4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3274: Source of pollution

"Welcome to the halls of the gods."

Lynn arrived here again.

This time I arrived at the ‘entity’.

To be precise, a sphere with a size of about 100 meters is floating here.

Lin used the variability system to move the sea cucumber to the 99th floor, but all the way Shanghai has been splitting.

Every time it reaches a layer, it will drop some parts, so when it finally reaches the 99th floor, the original huge object will only have such a 100-meter part.

The rest itself is not a sphere, but it has been changed by a little modification of Lin.

As for the sea cucumbers scattered on other parts of the layers, they are also controlled by Lin.

Except those that are too shredded.

But these parts have no way to move now... Lin found that the space control devices of these layers seem to have some kind of... It can be said that the defense function is activated.

They think that the sea cucumber controlled by Lin is suspicious, so there are attempts to stop the sea cucumbers in the past.

However, their defensive functions are not very complete, it should be because there are many abnormal reasons here.

So in the end, Lin still had a small part to arrive...99 floors.

As soon as he arrives, Lin can investigate and study here, and understand how Ershi is 'polluting' this place...

A sphere like a giant stone ball flies slowly between the gods.

The illusions of these ‘the gods’ are almost the same as those of Lin’s stone balls. Each time one passes, Lin will launch some micro-arms detection.

Lynn has discovered that the pillar behind these illusions is itself a device for maintaining images.

More interesting is the internal condition of these columns.

Inside each pillar, there are many miniature things that look like puzzles.

Lin found that these 'puzzles' are all assembled, and each puzzle can be said to be a part of the imaging device.

When they are fully assembled, they can emit an external ‘God’ image.

But not all puzzles like to be assembled, and Lynn notices that occasionally some puzzles will try to detach from the whole and will try to fly out of the pillars.

But this escaped puzzle will immediately be under siege of all other puzzles.

They will instantly break up the escaped puzzles and use weapons like guns in the body.

Obviously, these puzzles that try to maintain the image are completely tainted by Ershi.

Those who try to escape are puzzles that have not been completely contaminated.

Lynn examined the internal structure of many puzzles and found that there was a difference between contaminated and uncontaminated interiors.

Only the amount polluted is far more than it is not polluted.

And those who are not polluted, they all pretend to be contaminated, and all the puzzles around them are assembled, but after a long time they will show the feeling of 'unbearable' and try to escape.

Then there is the situation that Lynn sees.

At the bottom of the column is a device for producing new puzzles, which will create new puzzles if the puzzle is missing.

However, most of the things it produces are contaminated, and only a few are normal.

As for the images of other places, for example, the silver of the ‘ground’ is also the same, there are many...the puzzles hidden under the surface.

Lin wants to investigate to see where the source of pollution is, and to detect the situation here, Lin makes the stone ball close to the target.

It is the location of the image of the sea that was created before.

This image has now been replaced by a ‘God’ of the Ershi people's shape, but the special place here is... there is no pillar here.

Lin let the stone ball approach the converted image.

"I have witnessed the true truth of the void."

Like other images, this should have been the sea of ​​creation. Now it is a picture of the Ershi people with blue skin. He is talking about some lines...

Lin directly let the stone ball fly in front of it and touched it gently.

it is as expected……

If you touch it directly, Lynn can feel... it is constantly distributing ‘energy’ to the surroundings.

This 'energy' radiation has affected the puzzle making devices here, making them create infected puzzles.

However, since it is not always distributed, sometimes it will stop, which leads to the production of normal puzzles.

In any case, the source of pollution is here, and there is a feeling of no surprise.

Because the original Lin believes that it will be hidden deeper.

When Lin thought so, Lin suddenly found that the blue skin in front of the Ershi people began to shrink rapidly.

It quickly changed from a hundred meters to a normal Ershi.

As for the styling, there is still no change.

"Kill it."

At the moment when it became smaller, Lynn found that it had said such a sentence, using the language of the current people.

'boom--! ’

At this time, the surrounding ground suddenly burst open, and Lin found countless puzzles flying out of the cracks and surrounded by Lin.

Each puzzle is about a millimeter in size, so the barrage they emit is also very subtle.

But the power is quite powerful, and it can quickly disintegrate the surface of the stone ball.

Therefore, Lin also let the stone ball sprinkle a large number of miniature arms around.

These mini-arms shuttled through the bullets and rain, approaching the flying puzzles and slashing their shells into them.

Lin's mini-arms are much smaller than them. There are a lot of jigsaw puzzles that Lin has invaded and controlled the firepower system.

Then, Lin asked them to turn the muzzle at the same kind around them.

Soon, the battle between the puzzles and the puzzles in the surrounding space... started.

More and more puzzles are controlled by Lin, and those who are controlled are madly attacking the same kind.

Although the stone ball suffered a lot from the beginning, there are no jigsaw puzzles in it.

They are all attacking each other.

Lin is more concerned about... This image becomes the 'Ersh people'.

Lynn also let some micro-arms fly to it, but it has already escaped.

Lin found that it was flying fast on the ground with her legs, and ran out of the speed that most of the people of the city could not run.

However, Lynn’s stone ball can be faster than it.

At this time, Lin let the stone ball speed up and chase it up, and Lin found that it saw it running faster.

At the same time, the surrounding earth's surface exploded, and countless puzzles flew out, constantly initiating a siege against Lin.

At this time, Lynn also aimed at this escaping ‘Eshmin’.

‘Hey! After an instant noise, a ... bullet was fired from the front of the stone ball and hit the head of the target.

Its head... exploded at this moment.

Of course, this is not the key to it, but doing so can stop its actions.

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