is almost the same... Because this piece of void has no resources or anything, they end up... starving to death here.

What is strange about Lynn is why they all gather in one place, and they should be different in direction.

But at the end... they all gathered in this position, and they don’t know about it.

Some creatures have mentioned in their historical records that they have encountered other cities left by other creatures when they came here.

It seems that there have been creatures fleeing long ago, and they all stop here.

This may be the effect of the creation of the sea specially designed to make them unable to escape.

In the process of testing... Lynn saw an interesting record in a building.

Other records say basically what they happen after they live in the domain of order and escape. But this record is about some investigations in the domain of order.

The recorder mentioned at the very beginning that it is very skeptical that they are not real creatures, but the ‘consciousness’ that was collected.

This recorder seems to be very familiar with such creatures as sea cucumber, and it knows the behavior of sea cucumber collecting consciousness.

It believes that all the creatures in the domain of the whole order... are all collected consciousness and endowed with different 'body'.

Then the record is about its research on the various creatures in the domain of order.

Lin found that the recorder mainly wanted to integrate the laws of the activities of these creatures to figure out how they maintained the entire order...

These records are almost a report of the living conditions of various creatures.

The recorder did record a very large number of species, and Lynn found it interesting... it found a 'law'.

That is the law of the birth of escapers.

Every once in a while, there will definitely be a group of creatures who understand the space of the domain of order and flee there.

The recorder itself did not think about fleeing, and it has been left in the domain of order to do various research.

It tried to thoroughly understand this place, but it has never been understood.

At some point it tried to track down some of the escaping creatures, and it found that these escaping creatures could not escape completely.

That is to say that they will... and finally stay here, because they are too dependent on space technology, they have no ability to travel in the air.

Then, it specifically went to 'educate' a group of creatures.

It teaches how these creatures can sail out of space in the void, and even give their own records...that is, the one that Lyn sees.

However, they do not seem to be able to leave this position.

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