"Now, the last area is also occupied by us, everything here belongs to us!"

A large number of metal people appeared between this **** world.

Here, it is indeed the ‘hidden layer’ that Lynn knew before.

This hidden layer was originally the 'birthplace' of the defender.

But now there are quite a few metal people.

The former egg-shaped defender was completely encroached by the metal people. After the internal metal people completely destroyed the various structures inside, they made a hole in the shell of the egg-shaped defender.

Then, they are fighting with Lynn.

All metal people madly attacked Lin's stone arms, and their firepower was weak.

But when they were attacked, Lin could feel that every bullet they shot had a wonderful feeling.

This sensation can directly “stimulate” the nuclear information of some cells inside the arms and cause a small amount of variation in the nuclear information.

The problem is that the weapons they use are also detected, and there is nothing special in them.

So the function of this 'stimulus' seems to be related to the domain of order itself.

It's not very clear at the moment, but Lyn's guess is that each time they attack, the domain of the order itself will be abnormal.

Now Lin can confirm that the domain of order itself is maintained by ‘distortion’.

Twisting keeps everything normal, and all the creatures here work together to form an ecology.

Therefore, Lin also feels that... these metal people may also be produced through 'distortion'.

In short, these metal people give Lin the feeling that it is...virus.

They don't have any fighting power, but they can infect the various devices in the surrounding order and then let them build more metal people.

The entire occupation process is almost like this.

It seems to have occupied all the layers now.

But obviously there are still some doubts, that is, in this place... Lynn only found a defender, that is the egg shape.

The earliest one did not know where to go.

And it is said that the number of defenders is not only two, but now this place is very empty.

Maybe the defenders here have escaped? There are still other reasons.

The sea of ​​creation, Lin did not see it, apparently left for some reason.

This hidden layer is almost the same as other layers, although there is a very special environment... Now Lin sees this group of metal people carrying the building materials in other layers.

Then they started building these buildings on the **** surface.

Then, Lin continued to observe their ... transformation work.

The metal people have been continuing the previous thing, that is, to give the whole place all the erhu.

In various layers, it is suitable for the buildings of Ershimin and the environment like Ershi.

Of course, it takes a long time to transform these, of course, they do not care how long it takes.

Under the command of the 'invasive brain', metal people are moving fast.

And during this period, Lin explored the ‘hidden layer’.

The hidden layer itself is a very interesting place, and its **** surface is mainly composed of sea cucumbers.

To be precise, it is the ‘depletion’ of sea cucumbers, just as the consciousness of sea cucumbers will die, and their bodies will die.

In the domain of order, the bodies of sea cucumbers are everywhere... but these sea cucumbers actually die less thoroughly.

They still maintain some operational functions in the body. In fact, in the domain of order, such as space-controlled devices, they are related to some organs in the sea cucumber.

However, these organs will stop running sooner or later, and the sea cucumber will enter a state of total death.

Those sea cucumbers that are completely dead will be used to be placed in the hidden layer as the surface here.

After Lin came here, many soldiers were drilled into the depths of the hidden surface.

In fact, it is only a surface layer that is strong. If you move down, you can find that the structure below is more and more...soft.

When it was deep enough, that is, about a kilometer deep, Lin found that it was completely liquid.

However, it is not that the original sea cucumber structure becomes liquid, but a very low temperature liquid is located under the sea cucumber structure.

Among these liquids, Lin found a lot of ... creatures.

These creatures are microbes, which are usually half a millimeter in size and in very large quantities.

Lynn didn't know why these creatures were here, but Metals did not seem to care about them.

The performance of the metal Ershi people in the hidden layer is actually quite... abnormal.

In other layers, they basically go everywhere, like the internals of sea cucumbers. They often use excavation or explosion methods to collapse the buildings inside. However, in the hidden layer they never want to dig down, just in the Make things on the surface.

Maybe this underground is really special... although only a few microbes have been found so far.

Lin asked the investigation to continue moving deeper.

The more you go down, the more Lin can feel a strong... feeling.

This feeling is similar to the kind of 'stimulus' that was previously attacked by metal people.

That is, you can feel that something subtle is stimulating the inside of the cell and causing the cell to mutate.

What actually affects the nucleus is very much in the void.

But this feeling is different from anything that Lynn has seen before.

It seems that this is a kind of stimulus that comes out of thin air.

Lynn feels that if she can study it carefully, she may be able to understand what the ‘essence’ of distortion is.

'Snapped--! ’

At this time, Lynn saw... light.

But not here, but on the surface of the hidden layer.

With this light, Lin can see many defenders appear on the surface.

These defenders are all egg-shaped and smaller than before, each of them only a few hundred meters in size.

At the moment they appeared, they began to rotate at high speed.

Along with their rotation, there were also huge cracks on the surface.

A large number of metal people around him rushed over at this time, and they immediately fired at these defenders.

Their shots did not hurt the defenders, but they quickly stopped them one by one.

'boom--! At this time, the cracked surface was further intensified, and huge cracks quickly split toward the depths.

Finally, the crack directly reaches the location of the liquid.

"Hurry up and run! Turn it off!"

At this time, all the metal people were as shocked as they were, all at this moment... leaving the hidden layer.

The hidden layer seems... it will be submerged by the liquid coming out of the ground.

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